Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-1] of 1Posts from gene, anchoragegene, anchorage 2 Reply gene, anchorage 11/12/10 re: Byron C. Radaker quote Higher taxes on anyone destroys the economy!!!! Many of the so called Rich give massive amounts to charities. This administration is socialist, crooked and Evil. They dont give a damn about the people they only want more power for them selves IE Dictatorship. There tax schemes give them more loopholes to avoid the taxes they raise on the people. The people have become sheep, the illegals will not and can not fight for higher wages so the citizens get lower pay and also refuse to fight for higher wages. The employers take advantage of this but at the same time there are so many rules and regulations on our businesses that it costs them a fortune just to open there doors. Our government either steals or missuses 50% of our tax money. With the turning of our backs to God we are sliding down the slope to destruction. Only by returning to God and going to the voting booth and voting out the corrupt Evil Polititions can we save our country. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print