[1726-1750] of 1832

Posts from jim k, austin

jim k, austinjim k, austin
jim k, austin

Ks may be right, but the things I don't need make life a little better and more fun.

jim k, austin

From one of the funniest guys who ever lived. I'm old enough to remember "You Bet Your Life", a great TV show from a while back.

jim k, austin

Who was it who said that history is lies agreed upon. It may have been Napoleon.

jim k, austin

Amen, brother Archer.

jim k, austin

Taylor, Mike, and Carlton, you all nailed it.

jim k, austin

It seems that we never learn from history, and thus we repeat it. In 1920 , the Anti- Saloon League and some other crazies got the 18th ammendent passed and the wonderful world of prohibition was upon us. It was supposed to bring Nervana and no longer could folks legally drink their favorite adult beverages and the country would be well nigh perfect. No more booze, heaven on earth. It was a godsend to people like Al Capone and since folk could not drink legally, they drank illegally. Prohibition corrupted police departments , judges were bought off, people were murdered in the streets, and the country spent millions trying to enforce it. In 1933 the idiocy of prohibition was finally terminated. Did we learn from the this boondoggle, we did not. Nowadays it's called The War On Drugs with the same horrors of 1920-1933 happening all over again. Read " Drug Crazy, How We got Into this Mess And How We Can get out of it". It gives the history of this "War" and is available on Amazon for about 12 bucks. Our country is very close to becoming a police state, if not already, and all because of the War on Drugs. It's ruining this country at a cost of 69 billion per year..It started about 1915, then Nixon really cranked it up in 1970, 38 years ago. It must be stopped. See what former cops and judges think about it at LEAP.CC on the web.

jim k, austin

As to a question mark on religous beliefs, this is tough. For those who believe that a fish really did swallow Jonah, Noah was really in a flood with a boat load of animals , and a walking, talking snake convinced a woman to eat some fruit and started all the worlds problems, they can rarely give up these myths. They live in fear that a mistake will be found in the "Good Book" and that puts the whole thing into question.

jim k, austin

As to authority, it's often better to beg forgiveness than ask permission.

jim k, austin

Algore said that people who disagree with him on global warming are the same as Holocaust deniers. We sure wouldn't want to have a debate on the subject, now would we. Man made global warming is the hoax of the century, along with Roosevelt getting citizens to turn in their gold for bank notes. Gore is a scam artist , deluxe.

jim k, austin

A good quote by a far left liberal. Thank God he was never elected president.

jim k, austin

It's no wonder that Anonymous is anonymous. With chidish responses like that, I'd remain anonymous to.

jim k, austin

Waff, you did it again. There is a BIG difference between Ford, Bank of America, GM and the federal government. If Ford or any company is mismanaged , the company will eventually go out of business or it's management is fired and new people take over. The government has no such problem. when one of it's many bureaus is a failure, as most are, no problem, just raise their budget and send them more money. Your analogy is nonsense, no surprise here.

jim k, austin

Nice try Waff, but I'll take the words of Mr Jefferson over yours.

jim k, austin

Waffler, you get 5 stars for lunacy.

jim k, austin

Good grief, Waffler, do you ever read the nonsense that you write? No one that writes here advocates "attacking" anyone. Do you understand the difference between "attacking" and "defending"?

Jim K, austin

To Waffler, Did you not read my blurb directly above yours? The things that I described go on daily all over this country. As to your insult to women, poor helpless creatures, there are numerous ways that women can and do protect themselves. Some carry that new invention called a pistol and they know how to use it. You know, the thing that the Brady Bunch is trying to outlaw. Wake up and smell the coffee.

jim k, austin

A perfect description of government, a fantastic quote.

jim k, austin

This quote is exactly correct. The police wiil make a report after you are robbed and murdered and try to find the person who did it, but you better protect yourself to avoid them having to make this report.. They may even find the party that murdered you while you are looking up at the grass roots. Citizen, protect thyself.

jim k, austin

The police in this country can stop your car, have a drug sniffing dog find a trace of hemp and arrest you on the spot and confiscate your car. They can take your car and don't even have to charge you with a crime. The same goes for your home if they should find one hemp plant any where on your land, or a part of a hemp plant, one leaf. If this isn't tyranny, it will do till we get some. For good old home grown tyranny, look no further than The War on Drugs and the IRS. (P.S. My drug of choice is caffeine.)

jim k, austin

Mike, well written.

jim k, austin

Hey waffler, here's a newsflash, we have cops NOW. Have you ever written anything that made sense ? Paine was simply stating a fact, namely that you better keep your defences strong since your enemies will always be armed . If you want peace , you better be ready for war. In a perfect world, the lamb may lie down with lion, but as things stand now, the lamb wouldn't sleep too good.

jim k, austin

The key word here is "lawful". Our congress removed the "L" from "lawful" sometime ago, along about the time of the 16th ammendment.

jim k, austin

Waffler, get off this idea that I or anyone else plan to attack the government by force. Where in heavens name did you get a preposterous idea like that? Assuming you can read, check out what Thomas Jefferson thought about government, any government. He was scared of government knowing that it always becomes despotic and enslaves the citizens through confiscatory taxation, as well as other means. George Washington said that "government is like fire, a dangerous servant and a fearful master'. I'll go with Jefferson and Washington, two pretty smart guys.

jim k, austin

Don't you just love it when folks who don't know which end of a gun the bullet comes out of want to ban "assault weapons". This is a sneaky way of getting a foot in the door since they never define the term and almost any rifle or shotgun can be called an "assault weapon". Just ask one of these 2nd ammendment haters to define an "assault weapon" and , of course, they can't do it. An "assault weapon" will be any gun that the Brady bunch wants to ban.

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