[1751-1775] of 1832

Posts from jim k, austin

jim k, austinjim k, austin
jim k, austin

Waff, where do you come up with this idea that anyone is planning to "attack the government by force". Dan is saying that an armed populace can protect itself against a corrupt and power seeking government, As to your last line, the "government" is not the "Constitution", as you seem to suggest.

jim k, austin

Waffler , can't you read ? This is not a quote by Clinton, it's a news item which appeared in the Washington Times. It says ,right at the top," The Washington Times Quote ".We know that the schools are bad in Arkansas but surely you can read plain English.

jim k, austin

On second thought, Maybe Waff is just putting us all on. His diatribes are a bit funny, some comic relief perhaps since they can't be taken seriously.

jim k, austin

Hey Max, maybe you need to talk to some Cubans that have escaped Castros prison known as Cuba. As usual Waffler spouts his nonsense. As to his second sentence of his first paragraph above,how on earth do you get that from the Harvey quote? Hey, maybe Waff is a mind reader.

jim k, austin

He left out one group that will have all the guns they need, They are called "criminals".

jim k, austin

Mr Feder said it exactly in one short sentence. Ahh gibberish, Waffler is thy name.

jim k, austin

The vote on the 2nd ammendment,the D.C. handgun ban, was 5 to 4, which is very scary. It should have been 9 to 0 and we were lucky at that. Bush may have made a lot of mistakes, but his Supreme Court appointments were right on.

jim k, austin

What "2nd half of it". I didn't realize that the quote had 2 parts, sounds great to me, "both halves:.

jim k, austin

The right shall not be infringed , but the Libs keep trying.

jim k, austin

As the man said when the church burned down, "Holy Smoke". Waffler, are you into that white lightning again? What on earth, pray tell, is "government by discussion"? Yes, our politicians do get together and discuss how they can hijack more of our freedoms, buy our votes, and tax us to death, so perhaps it is government by discussion. As Mark Twain said, " No Man's Life, Liberty, or Property is Safe When The Legislature is in Session".

jim k, austin

Waffler, get someone to read this quote to you and think again. The quote says nothing about a militia. It says "A people Armed and Free", and that should be clear enough for even you to understand.

jim k, austin

This quote should be read daily to the "Brady Bunch". Waffler, please describe a "healthy attitude"and tell me who on the side of the 2nd amendment are "sick". Your comment is essentially meaningless, as usual.

jim k, austin

Well said Mike, Norwalk. No one has to take the blame for anything they do anymore, it's this "society" thing that causes all the trouble. Meybe Flip Wilson should have said "Society made me do it" instead of the "Devil".

jim k, austin

Don't you just love the term :assault weapons". To a leftest, that term means almost any gun that you may own. Ask one of them to give you a definition of the term "assault weapons". and you'll likely get a blank stare.When it comes to banning assault weapons , almost any gun can be declared an assault weapon. Beware.

jim k, austin

Steven, it sounds as though you and Waffler have been drinking the same kool aid.

jim k, austin

Hunting on your land may be one thing, but before building on it, be sure and get that environmental impact study and pray that no endangered worm is found. And even though no rain has fallen on the property for 20 years, the EPA may declare your property to be a "wetland " and there goes the neighborhood.

jim k, austin

Unfortunately, our kindly old congress buys votes by stealing from the producers and giving to the non-producers, it's called taxation. As a wise man once said, "robbing Peter to pay Paul, always sounds pretty good to Paul".

jim k, austin

Our Congress forgot about the Constitution a long time ago.

jim k, austin

For an example of socialism, look no farther than the "environmental movement". Want to improve your land? Get an environmental impact study and hope they don't find an "endangered" worm on it. Socialists are basically control freaks of which we have a plentiful supply here in the U.S.

jim k, austin

Stealing from one to give to another is now done legally, it's called "taxes".

jim k, austin

Ayn is right on the money.

jim k, austin

Archer, right on target.

Jim k, austin

Waffler, once in a while you almost sound cogent , and then you come up with gibberish like the nonsense above.

jim k, austin

Hitler would have been proud. I'm sure that he formed the "Hitler Youth" out of the warmth and love in his heart. When tyrants steal your property and your freedoms , it's always for the greater good.

jim k, austin

There's always the rule of unintended consequences, such as when the US sends food to various countries, and in so doing depresses the market for the local farmers. Then there was the misguided thing called "Urban Renewal" which has virtually destroyed the Black family structure. Just two of many examples, but have faith, and remember the slogan,"I'm from the government and I'm here to help you".

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