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Posts from jim k, austin,tx

jim k, austin,txjim k, austin,tx
jim k, Austin,Tx

Between "decadence" and "vitality", decadence is ahead at this time. We can start a return to vitality in November.

jim k, Austin,Tx

What does Detroit, Youngstown, Cleveland, and states like Michigan,and New Jersey have in common ? They are broke, in debt up to their eyeballs, have terrible economies, are heavily unionized and run by liberal democrats.

jim k, Austin,Tx

I'm with you, J Carlton, November is trash month.

jim k, Austin,Tx

Our government schools no longer teach our children the principles on which our nation was founded. I'm sure, however, that they are taught of the wonders of our current socialist president.

jim k, Austin,Tx

He nailed it with the first sentence of this quote.

jim k, Austin,Tx

If Hillary and Obama get their way, we may soon be pledging allegiance to that bunch of commies known as the U.N.

jim k, Austin,Tx

To forgive the follies of the Bush administration and the Obama misfits strains me to no end. If Pelosi and the gang where where they ought to be, they would all need a "pardon".

jim k, Austin,Tx

I am currently reading a book titled " The Liberal Mind,The Psychological Causes of Political Madness". This is done in an effort to try and see what goes on inside the liberal skull and why. By the way Waff , I believe Mike gave it four stars, not five.

jim k, Austin,Tx

The last sentence seems to have been jumbled just a little. Rent the movie, 1984, to get a handle on why their is war , and remember that people will surrender one freedom after another in order to defeat the "enemy".

jim k, Austin,Tx

An example would be those who live by way of welfare. They are enslaved to Big Brother and don't even know it.

jim k, Austin,Tx

Ken Allyn summed it up well. For proof, just look inside the Beltway.

jim k, Austin,Tx

Rebecca, I'm curious about those "last days" you mention. In 1948 when Israel became a state, our fundamentalist preacher assured us that Jesus would return any day now and that these were truly " the last days". I was 15 at the time and , you do the math, and it seems that the "last days" are taking their sweet time getting here. I don't put much stock in Bible "predictions" or those who interpret these predictions.

jim k, Austin,Tx

We hear a lot of babbling about "rights" these days. The right to "free" health, care, food, education, you name it. The word free comes into play for all these so-called rights.There is one right that would be nice but the govrnment won't allow it. That's the right To Be Left Alone. Things would work out pretty well if the government would keep out of every part of everyone's life, but the dogooders in Washington have got to butt in and fowl up everything they touch.

jim k, Austin,Tx

Dick, Ft Worth, Your statement is nonsense. The poor, by definition have nothing so why on earth would robbing them to give to the rich make any sense.

jim k, Austin,Tx

I do not remember writing the line above under my name , but I agree with it.

jim k, Austin,Tx

If we value security more than freedom, we will soon have neither. I am a bit mystified by "who knows" as to what Jesus had to do with Sam Adams.

jim k, Austin,Tx

Anne, Don't forget that congress had to approve the Patriot Act.

jim k, Austin,Tx

As to the quote, that's what governments do. Ever notice how many "wars" we have. Wars on cancer, obesity, drugs, and a host of others. By pushing this phony and unwinnable "war on drugs" the police now have the power under the Asset Forfeiture Laws to steal your property without even charging you with a crime. If you think I'm wrong, check out LEAP.cc on the web.

jim k, Austin,Tx

Obamas Idea of plugging the oil leak seems to be to sue BP. How that will stop the leak is beyond me. Remember how Bush caught hell over slow response to Katrina? Obama has lunch with Duke basketballers and goes on vacation and does nothing to even help those trying to stop the oil leak and the press says nothing. Interesting. Vanity thy name is Obama.

jim k, Austin,Tx

Obama can't stand any criticism of any kind and is working to stifle it. Naturally, if you oppose Obama it's only because you are a racist and oh how liberals love to play the race card.

jim k, Austin,Tx

No man's life or property is safe when the legislature is in session.

jim k, Austin,Tx

Justin, what on earth does your comment have to do with the quote? How do you know what Patton wanted us to remember ? Thank God that we had men like George Patton are we could all be speaking German now.

jim k, Austin,Tx

Such as cowards who prefer the welfare state instead of liberty.

jim k, Austin,Tx

Waffler, why would you desecrate the quote with the mention of taxes?

jim k, Austin,Tx

Darn that Rand Paul, he still supports that pesky Constitution.

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