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Posts from robken


I could argue with Epictetus but I suppose I will just have to wait until we meet in another life. My first comment is that being free and being educated do not belong in the same argument if this is a premise of the argument. Being free is totally subjective and has nothing to do with being educate, though I know where he is going with this quote but it is really our of context with his other works. Being free is also reliant on the government who allows the individual to move and act freely within the society. If there is a word I would align with being free it is DISCIPLINE Have fun with that one..


The truth is that we never really had a Republic in the first place.


In some cases we have to wait a long time for discovery because those committing the crime will be dead by then - and I think you are all intelligent enough to know who they.


Excellent! This is truly exemplified by what children learn from their parents - thank god some escape that school of learning. OK, that's not directed to all you parents - you know the ones I mean.......


Yes, I wish the American public would do that with the OBL saga - it's either that or the government is paying many schill's


We are there and it's power is absolute


It depends on your definition of illiterate - as far as current affairs, matters of government, reason and ethics are concerned there is even a bigger gap. The illiterate of the 21st century are those who blindly follow without question, blindly believe what they are told by the corporate media, and by their government. And, yes, we do not learn or unlearn; and as for relearn is concerned, you can,t relearn what you haven't learned, and by God, most have never truly learned. This does beg the question, what is learning? OK I asked for it! Learning: As Jeff Cobb said: Learning is the lifelong process of transforming information and experience into knowledge, skills, behaviors, and attitudes. This may help: http://www.thegreatcourses.com/tgc/courses/Course_Detail.aspx?cid=4278 As Alexander the Great said, "Give me a soldier that knows nothing and I'll make a General of him"


Great! but only half the need - the other being wisdom. This doesn't come from learning but from observing. To have both is truly great!


Then why do we still have it. We print this BS and then do nothing. Like politicians, they are bought and paid for whores. We no longer have backbones we sold those to the devil.


Again Ron we agree but where is the action America has had enough of words and promises.


I agree with you Ron but I want to see the Bills - enough of all this rhetoric, we got that from Obama and look what happened. Our representatives have no morals no ethics and those that do either get killed, physically or metaphorically. Forget the audit how about bringing a Bill that get's rid of the Federal Reserve. The whole thing is a sham - the banks get loans from the fed at nearly zero interest and then let's the government have loans for 3 percent so in a matter of seconds the banks have made millions in profit. Oh, and now they say they killed the bogeyman (Osama bin Laden) wow! so it took 10 years, killing millions of innocent civilians, bankrupting the world, and it was all an inside job. America wake up see what's really happening to your country because it is no longer mine and soon it will be no longer yours. Have a pleasant day!or more


Yes, Mr Crane, and who do you think manipulates these governing factors - if you wish to know the real reason then go to your Cato Institute and discuss who the real power comes from. Then rewrite the above. I give him one star for being on the right train but wrong track.


Ron Paul is only fooling himself if he believes this.

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