Judge Braswell Dean Quote

“This monkey mythology of Darwin is the cause of permissiveness, promiscuity, prophylactics, perversions, pregnancies, abortions, pornotherapy, pollution, poisoning and proliferation of crimes of all types.”

~ Judge Braswell Dean

Time Magazine, March 1981

Ratings and Comments

Beth, Atlanta

Ignorance such as this has hampered the advancement of scientific knowledge in America. Keep your religious beliefs where they belong - in a house of worship and let everyone else make up their own mind.

E Archer, NYC

LOL! Too funny!

David L. Rosenthal

Not true. All these things existed long before Darwin.

Joe, Rochester, MI

Apparently he couldn't think of a "p" word for abortions. Obviously they didn't have "planned parenthood" or the "pill". LOL

Anonymous, Reston, VA US

That an educated person knows not the difference between "mythology" and "leading scientific theory" is an indictment of both our educational system and the sick power of the radical religious right's ability to pervert our very language to their own ends. In a marvelous turn of events, we find David & Joe on the same apparent side here! ;-)

Robert, Sarasota

And he was a Judge to boot!

Mike, Norwalk

Though there are no scientific absolutes to Darwinism, as a stand alone theory, it does not promote or deny morality. While Darwinism has attained a certain mythological status in the scientific pop culture the Zen may be the closest idealism to Darwinism, it is what it is. Atheism has no anchors or claim to morality while Christianity sets forth certain acts to be good or evil. Both belief systems here really don't address a morality issue as would associate with Darwinism.

  • Reply
    EGL, LA    9/14/06

    We should rate the responses, not just the quotes--Joe wins today.

    Senor Reek, Heartland, USA

    Hee, hee! Braswell Dean was a man before his time! Now the entire Govt. agrees with him. So much for the seperation of Church & State, eh?

    don dalgleish, london uk

    This man is a judge? I hope you are making it up!

    Andy, Portland, OR

    Is this some kind of sick joke?

    John, Milwaukee

    Right. That's why abortion is as strong as it is among catholics, and christian priests are notorious for getting into little boys' pants.

    dmhlt, Hometown, USA

    We can only hope he was sterile.

    child of God, heaven

    i agree with this for all you non christians who think that were created by MONKEYS! I dont think so! give GOd the credit for creating you.

    Chris, Montreal, Qc, Canada

    Other times, other ideas... Unfortunately, many are still stuck with this limited view because of their beliefs. Lets just hope they are not at the Supreme Court...

    John, Kenosha

    All of us are going to die. Some of us are going to be surprised.


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