Famous Eric Schaub Quote

“Life is a gift. Freedom is a responsibility.”

~ Eric Schaub

The Common Man, 2003

Ratings and Comments

Georgia Peach, Savannah

How true!

Lynnette, Sugarland TX

true, i enjoy this one alot.

Anonymous, Reston, VA US

The first half is both too glib and too subject to interpretation (what is "life" and what is "a gift", who is the "giver", etc). The second half is a basic truth.

Dick, Fort Worth

Reston is right. Life can be hell from the beginning in millions of cases.

E Archer, NYC

Indeed life is a gift -- and a mystery! From wherever it has originated, it is not something man has created. I do not take it for granted.

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EGL, LA    12/26/06

Freedom is a responsibility is alot like saying education is lost on the young. If Americans do not wake up to the fact that their freedom is not a guarantee but is at increasing risk then perhaps it should be taken from them so they can experience its value through absense.

Joe, Rochester, MI

Reston, what is the meaning of "is"?

Anonymous, San Jose,Ca

Life is indeed a gift, without which nothing is possible. Freedom exists only where it is taken, allowed and protected.

Ronw13, Yachats Or

It does seem, many speak of the Constitution, but neglect to mention our Declaration of Independence. Reston speaks as one who has no children ? therefore he has no respect for the gift of life. The gifts and calling of God are without repentance. God concludes all at fault, that he might have mercy upon all. Liberty and justice for all ? The Sons and Daughters, born of Liberty, bear the responsibility of presenting themselves a living sacrifice to God. The outworking of Natural law is the manifestation of the Spirit of life in and at Liberty, the active agent of God. Strait is the gate and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. The natural law of Liberty is a lamp and the law is light; reproofs of instruction are the way of life. When thou goest, it shall lead thee, when thou sleepest, it shall keep thee, and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee. Great Quote, Thank you Mr. Schaub.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Life is a challenge, for "you better be good."

E Archer, NYC
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E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 11/19/24

"As you sow so shall you reap."

Mike,, Norwalk

Life is a gift. The giver is the Eternal Father. The Christ gave the gift of eternal life.

Freedom, an inalienable expression of life, carries with it responsibility.

Eric, thank you VERY ! ! ! much for your insights and all that you do.

Editor, Liberty Quotes
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Editor, Liberty Quotes Mike,, Norwalk 11/19/24

Thank you, Mike!!  And thank you all!
We are not alone. 
We've been keeping the vigil.
And it's mattered!

What a whirlwind these last 30 years.  The news was fake then, and only a handful were aware of the false narrative of de facto rule.  The republic has been on the ropes for decades  and there has never been a more hopeful time of awakening since the founding of these united States of America  and the world  than now.

The truth has made us free.  Now it's time for everyone else...  That's the work, there is none other.  I continue to pray for Fred and hold onto hope for him and others who sincerely believe they are pursuing what is right. 

We keep the torch lit for them.  Cheers.

Mike,, Norwalk
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Mike,, Norwalk Editor, Liberty Quotes 11/20/24



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