Sir Francis BaconSir Francis Bacon, (1561-1626) Philosopher, British Lord Chancellor

Famous Sir Francis Bacon Quote

“The man who fears no truths has nothing to fear from lies.”

Sir Francis BaconSir Francis Bacon
~ Sir Francis Bacon

Ratings and Comments

Hannah-16, North Carolina

The man who fears no truth must be pretty brave. The truth is not very warming sometimes and lies are better. (I am not a bad person, but you know that I am right)

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    Anonymous    5/5/09

    I'm confused, Hannah... what do you mean by "warming?"

    O. Delusional Liberal

    I don't know... a man who fears no truths can fear the lies of powerful people out to get him.

    Mike, Norwalk

    Hmmm, In Hitlery's and Bill's case, their victims fear the truth so most needs cover the criminality with silence or lies. Previous Waco residents may have something else to say. In general though, fairly accurate.

    Ronw13, Oregon

    Bacon speaks of scientific method of study, to weed our personal bias. Therefore fears no lie or false outcome. Much like a double blind study. Spiritually "perfect love casteth out all fear." " The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." There is also nothing wrong with being careful when behind enemy lines.

    E Archer, NYC

    COURAGE! And tell no lies.


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