Fred Holden Quote

“Taking into account all levels of government, the net tax rate of those born in 1920 is 29% over their lifetimes, rising gradually to 34% for those born in 1980. For the generation born in 1994, it is 84%, and reduced only to 72% by the "extreme" Republican budget proposals. Is it fair for our future citizens to keep only 16% or 28% of their earned income?”

~ Fred Holden

Government can never be "back in business," The Unreported News, p. 6, January 31, 1996.

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  • Reply
anonymous    9/24/13

Sounds like Fred Holden has no substantiating data to support that assertion. Data Please.

  • Reply
anonymous    9/24/13

Fred Holden doesn't exist in Wikipedia as of 9/24/13 12:35PM-PST.

J Carlton, Calgary

The tax system is one of the greatest criminal frauds in the history of the planet. It is about the destruction of freedom and total control of people...not "infrastructure". Abolish the Federal Reserve.

Mike, Norwalk

For the purpose of this blog, that being brief quotes, it is impossible to lay the foundation and research for the quote's stated percentages. Income and property taxes are a slave's forced offering to their master, hopefully achieving an uninterrupted certain level of life style (because a slave's government master is anti-law, there are no guarantees). "Fair" is a very, VERY, ambiguous concept - at best. Income and property tax are actions that are criminally antithetical to law, natural law based morals and the public welfare. The occupying statist theocracy infesting this land habitually practices the anti-law commission of crimes which, is WAY beyond any concept of fair. Comparing the criminal activities of a slave master to "fair" is a complete misdirection that muddies a true concept of law, justice, freedom and liberty. Are crimes nature (law) and slavery fair ?

jim k, Austin, Tx

J Carlton is correct. The 2nd biggest problem and horrible mistake is the War on Drugs. It is actually a war on people, not drugs.

watchman 13, USA

Does the king tax strangers or his children? Washington warns of these things in his farewell address. Read it !

E Archer, NYC

Anyone who has been around for the last 50 years can attest to the doubling and tripling of tax rates in America along with the massive depreciation of the value of currency (i.e. inflation). There is a difference between being poor and being in debt -- in the fifties people could live on a meager salary -- today, everywhere you look, cars, houses, businesses, nearly everything has been purchased with 'credit' - i.e. debt. Not to mention the massive property tax increases -- how can one be taxed on the property one owns? That is paying rent on your own property -- and if you don't pay, it can be taken away and sold at auction before you can even defend your rights to it. Americans have been conditioned into a debt mentality and now the youth of America have inherited the debts of the generations before them. Something's got to give -- unfortunately it is the backs of the People.


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