George OrwellGeorge Orwell, [Eric Arthur Blair] (1903-1950) British author

George Orwell Quote

“At any given moment, there is a sort of all pervading orthodoxy, a general tacit agreement not to discuss large and uncomfortable facts.”

George OrwellGeorge Orwell
~ George Orwell

Ratings and Comments

J Carlton, Calgary

This would apply to far too many events in the last 25 years. America and it's original intent of sovereignty has been corrupted than anyone would care to discuss publicly. Constitutional Treason prevails in the White House.

Mike, Norwalk

Uncomfortably, that which has been presented as an explanation for 9-11 events, pervades the orthodoxy of scientific fact. Orwell's here statement is also a reference to the occupying statist theocracy infesting this land's courts, legislating the Constitution out of existence.

jim k, Austin, Tx

The old saying, never discuss religion and politics pervades this nation, and our family. If we have Thanksgiving with my wife's son and his family, the school teacher and liberal one, I cannot declare that he is an idiot for fear of disrupting dinner and pissing him off.

Matthew, Peoples Republik of Kalifornia

Agreed, now let's change the subject...

warren, olathe

This is how the whole idea of political correctness works. With out debate the brain is never challenged with opposing ideas so as to learn and grow from them. This empowers the left to use endless propaganda and protect it with constant hate mongering for anyone that would even question the lies they spew. We are left with the fear of making enemies if our opinions are known so if we want to talk honestly we have to hide behind the anonymity of websites like this one. This way people that are not ideologs, as many of us on this site are, are stuck without any challenge to what they hear from the media. They are told that only racist bigots would watch, listen, or read an opposing view. This is very effective with casual media consumers and is how a population that is 20% liberal has liberal politicians often dominating our government. I love how reformed communists brains work. The left hates anyone that knows what they (the left) are up to.


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