Georges Bernanos, (1888-1949) French author Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Comment on this quote Share via Email Print this Page Georges Bernanos Quote “The first sign of corruption in a society that is still alive is that the end justifies the means.”Georges Bernanos ~ Georges Bernanos (1888-1949) French authorThe Last Essays of Georges Bernanos, 1955 Corruption , Deception , Justice , Power Ratings and Comments Reply Ally, Ont. Can. 5/15/05 Reply Anonymous 1/23/08 Great...but what does it mean? Reply philip 8/1/10 4 Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 12/20/13 As Stalin once said, If you're going to make an omelet you have to break some eggs. Meaning, Anonymous, If he had to starve millions of people to death, it was fine if he reached his "goals". Reply watchman 13, USA 12/20/13 Spain was truly a mess. Franco was not a good influence on the man. Nor his religious background I suspect. 2 Reply A.WOODS, Gloucester 12/22/13 While Bernanos did initially support the Spanish Nationalist rebels he was quickly disenchanted with them once he observed them put their ideals into action: "My illusions on the enterprise of General Franco did not last long - two or three weeks - but while they lasted I conscientiously endeavoured to get over the disgust which some of the men and means inspired in me." - Bernanos, Georges. A Diary of My Times, London: Boriswood, 1938, p. 85. I suppose that ultimately the Spanish Fascists were a good influence on Bernanos because their behavior allowed him to see the them clearly. 3 Reply E Archer, NYC 12/22/13 For the most part, any kind of social engineering is in fact 'the end' rather than the means to an end. We never actually get to the professed 'end' but we do end up being more and more controlled without end. 2 Reply Mike, Norwalk 12/16/20 Torture is okay because you may get information you want. Voter fraud is okay because you get the desired puppet. The ends of compelled compliance, government licenses, victimless crimes, larceny with impunity (2nd plank of the communist manifesto, Social Security, police state confiscations) and NON-recognition of individual sovereignty, inalienable rights and liberty are the justified means of tyrannical enslavement. SaveOk2 SaveOk2 View CommentsClick to view or comment. Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print This Georges Bernanos quote is found in these categories: Corruption quotes Deception quotes Justice quotes Power quotes About Georges Bernanos Bio of Georges Bernanos Quotations by Georges Bernanos Books by/about Georges Bernanos Georges Bernanos videos Georges Bernanos on Wikipedia Astrological chart for Georges Bernanos