Harold EvansHarold Evans, (1928-) British journalist, writer, editor

Harold Evans Quote

“Propaganda is persuading people to make up their minds while withholding some of the facts from them.”

Harold EvansHarold Evans
~ Harold Evans

Ratings and Comments

Joe, Rochester, MI

The U.S. government uses propaganda to get the people to tell them to do what they are constitutionally forbidden from doing.

Michael Gregoroff, BC Canada

The US government is doing this as for as the war is concerned, war for oil is not the way to go!

Mike, Norwalk

Welcome to Amerika, where the occupying statist theocracy infesting this land has its evangelists exploit erroneous propaganda to make up the week-minded's agenda based on intentially limited and biased facts.

jim k, Austin

The media is expert at this.

E Archer, NYC

An independent press serves as a check against itself. There isn't really an objective press -- a 'newspaper' is supposed to, at least, attempt to report daily events impartially, and there are a few writers who are good at delivering both sides of an argument. But newspapers are owned by people, run by people, written by people -- every newspaper reflects the bias of its owners and editors. That is to be expected, and as far as history goes, that is the way it has always been, free press or not.

What gives propaganda its weight comes from the mindset of the 'audience.' Condition people to 'believe' and to 'trust' and they will not question or condemn.

Does a 5% ownership of the Washington Post give any pull in what topics will be covered and editorialized? Foreign ownership of the American media is significant. With time and discernment, one can determine the political agendas of the various media companies -- the majority of which push globalist agendas, i.e. national socialism for the world under the UN.

The real war is for the American mind!

E Archer, NYC

There is an obvious coordination of the delivery of information to direct the populace to action.  When every talking head uses the same new jargon rather than speaking plainly and truthfully, we know we are being told what the powers-that-should-not-be want us to hear.  The media has always been biased, and it used to be difficult to get a story or video on the air.  The truth has never been broadcast unless it is beneficial for the broadcaster.

Today, the 'narrative' is written and produced by oligarchs which endeavor to program the populace.  Their jargon justifies their hypocrisy and their censorship.

As I said before, the real war is for the American mind.


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