Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Comment on this quote Share via Email Print this Page Harry Bridges Quote “No man has ever been born a Negro hater, a Jew hater, or any other kind of hater. Nature refuses to be involved in such suicidal practices.” ~ Harry Bridges (1901-1990) American labor leader in the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Diversity , Equality , Love , Nature , Prejudice , Racism , War Ratings and Comments Reply David L Rosenthal 10/12/06 Reply Mike, Norwalk 10/12/06 Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 10/12/06 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 10/12/06 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 10/12/06 Research has now shown that, although no one is born a hater, people will tend to prefer, trust, and be more comfortable around people like themselves, and that is Nature. It takes a conscious effort of human intellect to overcome the natural instincts that make us want to divide by tribe or clan. It takes a conscious, positive, and continuing effort to bring about a peaceful coexistence with our "different" neighbors. The best way to ensure a peaceful coexistence is not multiculturalism, i.e. maintaining the divisions, but creating a common community. That is, we are all Americans, not African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, etc. The answer is assimilation to a common culture. Reply Jack, Green, OH 10/12/06 You are so right, Ken, but it is so difficult to overcome the maxim: "birds of a feather flock together". It is not impossible, however, and has been done many times in many places. Reply E Archer, NYC 10/13/06 I disagree with the 'you will be assimilated' comment by Ken. The goal is not a common culture, but an agreed upon voluntary association of a multitude of different individuals all wishing their liberties protected (while respecting each others'). Vive la difference! Reply Ricky 11/15/07 Reply Anonymous, San Diego, CA 5/31/08 Ken I completely agree with you, this is a great statement. I try to explain to people that we should be proud to be an American, not of our ethnic background. There are too many other problems in the world. Reply sebastian 9/18/08 Reply pt, phx 2/3/10 I am so impressed with all of the wisdom being spoken in regards to the above quote. I really and truly believe true love and true freedom doesn’t look at ethnic back ground. Nature as a whole has pretty much perfect harmony. 1 Reply Robert, St. Emelion 10/14/14 Compassion is from the heart, hate you must learn.... Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/14/14 Not to worry. We have a government that practices "social engineering." Problem solved. 1Reply jim k, austin tx 10/14/14 A good quote and I hate to shoot the messenger , but Harry Bridges was a communist. I'm old enough to remember him. 1Reply jim k, austin tx 10/14/14 ... and he was high up in the Communist Party. SaveOk2 SaveOk2 View CommentsClick to view or comment. Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print This Harry Bridges quote is found in these categories: Diversity quotes Equality quotes Love quotes Nature quotes Prejudice quotes Racism quotes War quotes About Harry Bridges Bio of Harry Bridges Quotations by Harry Bridges Books by/about Harry Bridges Harry Bridges videos Harry Bridges on Wikipedia Astrological chart for Harry Bridges