Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Comment on this quote Share via Email Print this Page Harry Kalven, Jr. Quote “Seditious libel is the doctrine that flourished in England during and after the Star Chamber. It is the hallmark of closed societies throughout the world. Under it criticism of government is viewed as defamation and punished as a crime.” ~ Harry Kalven, Jr. A Worthy Tradition: Freedom of Speech in America, 1988 Crime , Government , Justice , Speech , Tyranny , Tradition Ratings and Comments Reply Mike, Norwalk 8/2/06 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 8/2/06 Thank God for the 1st Amendment. Reply Anonymous 8/2/06 And here in America... King George rides again... Reply Annette, Los Angeles 8/2/06 Reply E Archer, NYC 8/2/06 The Patriot Act has created just that. People are held in secret without charge indefinitely. Pre-emptive justice has become widely accepted as necessary for the common good. If you are not with us, you are against us, thus there is a chance that you may hurt us one day, so we will arrest you now to make sure that doesn't happen. (We've come a long way, baby.) Reply Dick, Fort Worth 8/2/06 So???? Reply David L. Rosenthal 8/2/06 I publish criticism of our government constantly. Some people are paranoid. Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 8/2/06 Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you. But seriously, we are not living in a fascist state, George Bush is, in fact, not Hitler, and the Patriot Act did not create a Star Chamber or secret concentration camps for seditious liberals who would do anything for power, including ensuring our defeat at the hands of Islamonazis. On the other hand, never trust government. SaveOk2 SaveOk2 View CommentsClick to view or comment. Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print This Harry Kalven, Jr. quote is found in these categories: Crime quotes Government quotes Justice quotes Speech quotes Tyranny quotes Tradition quotes About Harry Kalven, Jr. Bio of Harry Kalven, Jr. Quotations by Harry Kalven, Jr. Books by/about Harry Kalven, Jr. Harry Kalven, Jr. videos Harry Kalven, Jr. on Wikipedia Astrological chart for Harry Kalven, Jr.