John Marshall Quote

“The province of the Court is solely to decide on the rights of individuals... . Questions, in their nature political or which are, by the Constitution and laws, submitted to the Executive, can never be made in this court.”

~ John Marshall

Marbury v. Madison, February 23, 1803

Ratings and Comments

Mike, Norwalk

For me, the jury is still out (sorta speak) on the subject of judicial review. There is no specific mention in the Constitution as to its practice while, it does follow narrowly (maybe sort of skirting on the outside) the normal course of Supreme Court authorized action. In fact and practice, it probably gives the Court more authority than was intended.

E Archer, NYC

It's not so much the court as the jurisdiction that bothers me. As the federal government continues to extend its claim over the labors and property of the people, the expanded jurisdiction of the courts is assumed -- how else to challenge the claim but in government courts? Thus, no real redress. The inter-state commerce clause has been used to justify all matter of legislation that supposedly the common man must 'obey' -- after all that is what legislatures do, right? Wrong! Regulating commerce has turned into regulating everyone.


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