Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Comment on this quote Share via Email Print this Page L. Neil Smith Quote “Few things are more laughably pitiable than authority once it has been successfully defied.” ~ L. Neil Smith American writerThe Probability Broach, 284 (Tor, 1980). Authority , Defiance , Respect Ratings and Comments Reply Mann, Kalamazoo 6/11/13 There's at least one glaringly obvious thing that's "more laughably pitiable" than authority "defiled." It's the steady drone of fatally belated, whiny, ignorant protestations issuing from the defiled ones - and sounding like much of the daily commentary one may encounter here. Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 6/11/13 He also said " Government is a disease masquerading as it's own cure". How true !! Reply Mike, Norwalk 6/11/13 Mann, I like it ;-) Authority defined at natural law, legal positivism, legal realism, at religion, etc. all have very different effects on whom the authority is directed. Reply Mike, Norwalk 6/11/13 Thanks jim - your add on quote goes a long way in demonstrating my comment. Reply E Archer, NYC 6/12/13 People muster the courage to face the devil when the curtain is pulled back to reveal nothing but props. Reply Roland, Bonner's Ferry 5/2/14 SaveOk2 SaveOk2 View CommentsClick to view or comment. Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print This L. Neil Smith quote is found in these categories: Authority quotes Defiance quotes Respect quotes About L. Neil Smith Bio of L. Neil Smith Quotations by L. Neil Smith Books by/about L. Neil Smith L. Neil Smith videos L. Neil Smith on Wikipedia Astrological chart for L. Neil Smith