PlatoPlato, (429-347 BC) Greek philosopher

Plato Quote

“Bodily exercise, when compulsory, does no harm to the body; but knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind.”

~ Plato

Ratings and Comments

Mike, Norwalk

Not sure how to rate this, its kinda true in a context of overall Plato but, so wrong in so many instances of reality. How the statist theocracy violates young minds in government schools (a sort of Stockholm Syndrome) keeps a hold on the mind of so many.

Waffler, Smith

Mike you could have said and seen the quote this away. State schools require attendance and try to instill a love for and a way forward for children to develop study habits and desire for knowledge. That some fail to develop a love and desire and that others do is a mark of our free and democratic society and its' great school system. The fact that some fail and don't develop the desire is also a positive mark for our society. Those who seek a forced type of education be it public, private or home schooling are on the wrong track. Giving children and people opportunities is what true education should be about in my opinion. Those who expect every one to succeed splendidly in such an endeavor our smoke some strong stuff.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Waffler, what are public schools if not a "forced type of education" ? "Public schools" and "education" is a contridiction in terms, or as Mark Twain put it, "Don't let schooling get in the way of your education".

cal, lewisville, tx

Well said Mike and Jim K. If Waffler played baseball-what a left fielder he would be.

Mike, Norwalk

(-; Waffler, I could have said and seen the quote that way BUT !, . . . ;-) Waffler, thank you, you've made me smile while shaking my head way beyond lol. (-; I'm pretty sure we don't define love, forward for children development, knowledge, desire for others, freedom, or democracy the same way ;-)

E Archer, NYC

Mike makes a valid point; however, illusion requires constant energy to keep it propped up whereas the truth stands on its own without effort. The propaganda machine constantly veils reality -- but catch the man behind the curtain and turn off the boob tube, one can finally see reality for what it is. And isn't that what 'education' is all about -- to learn about reality and facilitate the learning process? Waffler, my experience in public school was of absolute boredom -- there was no instilling a 'love' of learning, quite the opposite, it was to stifle any individual exploration and curiosity. We were being 'socialized' and frankly the smarter kids just weren't buying it. But despite all this, I walked to my local library regularly and spent hours reading things I couldn't find at school or home. Waffler seems to regularly assume that children without some compulsory authority will not love knowledge, be curious, want to be free and responsible, to make their parents and friends proud, to be an active member of society, etc.. Is it because he was so thoroughly indoctrinated that he can't believe he or anyone else would even want to learn, read, write, etc. without being told to?

Waffler, Smith

Villages everywhere try to get kids up to speed in order to make their own choices and lo and behold that is what we do here also in this our country. To expect every kid to be a spended intellect or student is a compulsory single minded, and just plain dumb expectation and/or attitude.

E Archer, NYC

Plato kind of glosses over "compulsory bodily exercise" as not harmful to the body -- but what makes the exercise compulsory? That seems to me to be quite harmful to the body AND mind.

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

Readily demonstrably untrue.

An overwhelming plurality of the population of the planet act reflexly under the tutelage of compulsions endogenously generated or exogenously conditioned.

It was ordained that knowledge be Man's servant, not his master.

Knowledge, uninformed by Understanding, unconstrained by Principle, has been the taskmaster of Man since the time of the Fall.

E Archer, NYC

I had to break out the dictionary again, Patrick Henry -- 'endogenous' vs. 'exogenous'. Either way, you are talking about a pile of compost -- some perhaps a little more 'steaming' than others. The distinction is whether what grows comes from within or is transplanted. Given that 'Knowledge is Power' and 'great power requires great responsibility,' knowledge without understanding and unconstrained by principle is dangerous. The allegory of the 'Fall of Man' highlights dangers and pitfalls from which there may be no return. But I am not a fatalist. I trust in the process of Life, from beginning to end. I know not about the life to come, if there is one in the 'hereafter.' If I pray, it is usually in thanks or an appeal for the courage to live up to the principles of honor and compassion. I hope to one day grow up to an old wise man. ;-) Until then, I recognize that I may be but a pile of compost, but I am also the farmer and get to reap what I sow.

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

I truly value your unfailingly astute, insightful commentary, E Archer.

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