Vladimir Ilyich LeninVladimir Ilyich Lenin, [Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov] (1870-1924) First Leader of the Soviet Union

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Quote

“We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us.”

Vladimir Ilyich LeninVladimir Ilyich Lenin
~ Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Ratings and Comments

J Carlton, Calgary

We must write in a language of "political correctness" ... An old Communist trick it seems...

jim k, Austin, Tx

It's "political correctness" on college campuses or off you go. Agree with the left wing professors or else.

L. Johnson, Cabot, AR

Great Job.

Robert L. Davis, Newbern TN

Applies today to the Liberal/Progressive movement.

Jerry, Buckley WA.

Reminds me of Obama!

Mike, Norwalk

Welcome to Amerika

E Archer, NYC

Where do you think Saul Alinsky got his 'Rules for Radicals': "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage."

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

A mind truly is a terrible thing to waste...

Robert, Somewhere in Europe

Not all great minds think alike (thank God)... He also said:

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth [to many too trusting, unskeptical people, because they have 'heard it before so it must be true', but it is still a lie]. "

Jamie, Weatherford

This is the Democrat/Socialist/Communist M.O. My worry is that not enough Americans will wake up in time to say "hell NO, we won't go quietly into the dark night of Communism!!!"

Mike, Pleasant Hill, Iowa

That's why they are slowly feeding a socialism so we won't see the communism coming until it's too late.

E Archer, NYC

Wow, this describes the strategy of the progressive left perfectly  and the establishment media is the engine for it.  Hate is their creed!  I have never seen such hypocrisy in my life  is it intentional or delusional?  They are the racists,  the sexists, the appropriators of others' culture, sex, religion.  Yes, one-party rule demanding obedience to the state is a religion that worships its seats of power, to rule all.  It's the oldest racket in the book!

RBE, Somewhere in the US

Yes, as said, this could be written today about the corporate elite and the Zionists running America, owners of our media and the government.

E Archer, NYC
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E Archer, NYC RBE, Somewhere in the US 10/25/19

Robert, you do realize that the corporate elites are globalist progressive liberals, right?  And can you possibly explain for me why in the US, liberals are anti-Israel now and pro-Islam?  Being a gay atheist, you would be thrown off a roof in a Muslim country but would have a parade in Israel!  Please do explain your reasoning, I really cannot understand the dichotomy.

SeanNY3, New York

Anyone have any idea:

  1. Where Lenin was when he said this?
  2. What year it was?
  3. What book or newspaper it's printed in?

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

No, a monstrous application, the Communist, on the other hand, continue the human route of non-terror and rational, level headed healthy, reasonable means of sending the correct behavioral messages.


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