Ronald ReaganRonald Reagan, (1911-2004) 40th US President

Ronald Reagan Quote

“Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem.”

Ronald ReaganRonald Reagan
~ Ronald Reagan

Ratings and Comments

Mike, Norwalk

Compelled compliance, license, victimless crimes, larceny with impunity (by funny money, inflation, economic policy, theft of the noble laborer's fruits, etc.), the active non-recognition of inalienable rights, and de-industrialization by government are but symptoms of the problem, not the root cause. A dummied down apathetic society of at heart and mind helots, serfs, and slaves is the real problem. Government is not a solution to our problem, government is a separate problem, an exacerbation of problems, and government is like fire, a handy servant, but a dangerous master.

J Carlton, Calgary

Simple, to the point, and entirely accurate.

Anonymous, Reston, VA, US

It is only government as run by the likes of he & his disciples has the issue of being problematic.

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RBESRQ    2/4/11

It was because he wanted a fascist state. If you asked him to provide a better solution he would not have answered and you would still be waiting for a reply today. Reagan was a nice chap and was totally manipulated by his corporate masters and the Military complex - a bit like Obama is today.

J Carlton, Calgary

So Reston...ALL the other governments...except Reagan of course, we're just Peachy? Hitler, Stalin, Amin, Chavez, Castro, Pol Pot, Carter the Incompetent, Clinton the playboy who set up Freddie mac and fannie Mae to fail...Mao Tse Tung, Kim Jong Il....Liberalism truly has become a mental disorder.

J Carlton, Calgary

RBE...we've had a fascist state since Lincoln. And its been very pronounced since the murder / coup d etat of JFK. Reagan's hands have been just as tied as any other President, to a system of entrenched corruption.

E Archer, NYC

This is not fascism. This is republicanism. Fascism is a system of collusion between bank and state breeding corporatism in which the individual is but a pixel in the picture -- it is the worship of insitutionalism. Fascism is a form of socialism (see: Nazi). But all this talk of left and right is a diversion -- those that create money out of nothing and loan it to governments in the trillions control those governments -- these 'loans' come with strings attached. Whoever controls the volume of currency in circulation is absolute master -- period. Americans are taxed at every turn only to pay interest on something they created out of thin air. Now China holds more of America's debt than any other entity -- we are in debt to Communists! This is no accident -- it is the way of communism -- it is a central plank. Our denial and ignorance of it only makes it easier. The baby boomers are being fleeced one last time before they die and when they do die, the government takes 50% of whatever was left. This is absolutely criminal -- and the government is not done with us yet...

rmhk, Fremont

Ronald Reagan was full of it and like every president he increased the size of government.

pialee, clovis, ca

the flea has jumped the dog. What the unseen hand has done to the Russians is to bleed them till there is no more blood. The tick needs a new host. Guess who that new host is.


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