Dr. Thomas Fuller Quote

“The more laws the more offenders.”

~ Dr. Thomas Fuller

Gnomologia, 1732

Ratings and Comments

Mike, Norwalk

Though China has more than 4 times the populous of the US, the US has numerically more prisoners than China. After teaching China how to do an income tax, the US has grossly exceeded China's statutes and otherwise efforts on the subject each and every year since. hmmm The more laws, the greater decline.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Asset forfeiture laws are among the worst laws ever passed. These allow the cops to take (steal) your property without even charging you with a crime. This socalled War on Drugs helped to create this monstrosity. If you are carrying an amount of cash over what the cops think you ought to be carrying, they just say you did a drug deal and confiscate your money. No criminal charges but they keep your money anyway. Innocent until proven guilty is a joke now. check out LEAP.cc on the web.

J Carlton, Calgary

An over abundance of man made (as opposed to natural) laws are a symptom of a government that fears it's people. And in the US, they damned well better fear the people. In the land of the free and home of the brave...

Waffler, Smith

Duh! The quote is false in that it would appear to create a "chicken or egg" argument. The facts are that laws come after certain cirumscribed or frowned on behaviors are perceived. People perceive or come to desire certain behaviour and law is simply a codification of that. I would suggest that the malefactor or offender pre-existed the law. The law is simply to bring the clown up short.

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RBESRQ    10/15/10


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Anonymous    10/15/10

Typical laws.


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