Thomas JeffersonThomas Jefferson, (1743-1826), US Founding Father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd US President

Thomas Jefferson Quote

“Our particular principles of religion are a subject of accountability to our god alone. I enquire after no man's and trouble none with mine; nor is it given to us in this life to know whether yours or mine, our friend's or our foe's, are exactly the right.”

Thomas JeffersonThomas Jefferson
~ Thomas Jefferson

letter to Miles King, September 26, 1814

Ratings and Comments

Mike, Norwalk

We hold this truth to be self evident (Atheism to Zen - god being man, mother earth, an extra human experience, etc.).

J Carlton, Calgary

And peace to all. Merry Christmas one and all...

Anonymous, Reston, VA, US

How marvelously UU of him, bringing real clarity to the question of if the US is a "Christian nation" (i.e. that it is not, that a person's religion is of no matter to either the government or another person). Happy Generic Holidays to those who celebrate some holiday at this time of year!

cal, lewisville, tx

Now if only we could get the government out of our personal lives-our medical concerns especially.

Mike, Norwalk

'A" from Reston, I'm a little concerned for you, the more your atheist, collectivist, power / hate mongering, controlling, lying, cheating, stealing, criminal, statist theocracy takes over, the more angry, vacuous and inane you seem to become. Do you know if that is a side effect: of a vaccine, of some health care the government is putting in your municipal water, or just a natural result of the theocracy's implantation? Have a Merry Christmas

Waffler, Smith

Ya got to love Jefferson and you know he wrote the 4 Gospels into one account. He spoke adoringly of Jesus and his teachings but yet he speaks of freedom. I am not sure Mike really gets it.

E Archer, NYC

What's so radical about this? ;-)

Richard, Fort Worth

I think Reston is one of the VERY few rational responders to these quotations.


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