Thomas JeffersonThomas Jefferson, (1743-1826), US Founding Father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd US President

Thomas Jefferson Quote

“Laws provide against injury from others, but not from ourselves.”

Thomas JeffersonThomas Jefferson
~ Thomas Jefferson

Notes on Religion

Ratings and Comments

Anonymous, Reston, VA US

... or at least that is the idea/ideal...

E Archer, NYC

Perhaps one day those trying to 'protect us from ourselves' will take a hint and mind their own business.

Joe, Rochester, MI

Protecting us from ourselves, like from smoking pot, should be left to the individual. This is why the "war on drugs" is immoral ... the government is trying to protect us from ourselves.

David L. Rosenthal

Drug abusers are a danger to the public.

  • Reply
    Anonymous    7/31/06

    Abusers of anything are often a danger to the public. However, a user is not necessarily an abuser.

    Ken, Allyn, WA

    If only this were true. Seat belt laws, helmet laws, sugar taxes, fat taxes, tobacco taxes, and on, and on. If only people wouldn't demand an allowance from Uncle Sugar, Uncle Sugar wouldn't be tempted to treat us like children.

    E Archer, NYC

    The laws are not designed to protect us from danger! Only actual injury is a punishable crime -- not pre-emptive injury. Prohibition has caused more real harm than it has supposedly 'prevented'. More people have died from the black market warfare than actual drug-related deaths -- and where does it end? More people die from prescription drugs every year than the last 10 years of 'illegal' drugs -- look it up. Nearly all our food now has harmful cancer-causing ingredients (hydrogenated oils, hormones, animal vaccines, and a host of other things that even ants and rats won't touch). Human beings are dangerous -- get used to it. If the socialists had their way, human beings would be reduced to domesticated sheep. How are they doing?

    Cal, lewisville, TX

    Get rid of Medicaid and overdosers would be nobody's business.

    jim k, Austin, Tx

    E Archer, most Americans are domesticated sheep,see the last election, and the government is more than happy to fleece them.

    Mike, Norwalk

    Law defines matter's expressions. When that law is infringed upon, justice demands restoration in being made whole. Government's only legitimate relation to law is to define the order thereof in a scope of life (murder) liberty (individual sovereign rights), and property (allodial ownership) - through tools such as codes, ordinances, regulations, rules, statutes, etc. There is no other legitimate (lawful) use or power of government. To add to that, If an individual sovereign can not do something, the representative thereof can not do it either ! ! !

    Bruski, Naples FL

    "War on drugs" ?

    "Stupid is as stupid does!"

    Listening to Mr. Jefferson makes sense.<

    Ronw13, Yachats Or

    All things in common, temptation , the law should never interfere with the individual sovereigns relationship with God and conscience. it is your right, Liberty of spirit for all. It is never right for the government to play God ! But as gods they sure screw around a lot. Such is the lot of darkness upon the earth. Spiritual darkness referenced by Christ, that the world would be cast into. Hence we shine as lights in the night, as Paul states for current reference in time. He was the last seen of the Lord. with Christ there is Liberty.


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