Winston Churchill, (1874-1965) Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1940-1945, 1951-1955)
Winston Churchill Quote
“The power of the executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charges known to the law, and particularly to deny him judgment by his peers for an indefinite period, is in the highest degree odious, and is the foundation of all totalitarian governments...Nothing can be more abhorrent to democracy than to imprison a person or keep him in prison because he is unpopular. This is really the test of civilisation.”
~ Winston Churchill
(1874-1965) Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1940-1945, 1951-1955)The Second World War; Book 5, pg 635
Habeas Corpus
, Power
, Executive Orders
, Prison
, Totalitarian
, Jury
, Justice
, Opinion
, Civilization
, Tyranny
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