Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [26-50] of 160Posts from Carol, GeorgiaCarol, Georgia Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Carol, Georgia 3/10/11 re: Latin Proverb quote Part of the problem is that some people do not see the problems and are in denial until it's like a wound festering on our Constitution. Others don't believe there is a problem because that is what they want anyway, i.e., Progressives. It's the ones that first reeled under the campaign promises of Obama such as the sky rocketing energy bills, the call to the electorate that we need to "change" the greatest country on earth, that actually saw what was coming and began to come forward and early on to stop the destruction the election. Little did we know what we were up against. A well organized machine with tremendous financial backing from Soros and his many organizations already in full swing to damage any and all conservative candidates. Now we know and are organizing as well. Everyone can do something! Let us all do our part, we are the Re-Founders!!! 1 Reply Carol, Georgia 3/3/11 re: Alan Greenspan quote Waffler, Have you been living in a rat hole? We have always been considered a religious people, but our Freedom of Religion has been oppressed more and more over the years to the point that all expressions are under attack.--- Your comment on taxes can only indicate that you are independently wealthy because I don't know of anyone that wants to pay more taxes. The best course for educating our children is either homeschooling or Christian schooling. Anything else is indoctrination which includes some of the most offensive content I could imagine.--As for willingly or proactively allowing the intrusive security measures that are in place, you must have been in a deep "Rip Van Winkle" sleep the last months since those procedures have been enforced. There has been substantial blowback from the public and many people choose not to fly any longer. I would wager you could not find one person that looks forward to be groped or enjoy having their bodies xrayed and recorded in the nude.---The quote is totally true, however, Greenspan was complicit even though he warned about the potential for serious problems with the economy. Remember his comment concerning "irrational exuberance." That was the warning bell. 4 Reply Carol, Georgia 2/25/11 re: Malcolm Wallop quote The Federal government won't stop until the American people are totally enslaved. They won't stop until We stop them. That's what is going on in WI and other states as well as around the world, organized chaos to bring down freedom. Everyone needs to educate themselves and help educate their neighbors. Until the American people know what freedoms they have (and used to have) they will not understand what needs to be done to restore America to what the Founders gave us. Reagan said we are just one generation away from losing our freedom. Taxation is making slaves of us all. 1 Reply Carol, Georgia 2/25/11 re: Jennifer A. Grossman quote It's time for the Federal government to return education to it's rightful place, under the jurisdiction of the States. It's also time for the NEA to be dissolved. No public (government) employee at any level should be allowed in a union. Even FDR knew that and he was a Progressive. 4 Reply Carol, Georgia 2/25/11 re: James Madison quote Every congressman should read this quote every morning before casting a single vote. Madison knew because he studied history. Reply Carol, Georgia 2/22/11 re: Henry George quote Henry George is proof positive that Progressivism (Communism/Collectivism) had it's beginnings well before Woodrow Wilson. Reply Carol, Georgia 2/2/11 re: Ruth Gavison quote I agree with Carlton's comment, though somewhat coarse, as well as Jim's reference to the left wing blogs. Some of the most hate filled comments are found at the most extreme left columns, web sites and blogs and oddly enough we find that many of the perpetrators of hate crimes populate those same venues. -- I also agree Mike and Archer. We are in constant 'wars', however some of them are the wrong ones. We need to be in wars against slander (journalist misconduct), government funded abortion, bullying, congressional misconduct that is given a pass, a government that is destroying our God-given and Constitutional rights, illegal immigration, protecting the institution of marriage, religious persecution, homeschooling restrictions, and the whole host of other issues that are destroying the fabric of our country. 4 Reply Carol, Georgia 2/2/11 re: Sir Winston Churchill quote Oh my goodness!! How did Winston Churchill know ahead of time that the far left in America, the liberal extremists and slanderers (Matthews Olderman, et al) would try everything in their bag of dirty tricks to shut down the conservative side of the debate at every opportunity, even manufacturing untruths to do so? Amazing! Ol' Winnie knew of what he spoke. Reply Carol, Georgia 1/24/11 re: Adlai E. Stevenson quote In the context of what the Founders gave us, Yes. In the present political atmosphere it is nothing more than a device, an means to an end and a very dangerous one to our freedom, at that. Reply Carol, Georgia 1/19/11 re: William Ellery Channing quote I should clarify my statement about J.Holar. When I said censor his comment, I should have worded it differently. IMO, he should be given the option to clean it up or have it removed. That way it would be his choice as to whether he wants his voice heard in a more civil way. His post is rated "R" Reply Carol, Georgia 1/19/11 re: William Ellery Channing quote How very true this quote is! If the American People had learned (over the last century) a little more about our true history and our Constitution along with the original intent of our forefathers, we may have been able to put a stop to the insidious encroachment of the progressives on our freedoms. Our schools are now nothing more than indoctrination camps. That is why so many Americans are home schooling their children. In some other countries it is against the law to home school. One couple from Germany fled to America to continue home schooling. Another country's government officials actually removed a child from it's home because the parents would not stop home schooling and I believe they are still separated more than nine months later. They are only allowed monitored visits. Education is key, but it must be historically accurate. Our Constitution must be taught in it's original context. Only then will America be able to remain free.--- I think Johann Hollar must be a troll. Whether he is or not I hope his comments will be censored if he continues along the same vein.--- To Waffler: Your question,"does freedom equal discipline?" It most certainly does! The only way a People can remain free is if they practice self discipline and personal responsibility. "Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people, it is wholly inadequate to the Government of any other." John Adams. I take that to mean we are responsible for our morals and conduct, and are best guided by a strong faith life, no matter what particular faith to which a person may subscribe. 5 Reply Carol, Georgia 1/3/11 re: Patrick Henry quote Look to Switzerland. Everyone owns a gun provided by the state and is trained by the state yearly to use them.--- "A gun, like any other source of power, is a force for either good or evil, being neither in itself, but dependent upon those who possess it."--- If sovereign persons would lose the right to bear arms, we would be the same as a Mideast populus who only have rocks to throw in their own defense. Reply Carol, Georgia 12/31/10 re: Justice Hugo L. Black quote The internet may yet fall under the government's control to regulate. If that is the case, Talk radio, television and the printed word is not far behind. Venezuela comes to mind. Reply Carol, Georgia 12/31/10 re: Philip K. Howard quote @Kimo, Carlton, Mike, I agree.Today in the news, Sebelius has written a 136 page document of regulations to set health insurance prices. This will force insurance companies out of business and coerce the people to do something against their will, i.e. regulating their health insurance costs, and where they can get it. This is another giant step down the road to a single payer system, which is exactly what Obama said he wanted in the first place. 2 Reply Carol, Georgia 12/30/10 re: Eugene McCarthy quote The danger has been ever present for most of the last century and still continues with almost total compliance of all media except for Roger Ailes Fox news and a very few stalwart conservative publications. The threat will not stop there. The FCC is determined to control the internet and is extending far reaching intrusions into our personal life. If the present administration is not reined in, we can expect a far different America as a result. 2 Reply Carol, Georgia 12/29/10 re: Thomas Jefferson quote One of our Republican House members has initiated a way to stop or curtail the flagrant spending by an irresponsible congress, (over and above being returned as a majority by the People), that any bill to be put before congress for a vote must pass muster by being proven Constitutional. It may be Michelle Bachmann, but I'm not sure. Whoever it is, has found a way to put on the brakes, because we have RINO's to contend with even though there will be a Republican majority in the House. 2 Reply Carol, Georgia 12/29/10 re: Davy Crockett quote True statement with a memorable twist. Reply Carol, Georgia 12/27/10 re: Ayn Rand quote @Johann Reply Carol, Georgia 12/27/10 re: Ayn Rand quote @Johann. The link I just sent is of Milton Friedman, but it is not the one I meant to send, so I'm including the link that will explain capitalism. Reply Carol, Georgia 12/27/10 re: Ayn Rand quote @ Johann. Please go to this link. Milton Friedman explains the pathetic machine called capitalism. You'll find related videos there which may just open your eyes. 1 Reply Carol, Georgia 12/27/10 re: Ayn Rand quote Read Ayn Rand 40 years ago. She was so right. Looks like it's time for a reread. Reply Carol, Georgia 12/27/10 re: Alexander Meiklejohn quote Waffler, we don't want to silence you. We rely on you for your nuisance value. It gives us the opportunity to roundly refute your version of what I call "twistory." Reply Carol, Georgia 12/24/10 re: Jesus of Nazareth quote Amen and Alleluia! 'Tis the night of our Dear Saviors birth. Wishing everyone a Blessed Christmas and a Blessed and bountiful New Year! 7 Reply Carol, Georgia 12/22/10 re: Thomas Jefferson quote The Jefferson quote below illustrates all too well that he was very much aware of the danger the central bankers i.e, the Fed, truly is to our freedoms. The Fed must be audited and then dissolved. " I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." Thomas Jefferson, (Attributed) 3rd president of US (1743 - 1826) 51Reply Carol, Georgia 12/22/10 re: Patrick Henry quote Armed conflict should never again happen in this country, however, we must always be at the ready to defend our Constitution and our Sovereignty both here and abroad. It all boils down to an electorate that not only votes in elections, but watches, listens and learns just what our representatives are up to in D.C. and exactly what their previous history is so they will be judged worthy to be hired by the People. If any should deviate from their appointed duty, they should feel the full force of law and not hide behind congressional exemptions. Just this week we have been weaken by our government by even considering the START treaty and now it is set to be ratified. America is being dissolved before our eyes. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print