Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-10] of 10Posts from Anonymous, AtlantaAnonymous, Atlanta Reply Anonymous, Atlanta 7/23/12 re: Aristotle quote It is hard to make use of these quotations confidently without knowing how they are sourced. Is there a citation? 4 Reply Anonymous, ATLANTA 5/18/11 re: Mark Twain quote RIGHT ON THE MONEY FOR THIS PART OF THE WORLD 1 Reply Anonymous, Atlanta 10/6/10 re: Dr. Samuel Johnson quote Waffler, Smith has evidently bought in to the poop that is shoveled out of the White House and the Capital on a daily basis. Even when they have left it is still pouring out of the place. We are all going to have to get in our caves if we do not get our Constitution back in action and these idiots that are occupying our White House out. Mostly the Unions & Czars are the most popular with Obama. But Pelosi & Reid are hopefully gone.. 1 Reply Anonymous, Atlanta 11/4/09 re: Ivan Illich quote I wish I were the child of E. Archer, NYC! Reply Anonymous, Atlanta 8/6/08 re: George W. Bush quote Hmmm... I wonder why we haven't heard this before? The media would have had a field day with this quote! Besides, whatever else he is, I don't think Bush would be stupid enough to say something like that. As President of the United States? He HAS to know that saying something that adamant against the Constitution would come back to haunt him. Something doesn't seem right. Reply Anonymous, Atlanta 3/17/08 re: Bill Clinton quote What exactly is an ordinary American?????? 1Reply Anonymous, Atlanta 3/9/06 re: Karl Marx quote If we all strived for this ideal in our personal lives, even in the context of a capitalist society, then perhaps we could rid the world of poverty and hunger. Reply Anonymous, Atlanta 2/22/06 re: Dr. Albert Hoffman quote Very insightful, Tammy. Dr. Hoffman is right - modern peoples need to discard the old dogmas and embrace a new way of viewing our world. 2 Reply Anonymous, Atlanta 12/26/05 re: St. Paul quote Looks like there is one freedom hater in this thread. 1Reply Anonymous, Atlanta 12/26/05 re: Islamic Proverb quote It's almost as if liberty-tree quotes is trying to downplay the meaning of Christmas and the season by dragging eastern and islamic quotes into the mix. Poor taste, really. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print