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Posts from Anonymous, Rockville, MD

Anonymous, Rockville, MDAnonymous, Rockville, MD
Anonymous, Rockville, MD

This quote is no longer relevant...if it ever was. The logic for our nation's creation was a belief in the fundamental principle (according to the "Laws of Nature and Nature's God" as "Self-evident" "Truths"...) that all people are created equal and "endowed" ..."with certain unalienable rights." Neither Democrats or Republicans...or even libertarians advocate for a US foreign/military policy that would apply this fundamental principle to all the world's people. When the founding father's failed to incorporate this 'law of nature' into engineering the Constitution...that cost more American lives in our Civil War than all the wars since then combined. Failing to codify it in our foreign policy will cost us more...if not our nation as we know it...when others acquire biological WMD or use a couple nukes to wipe out our electrical grid in an EMP event.

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