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Posts from Chicago


I agree that Peace is A way, not a destination. Probably Bob & Joe would like to live peacefully -- they just might be skeptical of those that profess peace as a means to subjugation. The word Peace means different things to different people. Inner peace is certainly a good way to go; however, exterior peace can also be achieved by absolute desolation -- it is very peaceful a few days after a nuclear bomb. And to Rest In Peace is to be dead! So maybe a little hustle and bustle isn't so bad... ;-)


And the War on Terror (double-speak) is a veiled expansion of the War on Drugs as thousands of people have been arrested for drug-related crimes while nary a terrorist has been found. I suppose the object is to get us all to hate and distrust each other as few seem to mind cracking down on neighborhoods on the other side of the tracks. Because of the lack of civil protections today, any person can be arrested at any time without warrant, charge, or even counsel. That is what the Patriot Act authorizes.


Only history will tell...


More was done to reduce America to a socialist state during FDR's 'reign' than in any other time in US history. Obviously, FDR knew all along what he was doing. The question is, why have Americans allowed it?


If you want a Big Brother, you get all that comes with it.


There it is, folks. Let it be known that the true intent of the UN is a non-elected world government. And everything is going as planned...


Describes super-power politics exactly.


There are so many things wrong with this statement, I do not know where to begin. Most importatly, the Constitution and Bill of Rights did not 'give' any 'freedom' to Americans -- the Constitution is the rule book for the government, not the People. Secondly, the government has no authority to limit Rights specifically enumerated in but not limited to the Bill of Rights except by adding an Amendment to the Constitution that specifically repeals those articles.


The 'American way' has now been completely perverted by the likes of Clinton, Bush, and 99% of Congress.


Indeed. LSD is not to be taken lightly. Its effect can be profound and life-changing.


Only those who dare will find out.


Sounds reasonable to me.


It means that in order to guarantee our independence and freedom, we will have to fight for it together and defend each others' rights when attacked, or else we will surely be singled out and lynched separately. Live free or die.


The ignorance of this fact has resulted in the take over of the world by the banking institutions. Governments are beholden to these private companies, thus, their loyalties are to whomever controls the purse strings -- and it is not the People.


Anonymous from Reston has it partly right -- we are unequal in our capacities, life has been good to many of us, by grace and good luck go many of us, and many, many of us have compassion for the less fortunate. However, involuntary 'service' to the community by the force of the local authorities is servitude, not Liberty. Virtues enforced by the mob are not virtues at all -- they are duties imposed by someone else, based on their views of 'public service', not necessarily the views of the 'servant'. The issue is free choice.


Yes! Repeal marijuana prohibition!


Hey, KERR, I think you have it backwards. This is a declaration of the people limiting the power of government over themselves. The Declaration of Rights is the specific enumeration of inalienable rights -- thus declaraing for all time that never will the government be given arbitrary power over the People.


Wow! You tell 'em, Robert Ingersoll! Right on!


The ultimate cause of war is the lust for power -- which the UN does not solve. Quite the opposite really as its true intention is to centralize all power with the banks -- without which the ability for any country to wage war would be quite impossible. Don't worry, there will still be plenty of war in the world -- what else are we going to watch on TV? Plus, war is good for business -- just ask Bush and friends.


Isn't that what Freedom and Responsibility are all about? What ever happened to the concept of 'Independence'?


Excellent! Wealth re-distribution is a ploy sold to the masses to indenture them further, not to uplift the poor.


The American people have paid a hefty price for the hypocrisy of a 'Free nation with slaves.' Indeed we still pay for it as our view of Freedom has become so twisted that to be bound to obey the government and pay its debts to private bankers forever is considered Liberty. Denial runs so deep because we are so well conditioned -- it's the American 'Dream'. Wake up!


Anonymous from Teaneck demonstrates the 'double-think' required to accept the notion that self-determination belongs to the people as a whole but not to individuals. The confederation of States into the United States was a voluntary association by mutual agreement. There is nothing in the Constitution that prevents a State from withdrawing from the United States. Quite the contrary -- in the Declaration of Independence, We The People declare "... whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."


Well, I couldn't agree MORE with this thought. Whomever controls the purse-strings controls the one who needs the money. Today's economics is PRECISELY designed to prop up the power structures that depend on the endless flow of money from the common man to the central banks. The study of Economics is exclusively restricted to the current system and all efforts to TRULY understand how money and trade work are used to manipulate 'economics' further to misdirect the student. It is indeed designed to confuse and confound. It IS politics -- the only way to believe it, is to take leave of our senses.

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