Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-1] of 1Posts from Cowboy Bob, Calgary, CanuckistanCowboy Bob, Calgary, Canuckistan 1 Reply Cowboy Bob, Calgary, Canuckistan 1/18/08 re: F. Lee Bailey quote Waffler - There is definitely a difference between republic and democracy. Sad that you cannot understand the posts that so clearly differentiate between the two concepts, it's really not that difficult, it's all in the meanings of words, son. So drop your tawdry, selfish little excuses and pathetic, assinine, cliche insults built on Rush's failure and THINK for a change or you're going to blow it in Iran too just like you did in Iraq, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, China, etc. Or do we Canadians have to come down there and show you how to run a school system and educate yourselves? Yeeeesh! The thought of you people building nations anywhere other than in a computer simulation scares the pants off me. Now, Logan, Ken, Mike - your republic is just a grander oligarchy, rule by more than just a few but not rule by the people. And what's with that Electoral College you have down there? The people are too stupid to elect the representatives? The people can only be trusted to elect some people who actually elect the reps? Sounds bloody elitist to me but maybe Waffler makes the case. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print