Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [76-100] of 110Posts from Dave Wilber, St. LouisDave Wilber, St. Louis Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 12/30/08 re: Judge Jack B. Weinstein quote Millions believe that Jesus is coming but none can produce one verse that says, suggests, hints or implies that Jsus will come IN OUR FUTURE. Care to try? To believe anyone is coming is to deny their presence. Millions believe that government spends billions of dollars but none will accept my offer of 100 pounds of money for just describing the money that government spends. Why won't you? Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 12/19/08 re: Leonardo Da Vinci quote Merrill Jenkins, MonetaryRealist said " If something is true, what does it matter who said it? He also said in 1979, the year that he died "We have world government now, our monetary system would not work if all of the world's bankers were not in collusion." Didn't the events of October and November show that all of the world's bankers ARE in collusion? 1 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 11/27/08 re: P. J. O'Rourke quote We have health care now to insure that we are not healthy in the forms of aspartame, alum, alcohol, alloxan, carageenan, chlorine, caffeine, canola, fluoride, MSG, Splenda, subsidized milk, sugar, tobacco, wars and vaccinations. Not familiar with all of these? Search each one with the word: hazard Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 11/26/08 re: Benito Mussolini quote I think those 3 quotes accurately describe the problems that we face today. Here is one more by "benevolent" Benito "What is the life of one in the affairs of state?" after his car struck and killed a child, Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 11/20/08 re: Abel Upshur quote The book mentioned is available and valuable Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 10/31/08 re: Abraham Lincoln quote The distinction between free men and slaves is whether or not they are paid for their labor. The sole function of Lincoln's unconstitutional legal tender acts was/is to get labor without payment. With those acts, he made every war since his time possible. His contemporary, Horace Greeley said Lincoln's "iniquitous money system is no less cruel that the old system of chatel slaverty." 3 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 10/31/08 re: Laurence J. Peter quote Democracy is a matter of convincing the multitude that evil is good, that good is evill and that all who resist evil shall be ridiculed and punished. God forbids it Ex.23:2 and the Constitution precludes it, Art.4, Sec.4, The mutitude will ridicule and pounish anyone who refuses to comply with the1st, 2nd or 3rd plank of Marx's Communist Manifesto. 1Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 10/2/08 re: David Broder quote "That you vote does not prove you are free, it just shows you are a slave who votes."--anon One page by that anonymous writer should convince any literate person that we are slaves. If not, see: You can get 5 pages from: To see McCain's sign in the distance, it sure looks like "McCain Pain." But to knock one is to support the other so I must ad, there is a law suit trying to show that Obama is not American born and not qualified. If you must vote, vote for yourself. Will either candidate reveal the truth that the department of Veteran's affairs revealed? 2 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 10/2/08 re: David Broder quote I think no one should vote for the lesser of two evils but they do every time. What does scripture say? "Thou shat not follow a multitude to do evil,: Ex, 23:2 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 9/16/08 re: Herbert Hoover quote Amos Bruce was a great American cab driver who carried a law library in top of his head. I asked him why he would read a certain book when we both knew the author had views we did not like. He replied that you can never learn anything from anyone that you are in total agreement. He was the legal researcher for Tupper Saucy's Main Street Journal. Tupper wrote: The Miracle On Main Street . 2 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 5/30/08 re: Baruch Spinoza quote The primary job of schools, major publishers and national organizations is to indoctrinate rather than educate. They must lie, intimidate and keep secrets for their Marxist masters, The most repeated lie is that governments spend money. The best kept secrets are that the dollar is still by law, a measure of silver and that taxes cannot be paid with strips of paper or with copper tokens disguised with nickel to look like silver and government has no need for dollars of money when all of us will risk or even lose our lives for checks that no bank will give us lawful money for when they only dispense paper and copper tokens,. The job of so called "revenue agents" is to regulate our use of those tokens and thus conceal the fraud that is perpetrated with them, a fraud that the Federal Reserve has admitted on page 3 of Modern Money Mechanics. If wars were financed with lawful silver coins, there could be no significant wars. "My people perish for lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6 2 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 4/30/08 re: Carl Sagan quote Two of the world's greatest problems are the impossibility of anyone seeking the truth on any subject when they believe thar they already hav it and the zeal with which deceived people defend their deceptions. Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 4/11/08 re: Internal Revenue Service Manual quote This creates the false impression that the Imaginary Revenue Scum (IRS) seek and collect money when all that they want are checks that authorize banks to reduce our credit. The Fed never lied in saying that their system "works only with credit!" They cannot get money from us in a system that works us "only with credit!" They have no need for money when everyone will risk or even lose their lives for credit. You risk your life just going to work. Americans are now dying in Asia not for money but for weightless intangible credit. There would be no wars iif our Marxist masters had to pay soldiers and suppliers. They cannot be paid with checks! They pretend they are paid then pretend to pay taxes and pretend we all have freedom. Americans are being jailed for not pretending to pay. The IRS has three jobs and collecting money is not one of them. One is to intimdate their targets and all others. another is to collect data and the third is to regulate our consumption. When your bank reduces your credit, your consumption is then limited to what any remaining credit permits. Keynes wrote in 1920: "If governments should refrain from regulation, ... the worthlessness of the money becomes apparent and the fraud upon the public can be concealed no longer." The tax ILLUSION is but one of many ways to conceal the fraud of banking. Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 4/7/08 re: Jonathan Mayhew quote THEY CANNOT GET MONEY FROM YOU WHEN ALL THAT YOU HAVE IN BANKS IS NUMBERS AND THEY HAVE NO NEED FOR MONEY WHEN EVERYONE WILL RISDK OR EVENN LOSE THEIR LIVES FOR MORE NUMBERS. THIS IS SLAVERY! Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 4/7/08 re: Jonathan Mayhew quote IRS stands for: Imaginary Revenue Scam (or Scum) 1 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 4/7/08 re: Jonathan Mayhew quote MISSIONS IMPOSSIBLE: It is impossible to pay taxes with dollar bills that the IRS said "are not dollars." It is impossible to pay taxes with credit. The Fed said their system of plunder "works only with credit." It is impossible to pay taxes with counterfeit. Nobel Laureate, Paul Samuelson said the Federal Reserve is "an omnipotent cunterfeiter." in his Economics, 4th Edition. NOBODY wants us to pay taxes, they want to think that we pat taxes or be punished. You don't file returns because of a law, there is none. You file to avoid punishment for not filing. Any adult who performs just to avoid punishment for not performing is a slave to whomever threatens punishment. To file a truthful return can get you jailed! What we have today is misrepresentation without taxation. ALL taxes were abolished in 1968 when the "money of account" (silver coins) was abolished, Instead of abolishing death too, our misleaders strive to expedite our demise via alcohol, alum, aspartame, caffeine, canola, carageenan, chlorine, fluoride, MSG and MORE. Home of the brave? Are you brave enough to tell the IRS that you need definitions of "dollar" and "income" and the statute that requires you to file returns? Show us your bravery! Taxes cannot be paid with anything less than silver coins and none circulate. A check to IRS is nothing but an authorization for your bank to reduce your credit and thus regulate your consumption. In 1920, John Maynard Keynes wrote: "If governments should refrain from regulation...the worthlessness of the money becomes apparent and the fraud upon the public can be concealed no longer." It is impossible to pay taxes with worthless money. 1 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 3/4/08 re: John Adams quote Democracy is a matter of convincing the majority that evil is good and that those who resist evil shall be ridiculed and punished. Democratic process got Jesus crucified. God forbids democracy Ex.23:2 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 11/14/07 re: Herbert Sebastien Agar quote In the past 2-3 years, I reached the conclusions that no one can seek the truth on any subject until they doubt that they have it. In fact, it is impossible to seek the truth when you believe that you already have it and this is one of the world's greatest problems. Another great problem is th zeal with which too many defend their deception. Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 10/29/07 re: H. L. Mencken quote Age brings SENILITY, especially to those who who consume alcohol, alum, alloxan, aspartame, caffeine, canola, chlorine, fluoride, MSG, milk, Nutrasweet, sugar, Sucralose, tobacco or get vaccinations. Our misleaders subsidize, milk, sugar, tobacco and wars, ALL KILLERS. For 10 years, the professionals at the EPA have been tellng the world that fluoride is killing people. SEARCH: NTEU FLUORIDE The FDA, lists 93 symptoms of aspartame poisoning and this is the main sweetener for diet soda and hundreds of foods. Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 10/17/07 re: George Mason quote Mason speaks of "free government" but I believe Jefferson said "bind them down by the chains of the Constitution."???? When government is free as ours is now, the people are slaves. Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 10/1/07 re: John Stuart Mill quote Welfare and warfare accomplish the same thing, Both take other people's property without payment, however ending welfare cannot reduce taxes. Though the effect of taxation is real, taxes are imaginary in this system that the Fed said "works only with credit" that would keep its value "if there were fewer people bidding against each other." I'd say the Bush's war is a howling success if its purpose is to distract us from the biological, chemical, economic, psychological and spiritual warfare HERE. "Giddy the people's minds with foreign wars and you can get away with anything at home."---Shakespeare. While our minds were giddied with the Vietnam war, they got away with our silver coins. Taxes can be paid with nothing less than silver coins because the only substance measured in dollars is silver. No one wants us to pay taxes, we must pretend or risk punishment. See: site contains no advertizing 5 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 9/26/07 re: Jose Marti y Perez quote The only thing that a bank will loan you is a pen to sign a note. When you sign their note, you are then authorized to rob your neighbors with checks. There are only two possible economic systems; barter and slavery. God commanded a barter system with: Thou shalt not steal, The sole function of dishonest Abe's legal tender acts was/is to take labor and property without payment. There are hoards of "money experts" (fictional reserve fanatics) who cannot or will not define pay, borrow, loan, spend, money dollar, currency or inflation and thus contradict themselves. Merrill Jenkins was the first Monetary Realist (1919-1979) all who knew him said that he was a genius. He defined his terms making money, credit and inflation synonyms. His First book was: "Money, The Greatest Hoax On Earth." Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 9/25/07 re: Major General Smedley Darling Butler quote There would be no wars if wars were financed with taxes. How do we know that wars are not financed with taxes? To pay taxes with dollar bills that the IRS said "are not dollars" is Mission Impossible. To pay taxes with credit is Mission Impossible and the Fed said that their system of plunder "works only with credit" that would keep its value "if there were fewer people bidding against each other."---booklet, Keeping Our Money (their credit) Healthy. ALL WARS are financed with weightless and invisible bank credit. To abolish banking is to abolish wars. At one time, 6 or more states probited banking in their constitutions--researched by attorney, Larry Becraft of Huntsville, AL Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 9/20/07 re: Bob Schultz quote The Constitution is MORIBUND. It's most vital second is ignored (Art.1, Sec.10). While it limits states to making any Thing but gold and silver coins a tender in payment of debt, there is no branch of government paying anyone for anything and this section proscribes zoning laws, license laws, rent controls and legal tender laws. We regularly hear about "law enforcement" but the police will not enforce the law that requires them to be paid with gold and silver coins! This section detemines who is master and who is servant depending if it is enforced or ignored. Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 9/19/07 re: A Framer quote We had a second revolution and you missed it! The limited republc is now unlmited democracy. We have a non elected government limited only by their ability to falsely convince the majority that dollar bills are dollars and that all who want God's laws and the Constitution upheld truth shall be ridiculed and punished. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print