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Posts from Denise M., Durango

Denise M., DurangoDenise M., Durango
Denise M., Durango

America is in much danger by the recently past and present "administrations"...which have only been preceded by those before them. Biden is a puppet who's strings are being pulled by Barack Hussein Obama who "promised" in a campaign speech to "fundamentally change America." He was also the first one to obliterate our border. Lawlessness is rampant in large part to a deliberately weakened criminal justice system: criminals steal guns: criminals get laughable sentences for murder." We the people who are armed but do not go out on murder sprees are being "lawed" to death to bring about the ultimate confiscation of the only real defense we may have against the budding dictatorship in the making. We have lost our Constitutional Republic do to lack of interest and the "American way of life", but more egregious this nation has turned it's back on the One Who created this continent. This nation, once a nation that by and large was a Godly nation, a nation based on Godly principles, is gone. Everything America was built on and for is disappearing. Patrick Henry put it better than anyone else could: "When a nation forgets it's God, tyrants soon forge it's chains." Intact families are disappearing like a vapor, children have little instruction, self serving is the norm, increasing violence with no consequence...America the once beautiful is turning into a third world country and now filling up with millions of unknowns...and a "government" that the likes of Lenin, Stalin and Hitler would approve. Jan. 6th lie, those who committed no crimes still imprisoned in conditions you'd expect in a third world country. Until and if this nation comes out of it's slumber we can kiss our once Constitutional Republic goodby...and there's already been a "good" start.  

Denise M., Durango

Interesting the first place that came to mind for unregulated crime (as they're frothing through their teeth while weakening the "criminal justice system" to go after law abiding citizens) was Washington DC...I've begun to believe completely that "DC" is short for "District of Crime"....on a national level...oh, per Biden, on a multiple nation level...with the "help" of his previous "president." 

Denise M., Durango

Might say the biggest "problem" with our present currency is that the budding communist regime can't track it...hence more of the BS about bit coin, tracking credit cards....as the "government" a couple of years ago tried to "encourage" credit card companies to track anything to do with firearms and or accessories etc. Cash is untraceable and the "government" can't abide that...the once United States of America is under attack...still a bit subtle...and those unconcerned with our Constitutional Rights have no clue.

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