Thomas SowellThomas Sowell, (1930- ) Writer and economist

Thomas Sowell Quote

“It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.”

Thomas SowellThomas Sowell
~ Thomas Sowell

Ratings and Comments

Ronw13, Oregon

A libertarian Conservative economist who wishes to "reform socialistic policies" is a dog chasing its own tail. The mechanism of Keynesian economics at the hand of Corrupt Banking leadership, is nothing short of Slavery. Legalized Plunder of sovereign individuals in a Free Republic, exposes tyranny in high places. Now social conscience of We the People awakened, puts Congress in the hot seat, this, within Every State of the Union. Treason is a hanging offence, "Do that which is Right, and you will have praise of the same." Physiocracy, Government of Nature is the First Well developed theory of economics. Hand in hand, goes Well with the Austrian School of economics, Misesian Branch. The least of All "At Liberty" are served the best, when Agrarianism is respected the most. " Farmers are the most valuable citizens and the Truest Republicans." Thomas Jefferson, our Representative Agrarian. By way of Property tax, the agrarian, small or large is kicked to the curb, by designing socialist, who would call themselves statesmen of Liberty. they have No virtues of honor, self reliance, courage, moral integrity, and hospitality. Let alone manliness.

Mike, Norwalk

Welcome to Amerika.

E Archer, NYC

Who are the 'electors' supposed to be? They were freemen with land patents. Only land holders were considered electors for Governor and President. The rest of the votes were a 'poll'. Votes for the House of Representatives were counted equally, and Senators were appointed by the state Legislatures, so that they were beholden to the state, not Washington.

But in order to put 'democracy' into action, which by the way was to SUBVERT the republican form of government, power has been centralized in a 'national' (not federal) government. Electors are not required to be land owners, so private property has been the object of perpetual taxes as per the voting of the masses. Senators are no longer picked by the State but by popular election -- just like the House of Representatives. The money system has been converted from hard currency to debt instruments, and all the States are beholden to Washington for funding and credit. All are in debt, no one holds land patents (and dares admit it). And what is the solution? More of the same!

Elections do nothing, and can NEVER fix this. Each State will have to make the effort to regain its RESPONSIBILITY. We see it with cannabis legalization and other 'grass roots' movements. Heck, even California is looking to secede now that Trump won -- that would be great! It is states like California that have implemented so much statist control that if they can manage to be self-sufficient, it will be the Brexit of ALL the states back to their sovereign status. (I am not holding my breath ...)

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

It would be somewhat more transparent to have a specific example of what Mr Sowell is referring.

E Archer, NYC
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E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 4/10/24

Examples include:
Massive increases in the printing of money causing equally massive increases in inflation for which the government overlords pay no price;

Mandates to lock down nations and force experimental gene therapy upon all citizens only to discover their solutions killed more than they saved, damaged the immune systems of hundreds of millions of people, set children's educations back by years, and established a protected class of 'experts' that pay no price for their profit-making deception;

The proxy war with Russia via Ukraine with billions of dollars unaccounted for and rampant money laundering, the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, the halting of elections (i.e. one-party rule dictatorship), destruction of churches, etc.;

The open border with nearly 10 million illegal immigrants shipped to strategic areas to increase the number of Democrat (i.e. socialist) electoral votes.  Happening throughout the UK and Europe as well;

See the Federal Reserve, UN, WHO, CDC, Pfizer, Biden administration, etc. all of whom are untouchable.


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