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Posts from E Archer, NYC

E Archer, NYCE Archer, NYC
E Archer, NYC

I heartily disagree.  Sounds more like Christian aspirations than those of socialists.  Again, socialism is the great appropriator, now claiming the morality of the faithful while ignoring the source of life and intelligence. 

Socialists seek to play god, but inevitably they become useful servants of the devil, leaving death and despair in their wake.

E Archer, NYC

Fred, your repetitive platitude is vague and lacking any substance, and thus not one that will be spoken by anyone but yourself.  If that's the only thing unique about you, the rest of what you say fits in perfectly with authoritarian, socialist, communist ideology  which is nothing new.  Your 'slogan' is grammatically incorrect and in fact has no meaning.  I see that you have merely changed a couple words from your previous signature, perhaps in hopes of this version being recorded in the annals of history.  It will be forgotten as soon as you stop repeating it because it is not truth. 

Truth stands unassisted, not requiring constant affirmation to assert its presence.

The core of truth lies in the understanding that while man is born free, not bound by the need for governance, he is inherently subject to the laws of nature embedded within reality—laws that must be discovered rather than created. The principle of cause and effect, encapsulated in the proverb "As you sow, so shall you reap," serves as the first law of nature, and thus follows the Golden Rule: treat others as you would wish to be treated.

The imposition of one man's will over another, contrary to their wishes, directly contradicts these natural laws, a contradiction that becomes evident when the Golden Rule is ignored. Socialism is an imposition under the guise of benevolence—driven by unchecked greed and hubris. Its unsustainable foundations predict an inevitable collapse. 

E Archer, NYC

What are you talking about, Fred?  This quote is right out of the socialist's handbook?  You can't have socialism without lawyers and courts and offenders... that's why we need socialism, right?  You can't regulate all that you want to regulate without a 'justice system', right?  You're speaking out of both sides of your mouth (to put it politely).

E Archer, NYC

It is plain to all who has the mental disorder, Fred.  Without firearms, the government could not defend their corruption and theft.  It is not that people are mentally ill for preparing to defend themselves, but that it is entirely reasonable that among us are people who would use force to take what is not theirs and enslave those weak in body and in mind  like Fred.  How can a people be enslaved? When they have been dis-empowered in every way possible, when they have been 'programmed' to believe they are the subjects and subservient to arbitrary authority and 'experts.'

We know who the mentally ill are, and it is not us.  10 million gun owners did not commit a crime today, nor will they tomorrow, but they stand as a bulwark against the arbitrary rule Fred spews out every day.  Talk about deranged... you are their poster-boy.

E Archer, NYC

Why would 'someone' benefit from saying our coastal cities are in trouble of being submerged into the sea, if there's is no possibility?  Let me count the ways!  POWER!  Does anyone have the power to dictate to the world what they must do to prevent this theoretical danger?  Not yet, but they are working on it.  What is the proposed 'solution'?  Declare CO2 a pollutant and regulate it world wide, tax the people for any amount of CO2 that they may produce in the course of their lives  short of taxing their breath, I suppose, but who knows?!  Granting powers and centralizing them into fewer and fewer hands, choking the necks of nations, cutting off their air, closing down their power stations, regulating their farms and production.  POWER!

You communists always end up killing millions in pursuit of such utopian ideals, empty promises that only fatten the Politburo.  You are an utter fool, Fred, and willingly so.

BTW the tide lines of Plymouth Rock are the same as they were in 1620.   

E Archer, NYC

Often socialists are confronted with their delusions when they hear themselves denouncing the very founders and patriots of American freedom, but like Fred, they confuse their corruption with the real thing.

It is the authoritarians (i.e., socialists) that demonstrate total lack of faith in human determination which is why they will forever be at war with the people.  The day will come when the light is shone into the dark corners to expose the web of lies woven by their governments.  The gloves will come off, and no amount of 'let's just be positive about your oppression' will suffice.

The delusion will not stand, and we don't have to be 'positive', NO we re entirely NEGATIVE when it comes to accepting the lies.  ENOUGH!  Our handlers will soon have a very rude awakening.

E Archer, NYC

The "final arbiter" is exactly what we are worried about.  And socialism's arbitration is indeed 'arbitrary.'  Those that obey get to live under the thumb of the oligarchy, the rest will have to 'survive' in exile, if at all.  We have seen socialism at work: Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, Communist China, Cuba, Venezuela  death, poverty, and oppression are their fruits.  It is nothing but a con. 

However, Liberty for the people with a republican government has proven them all wrong.  The only task is "to keep it."

E Archer, NYC

Does anything more need be said?  This is precisely the condition we find ourselves in.  And what is the banker's solution? WAR & DEPOPULATION!  Yes, there are just too many people to take care of, they say.  NONSENSE!  These dens of vipers should be routed out and cast into the sea.  The 'new world order' is nothing but the same 'old' world order, and our chains are the same chains.

Precedent after precedent, generation after generation, We the People have forgotten who we are, our history revised and re-written, the truth buried and censored, power assumed, property stolen, patriots imprisoned, and millions wiped out in an organized culling by order of our 'democratically' elected representatives.  Shall we stand idly by while they tighten further the noose?  

Remember who you are!  You are not a slave but a free master of yourself.

E Archer, NYC

Four years later, we now watch closely whether the fake ballots and rigged voting machines will win again.  If so, I fear we have lost the republic, and civil war will follow.  Let us pray the Good Lord will deliver us from evil.

E Archer, NYC

Wow, what genius!  I suppose you have never read science-fiction in your life, or Utopia, or have seen Star Trek or Logan's Run, or today's WEF's plans for 15-minute cities or the Saudi's plans for 'The Line.'

Totalitarianism, authoritarianism, socialism, communism, whatever you want to call it is NOT a new idea.  The elimination of private property is not an original idea.  Corralling people into public housing is not an original idea.  A 'visionary,' expert, council or leader that decides how the rest of the people shall live is not an original idea. 

These are all very OLD ideas of people who believe themselves superior to others.  This is the height of narcissism  thank God you do not have the power to implement any of these oppressions, but you certainly are in good company of many who share them.  You are not 'The' socialist, Fred.  You are A COMMUNIST, one of many.  You are a wanna-be Genghis Khan  a very REAL innovator in ruling the world.  You are a copy cat...

E Archer, NYC

Fred, your rhetoric is not original in the slightest.  It is straight-up authoritarian, utopian, BS that can be found in any leftist classroom.  Please, quote me one single original idea out of the hundreds of posts you have made.

E Archer, NYC

Good Lord, what a bunch of rubbish.  Fred THE Socialist is in fact A communist.  Thanks for removing the veil for all to see.  Socialism is just the means to an end: communist enslavement of all.  Socialists rarely admit it since communism's history is well known and rejected by all who are able to remove its yoke.  Communism is straight up EVIL, and its proponents are demons who mock Truth, corrupt language to mean its polar opposite, divide, confuse and ultimately conquer to rule all "for their own good."

Fred you are merely a useful idiot parroting the dogma of slavery.  Why do you hate Liberty so much?  This site is dedicated to Liberty, do you come here to mock it?  Your dedication is puzzling.

E Archer, NYC

Laughable!  Are you deranged?  Communism is built upon lies, it cannot survive without lies, its very foundations are fraudulent, its tenets are made of clay.  Fake money, fake news, fake voting  all pillars of the communist state.  What a tool for world slavery you are, Fred.  God help anyone who has been corrupted by the ideals of Marxism, it is suicide.

E Archer, NYC

Read the article from which this quote comes, it's right on.

E Archer, NYC

Interesting observation.  It's "The lady doth protest too much, methinks" doctrine.  ;-)

E Archer, NYC

Brilliant analysis, Fred...  You have proffered nothing but logical fallacies to make your 'argument.' 

The most logical conclusion is that your "subconscious [is] convinced of the untenability of [your] own doctrines."

E Archer, NYC

Spoken like a true Marxist, Fred.  Equating John Adams with Barney Fife is absolutely insulting!  You are a bloated ignoramous!  Adams couldn't be more spot on regarding the responsibilities of the People about the encroachment of their rights. 

It is not the document's responsibility to protect us from the 'good intentions' from your socialist would-be demi-gods.  It is the common People  who are the targets of your utopian plans that apparently should be made more clear in these documents which you seem to believe a Constitution to be for, that is granting/transferring rights and power to people rather than protecting their God-given rights and property.  Your hubris stinks. 

I am absolutely tired of your totalitarian dribble spewed on this site every single day.  It is poison and a big middle finger in the face of everyone here who values Liberty over your socialist 'solutions' which are a death knell to our posterity.  makes me want to gag!  Why don't you take a vacation for a couple months, please.  Good Lord help me.

E Archer, NYC

The mental disorder is 100% yours Fred.  You couldn't pass a math class if you had a +/-5% room for error.

Speaking of which, how much of a mental disorder do you have to have to never question these MSM "polls" which say their results are +/-5% error-free?  That's a 10% error rate  or cheating rate more likely. 

There were 2 jars of candy with 100 pieces each.  100 people were asked to remove one piece of candy from either jar.  After every person was witnessed taking out one piece, the remaining pieces in each jar were counted.  There is 0% error if the total of the remaining jars is 100.  Anything else is a LIE and therefore INVALID.  In poker, the hand would be thrown out and maybe even a few players, too.

We have become too complacent with LIARS  they think we are dumb!  Sillik is not dumb  he is a COMMIE that lies to himself to cover up his arrogance and down-right evil heart.  

E Archer, NYC

You got most of it right, Fred.  And FDR's New Deal is definitely fascist  as well as a form of socialism.  However, what you have countered as the antithesis is also a form of socialism, i.e., communism.

The only things fascism and communism are to the 'right' and 'left' of are each other. Yes, Fred William Silliik the Socialist, you are also THE Communist.  I had previously thought you might just be misguided, but it is clear to me now you are a very proud, died-in-the-wool, full-on Marxist. 

And I have never met one who wasn't a narcissistic authoritarian who would burn the world to the ground rather than respecting the mutual rights of his fellow man to live in Liberty and thankfulness for this miraculous gift we call "Life."

E Archer, NYC

The Declaration of Independence is indeed America's founding pillar, still standing the test of time and is the touchstone of Liberty itself!  May more countries follow in this example.  The people of every country need to make this declaration for themselves, and America can truly support them in their defense against the globalist ruling class.  Let's make this declaration real for ourselves today and for generations to come!

E Archer, NYC

The US Constitution and Bill of Rights are the best attempt to preserve republican government and protect the rights of the People who chartered it in human history.  The post-Civil War amendments mark the start of the "decay" culminating with a central bank ruling over all.  The transformation from republican to statist government relies 100% on the receivership of the USA to the Federal Reserve under a state of emergency that has never been lifted. 

Socialism, or more specifically one of its forms, fascism has replaced the American government model but only be default.  We need only reclaim our republic from this false leviathan that lays claims to the labors and property of all.  Socialism is a con self-evident to any who have tried to exercise responsibility for themselves without government approval or permission.

Servitude is still the biggest racket in the world  and socialism is the 'science' behind it.

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