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Posts from GunnyCee, Durham, NC

GunnyCee, Durham, NCGunnyCee, Durham, NC
gunnycee, durham, NC

I don't know the history of 1909 when this was first proposed. It would be interesting to find out what the political and social circumstances were that spawned this outright theft of our incomes.

GunnyCee, Durham, NC

I wonder if Waffler ever had a job? A business...any business has expenses to pay. Waffler doesn't seem to take this into account. He believes that every penny that goes into the resgister goes straight to the employer's pocket. Expenses include the cost of labor. The idea is to balance your expenses with your income in order to make a profit. As long as you make a profit, you stay in business. If your wages are too low, your employees will leave for a better paying job. If you have no emloyees, you have no business. Wages are negotiated between the employee and the employer. The government has no business in this negotiation. If an employee isn't satisfied with the pay he's getting, he has options. One is to quit and go on the government dole. Another is to go to night school to learn a different trade. Another is to impress the boss by working hard, volunteering when he doesn't have to, going to night school to learn more about the business he's in, and in short making himself more valuable to the boss, and thereby earning frequent raises in pay. But you do know Waffler, thay any of these options means you have to get off your butt and take some action. Sitting around whining about how little you get paid is for losers like yourself.

GunnyCee, Durham, NC

There's only one problem with this quote. It makes too much sense and therefore liberals like Waffler and Anonymous will not understand it. The normal progression for most working people is to start at the lowest rung and work yourself up. You can, depending on your mental ability, your ambition, and self-discipline make about as much money as you decide to. Nobody expects a married man with two children to be able to exist on a hamburger flippers wages. Forcing employers to raise wages creates more problems than it solves. It raises prices to customers, it restricts entry into the work place, and if carried to extremes like liberals will always do, it forces jobs overseas. You see Waffler and Anonymous don't understand how capitalism works. They think they know, but they don't know squat. What they know is what Marx Lenin thought was the solution to being a wage slave. Instead, socialism makes you a helpless, irresponsible, nonproductive ward of the state who forces you to work at minimum wages at mind-numbing, nonproductive government jobs.

GunnyCee, Durham, NC

This quote goes along with the ones we had earlier this week about deceit. About how easy it is to deceive the people but so difficult for them to accept the truth. George Orwell's Animal Farm clearly shows the truth in William Penn's quote. The animals thought they were free and in charge of their lives when in reality, they were nothing more than abject slaves to the ruling class (the pigs). Hmmm, how many big shot pigs can you name today? Barny Franks, Chris Dodd, Barbara Waters, the Clintons, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, all the Global Warming pimps, and the list goes on. While we sheep stand around blindly and stupidly praising those that are screwing us thoroughly.

GunnyCee, Durham, NC

"You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!" -- Jack Nicholson in his role as a Marine Colonel in the movie "A Few Good Men." Why is this quote one of the most famous right next to "Frankly, Charlotte, I don't give a damn." The only reason people are shocked by the truth or by honesty is that they have been in denial and refuse to face reality until someone pushes it right in their face. This tendency for people to deny the truth makes it possible for people like Musolini, Hitler, Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Chaves, and Obama to rise to positions of so much power.

GunnyCee, Durham, NC

The commnists like Bill Ayers and his ilk like to use the word imperialism to describe America. Great Britian was, in its heyday, an imperialist country. They extended their power, influence, and control over other countries, India being a prime example. I know of no country that we have conquered and not left that country in much better shape than it was, and under their own government to boot. When we go into countries like South Korea, Vietnam*, Kuwait, Iraq, we helped them defeat their enemies and then returned home leaving them with the capabilities to govern themselves. *Vietnam was an exception because we were not allowed to finish the job we started, meaning that tens of thousands of our military and Vietnamese civilians died in vain. They are still a dirt-poor country who have come to us with hat in hand to help them bolster their economy. Only someone who has never read history could believe that America is an imperialistic country. What our home-grown communist detest is the fact that we are defeating communism all over the world, and Ayers is a home-grown communist and terrorist to boot. Any way, Joy, he IS a mentor of Obama's.

GunnyCee, Durham, NC

How true! America thinking that Bush was the worse error it ever made turned to an even worse error.

GunnyCee, Durham, NC

What else is new Waffler? What's new is our Constitution whose founders knew that Vini, Vide, Vici was the norm for dictators and monarchs. They gave us the blueprints to avoid all this horror and we've piddly-winked it away and voted an idiot as our president and given him the keys to the kingdom (our economy). It's people like Waffler who have the mistaken idea that Utopia is possible if only the ignorant masses would just agree to live under a benevolent dictator. How many banana republic and African tin-horn dictators does it take to see how stupid this ideology is?

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