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Posts from H Rearden, Burr Ridge ILL

H Rearden, Burr Ridge ILLH Rearden, Burr Ridge ILL
H Rearden, Burr Ridge Ill

And this is to Simon, regarding what we libertarians want. We want the government to protect our sovereignty, by maintaining our borders and a strong standing military and an active CIA. We want the domestic peace maintained, this via our police departments locally and the FBI federally.
And that is pretty much it. Do those 2 things and leave us alone. Stop discussing abortion and gay marriage - those matters are between a citizen and his/her God. Stop redistributing my wealth to those who have not risked or sweated to get it. From those who receive much, much is expected, by God. If we are not charitable enough, He will know. But one's charity to others less fortunate is also a matter between the individual and his/her God, not the government. After enacting tort reform, flat tax and abolishing the Dept of Education, Energy, Commerce, EPA, Obamacare, IRS Export Import Bank and a lot of other government entities, our legislators can select the 60 day period the following year when they will meet. Then they can go back to their home districts, live as their constituents do, among those constituents and attempt to make an honest living. Citizen legislators, without fancy offices, huge staffs and myriad perks and benefits that those in the private sector only dream about. Re register all voters, requiring a pay stub/tax return to prove that you have skin in the game.
The Welfarian Sector has been so thoroughly bribed for their vote (Medicaid, Section 8 Housing, Food Stamps/EIB Cards, Obamacare, Obamaphones etc) that they cannot be considered to have any vested interest in the furthering of our society. They are there for self interest only and as such deserve not the honor of the vote. That would be a refreshing start to what this libertarian would like to see. Simon was wondering, perhaps he is ready to sart thinking.

H Rearden, Burr Ridge Ill

The reason the flood od quotes need to keep coming is because so many Americans today cannot digest more than a sound bite at a crack and the feel - good socialists that control 95% of our media are very glib, making them up and shouting down the thinkers left in our society.
Simon is demonstrating this by his posts. Watching the thoughtless blabbermouths on MSNBC all one can think is, diarrhea of the mouth, constipation of the mind. Too dispiriting to tune in very often.

H Rearden, Burr Ridge ILL

It would be a great service to the nation if the teachers union would instruct their denizens to familiarize children with true libertarian thought than distract them with social justice and their sexual orientation etc. They could be reading Madison instead of Heather Has 2 Mommies.

H Rearden, Burr Ridge ILL

Waffler, let me give you a real life example of this in action. One person decides that he would like to take the property - in this case real estate- of his neighbor. He sues. The defendants, legal owners of the property in question, get a capricious idiot judge and after 6 months of litigation and appeal by the claimant to the appellate court, it is decided twice that the owners actually are the owners.
We were allowed to keep our property and our legal bill was $95,000. Now do you get the point?
Just as an aside, in other, less litigious societies, the loser would at least have to pick up the winners' tab for defense and court costs.

H Rearden, Burr Ridge ILL

And now we in the political cesspool of Illinois will get to see Rahmpelstiltskin in action... while he stamped his little foot at the charming Ms Karen Lewis and fitfully held back from spewing forth with the F - word, the upshot of the "crisis" will be that he can close 80 - 120 public schools since the school district is already 1 Billion yes with a B - overspent and they just committed another 300 million to the teachers, which they don't have. Even without the teacher situation the property taxes in Illinois are thru the roof, especially in Cook County, home of the City of Chicago. Want to see what our country will look like after 4 more years of the skinny socialist? Just watch Illinois and chicago. Thank you Axelrod.

H Rearden, Burr Ridge ILL

...and among these 70 there is not a scintilla of common sense...as for the communist Schakowsky, she lets her husband Mr. Creamer do the heavy lifting, crime - wise. Probably no one is watching the antics of the spouses - that might shoot the stats up just like our national debt under the Kenyan.

H Rearden, Burr Ridge Ill

Dittos and kudos GunnyCee. I used to think we had installed a cross between Neville Chamberlain and Jimmy Carter in the White House, but now now it appears that the Bamster has a bit of Putin in him too - was not the most successful Russian oil company taken over by the govt on his watch? and the founders put ijn prison where they languish today. Where does our government get the authority to take over auto manufacturers, interfering with our bankrupotcy laws, close down entrepreneurs selling the cars, the authority to keep Boeing from producing American products in the state of their choice, the unmitigated and stupefying notion that they should stop American/American friendly companies from drilling for oil in the gulf while the Chinese and others drill ? We are livng Atlas Shrugged.

H Rearden, Burr Ridge Ill

Beware the phony who can look straight into the camera and read the teleprompter, chiding us and lecturing us. Staycations for the masses, Marbella and Martha's Vineyard for Michelle Antoinette. The Bamster would like to see 6 dollar a gallon gas, so the masses learn to conserve...but remember the masses are buying his gas for him...and his limos.. and busses...and Air Force One.

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