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Posts from J Carlton, calgary

J Carlton, calgaryJ Carlton, calgary
J Carlton, Calgary

Absolutely right Mike, but I would replace the word law with the word justice. We have too many ridiculous laws now that do nothing but drain our pockets and slap us into line if we look like non-conformists. Our present system of central planning, central banking and arrogance in government are speeding towards a complete collapse. "Quantitative Easing" or rather "Printing a Bunch of Money" is the last gasp of every Banana Republic.

J Carlton, Calgary

Dick and Anon...you two are extremely nutty and you really should get together. You're very premise is ridiculous...you don't think the One Worlder's are going to use you as slaves? Good sense? Get real! Our only hope is sovereignty and liberty.

J Carlton, Calgary

We have been far too tolerant of far too much. Frankly, the time for debate is over. While we've been debating we have been losing our rights and civil liberties by the truck load. I will no longer give an avowed socialist the time of day as they are an avowed enemy of freedom and liberty.

J Carlton, Calgary

All things productive, innovative and motivated are the result of private free enterprise unencumbered by government "help". The complete breakdown of our productive / industrial engine and the poverty that are about to become manifest the world over' are a result of the efforts of a few banking mafioso's and put forth through the use of socialist policies. Sadly too many people actually think socialism will work. It does not, it is a cancer on all things good.

J Carlton, Calgary

Please God, Give American Patriots the strength to thwart One World Government Tyranny. The "Global Village" is a myth and the way it's being put upon is designed to have us (in our ignorance) skipping cheerfully into One World slavery.

J Carlton, Calgary

And Waffler once again displays his contempt for American thinking and his preference to Globalism. Disgusting.

J Carlton, Calgary

Describes perfectly the "culture of theft" that pervades our serf like lives today.

J Carlton, Calgary

It's been every administration sinse Hamilton "interpreted" the Commerce Clause to mean he and his buddies could manipulate our banking system...from there, the sky's the limit. Or perhaps a couple of million organized Patriots is`the limit.

J Carlton, Calgary

Waffler the quote does not say elimination. But I have to agree that absurd and extreme are typical Liberal reactions. Thanks for being consistent. :)

J Carlton, Calgary

Very Sensible. here's a cute little cartoon that explains "Quantitative Easing" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTUY16CkS-k&feature=share - Spread it around. :)

J Carlton, Calgary

generalized Welfare must be phased out and replaced with the laws of nature. (watch the lefties go nuts on that one)

J Carlton, Calgary

We have the power to stop the One Worlder's. And the power to right what is wrong inside the beltway.

J Carlton, Calgary

Do yourself and everyone else a favor Waffler...stick to Communist websites.

J Carlton, Calgary

Warren and Waffler...one word: Denial. Obviously the pair of you are simply too stupid to see the obvious...

J Carlton, Calgary

What I wouldn't give to see a 40 y/o Ron Paul running for Pres. In the meantime we can learn at the feet of an elder statesman.

J Carlton, Calgary

Higher thinking is unlikely to occur during these times of public education and media propoganda. And even if it di, it would be quickly stifled by the control freak "One Worlder's"

J Carlton, Calgary

RBESRQ, Read "the Creature From Jekyll Island" Do your own research and you will find that it is more complete and more compelling. There, no platitudes at all. It doesn't surprise me at all that some people want to be told what to think without having to put in any effort of their own. Liberals!

J Carlton, Calgary

Our present course will see us in rags gathering firewood. Things have to change. Fiat currency is a waste of paper...especially when it can be inflated and deflated at will by a bunch of foreigners who own the (non) Federal (no) Reserve(s) Bank. Time for America to reinstate itself as a Sovereign Republic.

J Carlton, Calgary

Wow the statists sycophants are out in full force this morning. Gasping their last breath I suppose. They fail to understand that BIG BROTHER is no friend of We The People. Go conservatism, go Tea Party...audit (burn) the Federal Reserve.

J Carlton, Calgary

Popeye...The supreme court is as corrupt and politicized as the White house itself and can not be relied on to preserve our founding documents. The intention and spirit of the Constitution is unmistakable and requires no interpretation whatever. And waffler, ever the statist sycophant is not worth responding to, as Socialists have no standing in America.

J Carlton, Calgary

An accurate analysis of exactly what is wrong with our form of government as it stands. jim k you are exactly right about the Oath to uphold the Constitution, but let's not forget it is more than just today's group of White House morons that are guilty. Wasn't George Jr. who said "The Constitution is just a damned piece of paper" ?.... They've all been guilty for a long time now.

J Carlton, Calgary

There goes Carlton again, he just can't take it without a jibe...Damned straight Anonymous! There is nothing left to debate with socialists.The lines are drawn. You are the enemy.

J Carlton, Calgary

To RBESRQ and Reston... there is no way to show blind socialists anything that doesn't fit within their myopic poiunt of view. I simply don't have tiome to write a book here to educate you...which you would pay no attention to anyway because tyou are of the sheep mentality and simply choose to be babysat and told what to do all of your lives. Of course it takes more than "just" a tax on fuel. BUT...everything outside of the 3 basic tasks mandated for Government would easily be put in place through private enterprise...just because your limted imaginations don't allow for it doesn't mean it wouldn't work. You Cancerous Socialists absolutely have to be eradicated by whatever means necessary if we are to survive as a nation.

J Carlton, Calgary

Imagine if government were limited to it's Constitutional mandate. Imagine all the jobs created by private enterprise and entrepeneurs in general...roads, hospitals, schools and jobs. And the money people would have in their pockets for retirement after NOT being tax raped all their lives to fund ridiculous socialist programs that have nothing whatever to do with Government's mandate. A flat tax on things like fuel would easily cover the cost of national defense and a court system of justice....if not for the ant hill mentality of socialists and their need for a "mommy" throughout their pathetic lives.

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