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Posts from J. Granville Baker, Rochester NY

J. Granville Baker, Rochester NYJ. Granville Baker, Rochester NY
J. Granville Baker, Rochester NY

Excellent 18th century philosophy and prose which other references have condensed and updated to a 21st century bumper sticker philosophy (which I prefer to the original) Other web sites report the quote as when John Adams was away at the war front doing business, his wife Abigail wrote him and asked: "What should we tell our neighbors? Why are we doing this?" And John wrote her back that famous letter: "You tell them that we study war, so that our children can study business, law, commerce and invention, so that their children can study art, and poetry and music." I am not sure what war front they were referring to in 1780. Also, I recall hearing it attributed to someone else. (I wish I had said that -- don't worry, you will)

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