Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [26-33] of 33Posts from JoW, UtahJoW, Utah Previous 25 Reply JoW, Utah 4/16/08 re: Edward Abbey quote Its true, and too many today are asleep while there freedoms slip away 1 by 1. As Thomas Jefferson said: "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. We are not free, we are more free in comparison to other countires but we are not free. Reply JoW, Utah 4/16/08 re: A Framer quote "Obedience to and respect for law is the hallmark of a free people" Obedience to and respect to God's law is the hallmark of a free people. Law of the land is not perfect and should not be followed as if it is. "Armed take over of a village, town, city, state or the US Federal government has to my knowledge never been attempted let alone consumated in this country to my knowledge but feel free to correct me if I am wrong." A few examples, on one extreme you have revolts such as: The revolutionary war and the civil war. The british were the government and we rebelled with weapons takeing our country city by city. On the other extreme you have revolts such as John Brown, Henry David Therou (although true he did not use a weapon or resist going to jail.) and Shay's rebellion where a large group of farmers revolted because they had never been payed for there services in the revolutionary war. "What do you call it when a state gives up its sovereignty for federal benefits," A federal government... As for the qoute: "the power of that country will remainunder the direction of the most wealthy citizens." Usually yes, but far from always. George Washington was a farmer, with a comftorble estate true, but he was in debt most of his life. 1 Reply JoW, Utah 4/15/08 re: Frederick Douglass quote Very true, even a perfect govenrment cannot stand when its people are corrupt. 21Reply JoW, Utah 4/15/08 re: Frederick Douglass quote Teenager here, "Mises Law 08. No person does anything unless they thought it would increase their satisfaction." Every person acts to gain satisfaction, whether there act be self serving or for the greater good. With teenagers, with the entire U.S. even. Many see that self gain will give them the greatest satisfaction. As for an education preparing someone to be a slave, that CAN be true but the end choice is the students. Outside circumstances can only do so much to influence someones direction in life. No matter how good the education the choice to use it remains with the student, if they choose not to use it. They become a slave to those who use it against them in this dangerous world. Reply JoW, Utah 4/15/08 re: Sir Richard Burton quote Differant people have differant personalities and drives. One slave set free might deisre revenge. Another may feel the sweetness of his new found freedom and never wish such a thing as slavery on his worst enemy Reply JoW, Utah 4/15/08 re: Sir Richard Burton quote Differant people have differant personalities and drives. One slave set free might deisre revenge. Another may feel the sweetness of his new found freedom and never wish such a thing as slavery on his worst enemy Reply JoW, Utah 4/15/08 re: A Bill Concerning Slaves quote The quote is wrong, every human has the right to self preservation as much as the next man. The government's sole purpose (it should be, but isn't) is to protect the people from inside or out side danger. If they could indeed protect the people from danger when we have no guns, then I'm all for gun control. But (despite what the government may believe) they cannot protect us from others before we are already dead. Reply JoW, Utah 4/14/08 re: P. J. O'Rourke quote The use of the word "right" is incorrect. You have the ability to do as you please. You have the ability to murder, but not the God given right too. Rights and wrongs put all human action in two categories. Rights have good eternal consequences while wrongs have bad ones. You have the right to: "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"-Locke. You have the wrong to murder. As for the duty to face the consequences of your actions, that is like saying the last domino in a long train has the duty to fall. It is not a duty, it is simply inevitable. In this life or the next. Previous 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print