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Posts from Joe, Rochester, Mi

Joe, Rochester, MiJoe, Rochester, Mi
Joe, Rochester, MI

Directly on point, Robert and Michael.

Joe, Rochester, MI

Our government should follow this.

Joe, Rochester, MI

Business growth is becoming more difficult in our country. The government adds regulations to anything that sells well or costs a lot, because they want there share in taxes.

Joe, Rochester, MI

People do not understand what they have voluntarily relinquished.

Joe, Rochester, MI

So why can't Congress stop imposing rules on us?

Joe, Rochester, MI

These same "people" in the First, Fourth, Ninth and Tenth Amendments are the same "people" mentioned in the Second Amendment. Each and every one (1) of us has the right to own and carry weapons, it is not only for those in a militia.

Joe, Rochester, MI

A parallelism with the war on drugs ... blunt by blunt, joint by joint, and plant by plant. The United States is mostly Nationalist Socialist ... Nazi.

Joe, Rochester, MI

...because THEY know what's better for you than you do. hahaha

Joe, Rochester, MI

Democracy is rule by majority. As if 90% of people finding murder acceptable makes it okay to kill your neighbor. Murder is not justified by a democracy. This concept is socialist.

Joe, Rochester, MI

A is A. Regardless of from which direction truth is viewed, the actual state of a matter remains unchanged. Liberals and socialists would have you believe truth changes depending on which facet you view. As if a diamond viewed on its flat top ceases being a diamond when you turn it over and view its point.

Joe, Rochester, MI

I resent anyone telling me what is good for me. I will decide what is best for myself.

Joe, Rochester, MI

Calling a personal choice a crime is a great evil to us all.

Joe, Rochester, MI

If I want to know something about you, it's none of my business unless you choose to tell me. If I want to know something about my government, it is absolutely my business, and yours. What government does should not be a secret. Most things are secrets because they are illegal and unconstitutional.

Joe, Rochester, MI

All government services and agencies need their efficiency increased and errors decreased. Save some of our tax dollars. Private companies do so much better ... or they'd be out of business. But government simply takes more tax dollars from us to pay for the increased inefficiency and errors.

Joe, Rochester, MI

A place we are slowly losing as the government expands its censorship.

Joe, Rochester, MI

People in the U.S. like to say they are free, but when you have a SSN (hail government [sarcasm]), increasing debt, and new laws to obey at every turn (which are opposed to the spirit and letter of the Constitution), lead by men more corrupt and immoral than most of us, who are acting socialist in our Republic ... how can we be free?

Joe, Rochester, MI

...the abbreviated version of the Fourth Amendment.

Joe, Rochester, MI

The "democratic political system" is socialist and liberal. This statement is as scarry as it is true, though I do not approve of the Council on Foreign Relations, nor the Trilateral Commission. I am no longer apathetic, though I do not have a good idea of what to do to stop the tyranny. I do what I can, like vote Libertarian and support the NRA.

Joe, Rochester, MI

The phrase "...which will enable us to impose our own terms..." is greatly disturbing. Definitely communist and socialist mentalities. And probably one reason our country is called a democracy instead of a Republic!

Joe, Rochester, MI

About as paranoid, unpatriotic, antisocial and un-American as you can get.

Joe, Rochester, MI

War is cheap...except for the billions of dollars and thousands of lives. Certainly legislators and their children aren't fighting and dieing, though some of them survived earlier wars. Put Congress on the front lines in Iraq and see how quickly the war ends.

Joe, Rochester, MI

Per 100,000 people, South Africa is #1 with 72, Colombia is #2 with 51, Thailand is #3 with 31 and the U.S. is #8 with 3. www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_mur_wit_fir_percap-crime-murders-firearms-per-capita The Violence Policy Center (Brady organization) exagerates firearms deaths by quoting 13.7 per 100,000. www.vpc.org/press/0203france.htm VPC encourages asking adults of a home where your child plays if they own a gun. Pool accidents are 60x more likely to cause a childs death than guns, so the better question is if the home has a pool. VPC ignores 2.5 million times each year when guns are used to prevent murder, rape, robbery, and more. Also, the more government gets involved with health care, the less people are able to afford it.

Joe, Rochester, MI

Another case of our government acting unconstitutionally agressively toward another country.

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