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Posts from Ken, Milford Pa

Ken, Milford PaKen, Milford Pa
Ken, Milford Pa

Thank you Mike. I never said, or intimated that we should stiff our creditors, and I never have. I have been robbed at times but I never used it as an excuse to violate anyone else, even the robbers. However we can escape, but we do it by regaining control and being the masters of our destiny. Please realize that if we keep saying that we can't do something, then we can't. If we believe that something is impossible, then our despondency will make it so. If we are determined to succeed, then we will. We need to be the watch dogs over everything, and everyone. We have to be breathing down the backs of all of our representatives and make them do their jobs. If they get out of line, we have to reel them back in. They are there to serve us, not us to serve them. Let them know that we are vigilant, and that we are watching their every step, and they will watch their step. The free ride is over. This bail out bill was their notice to us that they don't care about us, they have received notice from us that their day has come. Congress received so much internet mail (97% against the bill) that they shut the system down for fear of an overload. Now let's stick by our guns and vote them all out. (that is all that voted in favor of the bill and against the people) In Pa. both senators voted against the people, congressman Chris Carney Voted for the people and against the bail out bill. Carney has my support and all of my campaign efforts, while I will work against Spector and Casey when they come up for re-election The price that we pay for our freedom is eternal vigilance. Get active, get busy, be strong, be brave. We owe it to our founding fathers, and all future generations.

Ken, Milford Pa

Gentlemen, I will not pretend to really know how all of the behind the scenes goings on of the banking system works. However I do know this, that when a bank gives me a dollar, they have the power to declare that the dollar is worth a dollar. Then when I pay it back, they have the power to say that the dollar is now worth a dime. So now I am required to pay back ten dollars for one dollar given to me. I am not saying that they always do it, but they have that power and I don't. Not only that, if they pull this scam, there is nothing that I can do about it. My government, that I pay to protect me will use it's full power against me and defend the bank. I will go to jail if I cheat the bank, but when they cheat me they are protected and viewed as respectable while I am viewed as a thief. When they get into trouble due to poor judgement or mismanagement, I am required to bail them out and foot the bill, but if I get into the same situation, I get no help and viewed as stupid and foolish and am told that I am just getting what I deserve. I can lose everything, but they never lose anything. With the stroke of a pen, they create money. If I sent them a piece of paper that I merely write on, "you are now paid in full" but sent no money, how far would I get with that? Yet they can foreclose, and repossess at will, when they never really put up anything in the first place. Sounds like a pretty good racket to me. However if anyone but a banker does the same thing, they are gangsters and will be hunted down and brought to justice. Sorry but I say round up all of the banking crooks, throw them in jail, confiscate all of their holdings, give it to the people, start a people's bank, with a rotating civilian watch dog group to prevent future indiscretions and start all over.

Ken, Milford Pa

More on the news in Canada. England has decreed that there will be no more emigration while there is such a financial crisis. The borders are now closed as they stated that their first responsibilty is to the English people and to the nation. You will not get this news in the U.S. because it might wake up some people. Imagine that, a government saying that they are going to put its people first and not worrying about being thought as racist or insensitive. Well they have my vote. Let's clean our country up, get (illegals) out, no matter where they are from, and focus on Americans and America.

Ken, Milford Pa

I am in Canada at the moment. I am very interested in the news that is on T.V. here. It appears that the Canadian banking system has been regulated well, and as a result, it is in sound condition. Even though that road on the coat tails of the USA and received many benefits from being in a rather beneficial business association with us, now that we are in trouble, they want total disconnection with us. HHMMM. I think we should recall this once the ship rights itself.

Ken, Milford Pa

We all are happy to have libraries, public schools, fire departments, etc. However this doesn't mean that when we point out where government has overstepped it's bounds that we are unappreciative or unpatriotic. It is the must American thing possible being able to speak up and express our displeasure. Having these public services doesn't mean that we want government to decide for us how we are to conduct ourselves in every aspect of our lives. It is un-American and unpatriotic to tell American's to except, in silence what government doles out to us. Government is the servant of the people and not the master. The servant is never supposed to dictate to the Master and the people are the masters. John Adams said that it is the job of government to create the most happiness, for the greatest amount of the people, for the largest percentage of the time possible. He did not say that the government is to rule over all details of our lives instructing as to what to do. This was recognized by all of our founding fathers as tyranny, not freedom or riches.

Ken, Milford Pa

Archer, right on the money. Excuse the pun. Thank you for the comment and God bless. Yes, I do believe that our hand is forced and now cannot be stopped. I actively campaign and everyone is furious. They want justice and want it now. They are in no mood to be placated.

Ken, Milford Pa

By the way Ken, you sound to me like you do some traveling. I'm in the east. have you been there? We really need a Tyler.

Ken, Milford Pa

Yes my time table was off, and yes Wat Tyler was there to discuss terms and conditions, but was murdered insted. However stunned the mobs were, their desire for freedom was set in motion. The Magna Charter, the british constitution, the American revolution, the American constitution, as well as the rest of history is the result of those brave souls who taught us how to be men. The lesson should never be lost. Do not trust tyrants, defeat them.

Ken, Milford Pa

Feudalism is what they want, but they will only get it if we let then have it. What was it, about 1507 that the peasent revolt took place in England. Everyday people, alot weaker then we are today, revolted and destroyed the feudal system. They set in motion the thirst for freedom, and spread it world wide. It is now upon us, modern everyday people to assure that the spark of freedom dose not die. Men died to give us what we have, but the tyrants never rest. They are always at work figuring out new and more cleaver ways to enslave mankind. This is why the road to freedom is paved with the blood of tyrants and patriots. The tyrants force the issue, not the patriots. The patriots just want to be happy and left alone. There comes a time in history when you can no longer relax. Action is compelled upon us, and as much as we might like to deter it, it seems that we will not be allow to. I can see the rage in the eyes of my fellow Americans. It burns like a fire. It will only be quenched by justice and freedom.

Ken, Milford Pa

Will we ever learn? Yes, we the people knew all along that the bail out was a sham and would not work, and we were proven correct. it is the senators and congress that was too stupid of crooked to do the right thing. Now, everyone, everywhere, find out how your so called representitives voted. All that voted to approve the bail out, make sure that they never hold public office again. Those that did the right thing and voted no, thus serving the people, be sure that they get re-elected. We need to get active and take back our country. Do not let up. And by the way, the IRS is illegal. A law was never passed that allows the IRS to even exist. Watch Freedom to Facism editors authorized version and learn the truth.

Ken, Milford Pa

Thats right. They destroy the market, forcing everyone that cant afford to hang in there to sell off everything. Then they, with the phony money buy it all up at fire sale prices. The rich get richer and the little people die in pain and suffering. They have done it before and they are doing it again. It is a crime and they need to brought to justice. Just because they have money and power dosent mean that this is not thieft. Imagine, they have been giving them selves bonus's and partys with our money, then they throw us out of our homes.

Ken, Milford Pa

And we see more and more people from around the world that are arroused enough to start getting involved here. Next step is to show the so called rulers that they only rule if we allow them. The true power belongs to us, the people. Make noise, stand up to them, put them back in their place as they truly are. Public servents. Servents of the people. Not our masters.

Ken, Milford Pa

Everyone needs to research how their representitives voted on the bail out bill. All that voted for it, vote them out. Those that voted against it, vote back in office. If they refuse to represent us, then remove them as representitives.

Ken, Milford Pa

Wow! Great comments. Special thanks to Sophia, (which means wisdom), and to James E Lockwood. There are more aware out there than one might think. Now we need to unite and act.

Ken, Milford Pa

Yes, and they have proven again that they have nothing but contempt for the people. 87% wanted the bail out bill dumped, but they went against the will of the people and spit in our collective faces. I guess they feel that we are too stupid to understand the issues. I guess that they think that we put them in office to do what ever they think is right and ignore the public. This is why I have said before that we need to get very, very active. We need to regain control of our country and our childrens future. Yes they are under rocks with slugs and roaches. They come out from time to time to raid the fruits of our labors. If you agree with this blog, get busy. E-mail them, call them, write them, let them know that you are aware, and will not forget come election day.

Ken, Milford Pa

Everyone's comments were very well made. This is why "we the people" need to take back our country. Our polititians have raped and pillaged our society like starving foxes being left on the loose in the hen house. Make your voices heard. Hound your congressman and senators. Get active, be productive. There is no time to waste.

Ken, Milford Pa

The beauty of this site is that we all get to express ourselves. If we all take to heart what others say and ponder these ideas, we will all find at times that the other persons position has much merit. We can learn from each other, and adjust our own minds. These are acts of maturity. A child is one that cannot yield his position without throwing a temper tantrum. By being mature and respectful we see that we all have much more in common than we differ. Then we can unite in effort and make constructive improvements in the overall human condition. It is up to us, since our 'leaders' have shown no such desire. We can, and must work together, or else all will fail. Whether we believe it or not, we are our brothers' keepers. It is required of us that we always improve on what was given to us. Peace.

Ken, Milford Pa

See there is much more that we agree on than we disagree with. This is why we all need to get united and make constructive changes. When we discuss things openly and intelligently we can get much done. Thank you for your reply.

Ken, Milford Pa

Blunt objects have been updated to tazers, and they are being used quite liberally. Every time a cop uses his tazer 3 times, he should be required to be tazed by the public 1 time, just to keep him honest.

Ken, Milford Pa

You would think that after Arisophanes made this statement 2500 years ago, that politician's would have at least tried to clean up their act, however most that I see are just more of the same.

Ken, Milford Pa

At least in a democracy you actually have a say. The result is that you might actually be interested and involved. That is not to say that we have a democracy or that it would actually work. We all do need to be involved though. We can't surrender our rights, or be so disillusioned that we sit back and allow those in office to do whatever they want. Make your voice heard, and never let them forget that they work for us. Contact your senator and congressman and tell them what you want. If you don't, then don't complain.

Ken, Milford Pa

I assume that when a question is asked, or an insult is made, that a response is wanted. I just tried to provide an answer to the comment. It is never my intention to annoy, aggravate, insult or even argue with anyone. If my comment was offensive, then I am truly sorry for that. In the future if your statement is intended to be rhetorical, please state it as such. We will have to agree to disagree on a few minor points. Peace.

Ken, Milford Pa

Jim K from Austin, please see my reply to the Obama comment posted under Bagdikian. Thank you very much.

Ken, Milford Pa

Obama will give a tax break to every American making less than $227,000 with the ones making less, getting the bigest break. From $227,000 up to $600,000 you will hold pat. Above that you will have an increase, because you can afford it. With McCain it is reversed. Obama will secure the boarders, and stop the invasion. He will stop the free medical ride for invaders and provide medical care for Americans insted. He will secure our social security benifits. He will stop all of the breaks and incentives for companys that build factories over seas, and out sorce jobs and will give these benifits to companys that are loyal to Americans and America. He wiil eliminate all income taxes to seniors that make less than $50,000 a year. Working mothers will get relief also, up to $3,000 credit for each child. Just a few points here, there are many more. By the way, do you know that McCain wants to tax your medical benifits as though it was income, that is if you are even lucky enough to have it now days.

Ken, Milford Pa

Yes it would seem imposible to be worse than G.W.Bush. But any one, place, or nation that funds or supports terrorists is actually worse than George Bush.

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