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Posts from Ken, Milford Pa

Ken, Milford PaKen, Milford Pa
Ken, Milford Pa

It is my opinion that the problem here is, that we do understand all too well how government acts and is suposed to act. When one dose not understand it is easy to follow blindly. With knowledge comes the burden. The burden here is the awareness that at the present time our own goverment, the very one some of us put our lives on the line for and were willing to die for, is out of control, no longer takes direction from the people, and will willingly offer us up on the alter of the great God of government. Blind faith is death in itself.

Ken, Milford Pa

None of these men were perfect. However they did a darn site better job then most of our (servents) are doing today. For that matter then almost everyone since them also.. Anyway, again this shows what their mind set was, for those who seem to be unable to figure it out.

Ken, Milford Pa

I believe that Lincoln was one of the finest human beings that ever lived. That said, although I abhor the reason that the South wanted to separate from the union, they had every right to do so.They just did n't have the power to see it through. The North had no right to prevent their separation. As regrettable as it would have been, we should have parted as friends, and hope for a happy future between us. And I am born and raised, and still living in the North, Northerner. I just believe that everyone has the right to choose their own government, and dissolve a union with one that no longer serves them and their interests.

Ken, Milford Pa

Your point on industry being dirty and not caring about anyone else is right on. You get no argument from me on that point.

Ken, milford pa

When the police take your car because of a whiff of pot, that dose not take into account if that was the result of a hitch hiker or of a prior owner, as in a used car, but try to get your lawfully cop/ government stolen car back. Will you tell me that that is trully lawful, and a service to society/ the people? Was anyone really threatened or endangered in this event. If we are trully free, and not just imagine that we are free, shouldent we have the freedom to decide for ourselves as adult, free moral agents, to use coffee, tea, pot, booze, tobacco or what ever as long as we don't endanger anyone else. Ps. how much steriods, pot, coke etc do the cop use. Amn how about the real thugs, ATF, IRS and such.

Ken, milford pa

I don't believe that I saw a single quote on these blogs where someone said that guns and or violence is the way to change corrupt government. I myself, as well as others stated, that a well armed public is the surest way to prevent government from being corrupt, and needing change. Please be honest on this site, and stop the untruths and name calling. That does not promote the peace that you espouse to adhere to. Now let's make our points like men. We can agree to disagree, but at the same time we should respect each other's opinions. That is what freedom of speech is all about, that is American.

Ken, milford pa

You are right on, Karl. Let it be known though, that when I make my comments I do not imply that every official is evil. In fact I know many that are perfectly honorable and noble. I will do anything to protect those that do their job correctly, because saddly they are way too few and we must preserve all of the good ones that we can. The real problem with government is when we step ever so slightly out of line, they are right there to (punish) us. I mean from the low level cops, all the way up to Washington. They almost never police themselves though. Their crimes far surpass any misstep we might take, yet they go unchecked, and unpunished. The result is they loose all creditability and respect of their true bosses, "the people"

Ken, Milford Pa

Prior to WWII. Europe had a wonderful view of the Germans. They were sick of those brutal Brits, those fearsome French, and those war like Austrians and Prussians, not to mention the Spaniards and Dutch with their desire for world domination. Yes if only the Germans would take their rightful position in Europe. Those musical, and educated Germans with all of those Universities, such mechanical geniuses, and everyone knew of their reputation for being so kind to animals. They could bring peace to this inflamed continent. Well in just 10 years, the worlds best hope for peace was, goose stepping, jack booting, and brown shirting their way to attempting to eliminating everyone except the master race- them. Dont think that it can't happen here. In fact the whole world fears us more than anyone else right now, because they see us as a country marching to fascism. If the German people had put an end to it when it started, WWII might have never happened. It was their right and duty as a people to stop it, as it is alot easier to put out a match than to put out a forest fire. But Hitler took away all of the guns, and imprisoned the Intelectuals. Thus the good Germans were powerless, and a mad man took control. If every time the SS officers went to a home of a Jew, Catholic, Slov, Gypsy ect. and they pulled out a gun and killed several goons ( which they had the moral right, and obligation to do) I dear say, Mr Hitlers plan would have hit the skids.

Ken, Milford Pa

The principle here is simple. That being, anyone who has a sword (power) is in position to enslave those that do not have a sword. Not that they always will, I have guns and pose no threat to anyone, as It is my desire to eliminate all violence. However if everyone has power, it is less likely that even the attempt to enslave anyone will be made. The pursuit of peace, along with love, and respect, of his fellow man is man's greatest purpose. Saddly, the road to that objective is awash with the blood of tyrants and patriots. Why??? because the tyrants ALWAYS force the issue.

Ken, Milford Pa

The Cops, IRS, ATF, D.A.'s, Judges just to name a few, are not serving the people, because they do not obey the people. They defy the people. Then they are outlaws and illegal. Anything that government or its representives do that is not allowed by the constitution, is stated in the constitution to be illegal, and we are instructed to remove.

Ken, Milford Pa

I own both hand guns, and rifles. I almost never even look at them no less use them. Although I am an ex US Marine, shot expert on the rifle range, and missed the range record by two points. I am not some gun brandishing nut.I pray to God that I never have to harm another human being in anyway at all, no less shoot and kill them. As for the government officals, I certainly do not want to harm them any more or less than anyone else. I am well aware that from their perspective I do not have the right to defend myself against them, but that is only because they are the ones that have lost perspective. Every new government is the result of the people removing the old and installing the new, disspite being told that they did not have the right to do that. In America, (we the people) are the boss. This is our country. Government is required to obey us and not the reverse. It is them who foolishly believe that they are the masters, and not the servents. It is true that in their eyes I do not have the right of self defence against them, but in Gods laws, and that of nature I have the right to, and will defend myself and family, or anyone for that matter, from anyone bent on doing them harm. If that should be cops, judges, solders, or who ever, over steps their bounds, then they have broken the law, and will be the cause of their own consequences. We are not wimpy, whiped puppies in this country. We are free, brave men. We dont want the nightmare, but if it forced on us, we will answer the call. Ask any nation, or people that supposed that they could cower us into submittion. It never worked in the past, and push us far enough, and it will be seen that it will not happen now. Let us all pray, and work for peace, but always be ready for war. It is the only way to have relative assurence of peace.

Ken, Milford Pa

George Washington stated that, the government that we gave you, has the purpose of serving the people. If at anytime that government ceases in that service, the people have the right, no I say duty, to raise up and remove that government. This is a paraphrase, but I think the point is well taken, and it wraps it up (peoples rights) to me.

Ken, Milford Pa

Why is it so difficult for some people to understand that freedoms lost are never given back? Once you lose them they must be restored by force of arms. If you don't have arms, then all freedoms fall like dominoes. I prefer to keep my freedoms rather than to lose them and have to fight to get them back. The first thing every tyrant did is round up the intellectuals and guns. The weak and defenseless are then easy to oppress.

Ken, Milford Pa

Reston Va. No one wants anarchy, but it is necessary, to remain free, that the government have a healthy respect of the people. That can and will only be maintained if the people can defend themselves. Dick, when the people are well armed, and skilled in the use of those arms, (they are) the militia, and they assure the nations freedom just be their existence. It is part of thr checks and balances installed by the wise men that we call founding fathers

Ken, Milford Pa

I am sorry to tell you, but the definition of a militia was coined some time after the founding fathers stated their position. Thus that definition is unconstitutional and illegal. The great men who created our country saw for themselves that a well-armed people, skilled in the use of those arms, are as a result, a free people. When the general public is armed, they form and are the militia. A people disarmed and dependent are surfs and SLAVES.

ken, milford pa

The only reason there could possible be for disarming good law abiding people, is to subjugate and enslave them. I will die before I submit to either. America we had better wake up fast or there will be nothing left to stand for. Imagine, Bill Clinton saying such a thing after vowing to defend the constitution, and being a lawyer. This proves how dire the situation is.

Ken, Milford Pa

Gentelman, Solon was one of the wisest men who ever lived. In his day he was viewed as the wisest man alive and thought to have been the wisest ever born to the human family. He was hailed before Kings just to hear him speak, and he thrilled them wherever he went. Please reread his words and think about them deeply. There is NOTHING here to argue about. Peace Profound

Ken, Milford Pa

Yes, it takes men of courage to make meaningful change, and we are indebted to them for all that we have, and owe it to them, and future generations to show the same courage. Lest we lose all that we have. It is better to fight and lose some, then it is to surender and lose all. And if need be, I would rather lose all going down fighting like a man, then gain a lot slithering like a snake.

Ken, Milford Pa

To all of you who commented that we are loosing our freedoms, and need to start fighting to get them back, and maintain the rest, BRAVO. More and more people are seeing the handwriting on the wall. We need to get very active, and take back our country. This can only be done if we all stick together. 'Government is not eloquence, it is not beauty. It is authority and force, and like fire it is a very dangerous servant, and a dreadful master. My brother, George Washington. Pray for Peace

Ken, Milford Pa

Ask any high school student who Thomas Paine is. Watch the blank stare. Now ask a college student and observe the confusion on their face. I spoke to a very proud graduate from Seton Hall University, who informed me that he had a History degree, and proved it by rattling off a mindless number of dates and names. I am sure that he was a very good student, as his grades were excellent. I asked him if he understood the importance of those names and dates. If he could tell me what effect those events had on world affairs and ensuing events. If he could see how they led up to, and caused, or prevented, helpful or hurtful reactions, and how he could apply this in his life, as well as use them to guide others. He looked at me like I threw a bucket of sand into his motor. I am sorry if I sound Jaded, but after my experience in the Marines, and Viet Nam, as well as what I see going on today, I have concluded that these people running our country cannot be this dumb. They are doing this by intelligent design. We are watching the dumbing down of the American people while they are dismantling our country. Why would they do this? For their personal profit, and to create a future (one world government) so they can have absolute power. Tyrants have no limits, they are relentless, and are never satisfied. They must be forcibly stopped, or they will destroy everything. All I want is peace in my life, and a better future for the next generations, but sometimes you need to fight for it. Peace Profound to all.

Ken, Milford Pa

The more I hear people speak, the more I grow hopeful. I was always thought to be a radical, but now it appears that eyes are opening. We that have eyes to see need to do all that we can to open the eyes of the blind. Be a voice crying out in the wilderness and most will wake up sooner or latter. Lincoln said " to go ahead faster than the country is willing to fallow will only cause mutiny. The cannon is loaded, and when it is fired I intend to have the people touch off the powder themselves" It should be mandatory for every American to read Paine's-- (The Rights of Man) and (Common Sense) This is just a taste of his brilliance. Reading Paine's work will hasten the opening of the eyes, I'm sure this is why this is not taught in school any more. Pray For Peace

Ken, Milford Pa

If you are engaged in action, even suppressing your own natural inclinations, for the best interests of others, and for their general well being, then this is noble conduct. If however you do this to be deceptive, and for your own self interest, and believe yourself cunning and wise to have gotten over on others,,,well lets just say, this cannot be called noble.

Ken, Milford Pa

In the book, Private Yankee Doodle, which is the only account recorded by a non officer in the American Army during the American Revolution, he tells the account of the victory at Saratoga. The British were required to put down their arms and walk through a phalanx of American troops. One young man wrote home to his family in England and gave his description of the event. He said that "we will never defeat these people, as I saw a determination in their eyes that is never seen in the mercenary armies of Europe. He said that these Americans are tall as a rule rather than the exception. They are wiry and strong in appearance but even stronger in reality. He said some were white, and some were black, the rest were various shades in between. WE were told that we were sent to put down rebellious Englishmen. These are not Englishmen, this is a whole new race of man". My friends, they were with us from the very beginning. I am a Viet Nam U.S.M.C. Vet. I was given a good job because of my service to my country when I needed it. Lets just be fair, and just, to those great people that have given so much to the American society. We are who we are today because of all of the contributions made by everyone, of all races, but blacks have been with us, hand in hand, and side by side from the very inception of America. PS this was not an Oddity. The same was said about Francis Marion's men (Swamp fox) Light Horse Harry Lee's men (R.E Lee's) father, and Samuel Pickens men. WE did a lot of mixing in early America. This showed that we loved each other. We need to love each other again. Peace Profound

Ken, Milford Pa

Wow J Carlton, for a Canadian you've got Lawyers and the Supreme Court nailed down pat. Very good observation. A point about reparations must be made though. First off blacks, or African Americans have never been given the opportunities that everyone, and I do mean everyone, eventually received. How do we enact justice for those who were here, fought in our wars, helped build our country, and have been good citizens. I don't mean recent arrivals. I mean those that contributed so much and did not receive compensation. I really don't have the answer, so my question is rhetorical, intended to thought provoking. At least, however quotas was an attempt to right a gross wrong.

Ken, Milford Pa

Gentleman, after rereading my quote I see that I misstated my position using the word am instead of was a minister. I resigned after over 10 years of service due to pressing family obligations. This sure seems to have struck a very sensitive nerve. I am very sorry for any distress that it may have caused. However although no longer having an official ordination, I have never stopped preaching. The difference is that now I am not restricted to dogma, or tenant. My only point is that one time in man's development he needed turmoil, anguish and even wars to spur him on to development, and laws to keep him from overstepping his bounds. Today in our present stage of emotional, intellectual, and spiritual evolution, we should not, and do not need misery to prod us on, and laws to keep us down. We need to exercise justice, mercy, compassion, kindness, respect and love, while assisting and sharing the worlds bounty with each other, because it is the right, moral, and GODLY thing to do. We can master our impulses of conflict, and embrace each other in harmony, and usher in the condition of PEACE PROFOUND

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