Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [26-50] of 86Posts from Ken, milford paKen, milford pa Previous 25 Next 25 1 Reply Ken, Milford Pa 9/24/08 re: Alfred E. Newman quote If I rob a bank, I go right to jail. If a bank robs me, they get a raise, a bonus, a pension, and a handsome severence, and I get to pay off their debts. All thanks to our president who thinks that the treasury is his personal funds. Stand up America and be heard. Contact your congressman and senators. It your money, not theirs. 1 Reply Ken, Milford Pa 9/18/08 re: Émile Faguet quote Everyone who reads this site needs to go to (Freedom to Fascism-Director's Authorized Verson), and watch the entire Video. It will take about 2 hrs but it is well worth it. Let me know what you think. 1 Reply Ken, Milford Pa 9/17/08 re: Charles De Gaulle quote This is why we all need to be involved. When we don't vote, or watch them closely, they know it and they run amuck. Let them know that you have your finger on their pulse, and that you will not standby and let them bulldoze you over, and they will be more careful about their conduct. Yes, I agree with Archer, stop electing Lawyers. 1 Reply Ken, Milford Pa 9/13/08 re: Ludwig Börne quote Every great society was based on this equation. 20% would be poor. 10% would be rich. 70% would be what we call today, middle class. This 70% was the backbone, strength, and suport of any trully great society. They had it better than like people anywhere else. They were well fed, their family was safe, and they had some leisure time. They loved their life and worked hard to preserve it. They were willing to fight and even die if need be to sustain it. They taught their children to do the same and expected no less from them. However, if they lost hope, and confidence in their rulers, and their society. If they had no prospect of improvement. If all seemed to be going down hill. If they were opressed. They became very dangerous. They would no longer obey, work, or fight to preserve that society. they would say, lets see what the next guy has, its got to be better than this, can't be any worse than this. They might ever rise up and overthrow their rulers. This is usually how all great societies collapsed from within. It becomes like a run away freight train that can't be stopped. Do you see a patern here. I do. Our rulers need to make the people happy. They need to do their jobs right, and respect the people, so that the train never gets started. The queen bee is a servent to the hive. It is the soldier and worked bee that keeps the hive alive. Reply Ken, Milford Pa 9/12/08 re: Noam Chomsky quote Yep, thats why we get fluff and not news. I am in agreement. 2 Reply Ken, Milford Pa 9/12/08 re: Bernie Sanders quote My comment was not about why we are in such bad shape. My point is that they want us to look the other way while they put blinders on us. In other countries they sit around and discuss everything from the theater to politics and religion. Here in America we are conditioned not do talk about such things in public. We are supplied with entertainment and distractions ad nauseam. Is it any wonder that we can't discuss anything without getting enraged with each other? Is it a surprise that most Americans are so poorly informed? I don't think that we are stupid people. In fact I think that we are the most brilliant people on Earth, but we have been dumbed down for a reason. The reason is so that the tyrants can continue to get away with their dirt, while society never notices what they are doing. More freedoms have been lost by gradual usurpation than have ever been lost by force of arms. This can only happen if we are not watching, aware and vigilant. Hence they distract us. Its three card monti on a grand scale. 3 Reply Ken, Milford Pa 9/12/08 re: William Colby quote This doesn't surprise me at all. It just proves to me that it is as bad as I suspected. Our leaders won't save us, so stop looking at them. This will require a complete and total awakening and uprising or the people. Pray that it is not too late. As to being rounded up. Don't treat it lightly. They no longer need search warrants, and you no longer have the right to a phone call or an attorney. All they need to say is that you are suspected of being a danger to Homeland Security. They can also take all of your possessions. The constitution has been made null and void. Wake up America. Reply Ken, Milford Pa 9/12/08 re: Noam Chomsky quote Stop for a minute and think about what we are served up as news. I read NY newspapers and see the fluff that is in there, as well as NJ and Pa papers. Headlines like a house fire in Idaho, suspension of alternate side of the street parking, a robbery in Jersey City, as well as all that I need to know about Britney Spears and Lindsey Lohan. Is there any doubt that we are being blinded of the important issues. Do any of you think that we choose to be left in the dark like this, or do you suspect that someone wants us to be ignorant. 2 Reply Ken, Milford Pa 9/12/08 re: Bernie Sanders quote Every direction that you look in, we are in terrible shape. Inflation, commodity prices, unemployment, taxes, illegal invasion, the transfer of our wealth to Europe, Asia, and Arabia, and on and on. Is there any doubt that we are being distracted with nonsense and lies. If we don't open our eyes, we will never see. A well informed and vigilant society is a free society. Now if I know this, don't you think that the tyrants know it too? Reply Ken, Milford Pa 8/26/08 re: Henry David Thoreau quote He died. Reply Ken, Milford Pa 8/21/08 re: Patrick Henry quote All that I want is the truth. I don't care if that truth is that Humans are owned by some intergalactic empire, and we are viewed as lowly barnyard animals. If it is true, I want to know. It won't change my opinion of myself, as I am content with who I am. I won't be afraid, as I have no fear of death. It is just that I detest being lied to, and I find the truth too sweet. No matter how much it flies in the face of previous beliefs. 6 Reply Ken, Milford Pa 8/15/08 re: Galileo Galilei quote We should always be walking question marks. None of us know it all. Todays dogma, is tomorrows myth. When you stop learning, you start dying. What good is a brain, when you stop critically thinking? Reply Ken, Milford Pa 8/15/08 re: Carl Sagan quote Most people need to beleive that what ever it is that they are doing is correct. The thought that they may be wrong is the greatest violation to their senses that they can endure. It is worse to them then the wrong action itself. When someone with greater insight says, wait a minute, that might be wrong, those acting falsly will fight and even kill to perpetuate the lie, out of their need to beleive that they are right, rather then actually being right. On the other hand some take the position that, if I am doing something wrong, please enlighten me, because I would rather do it right. These are the meek, the peaceable, the ones willing to grow and advance. They will raise them selves, as well as the whole human condition. I prefer the latter. Reply Ken, Milford Pa 8/15/08 re: Thomas Jefferson quote The point being made here is that the lie cannot stand the test of time. It will fall eventually. As in the Earth is flat, or the Earth is the center or the universe, and so on. It needs to be propped up by committee, board, or government. Some controlling body that has some vested interest in the lie. But the truth will stand on it's own merit. It will stand the test of time. 3 Reply Ken, Milford Pa 8/15/08 re: Thomas Jefferson quote The problem with newspapers today is that what they dispense as news is nothing more than fluff and propaganda. They are spoon feeding us nonsense to distract and blind us from the real news, and it is working very well. Reply Ken, Milford Pa 8/12/08 re: Thomas Paine quote Quoting Nehemiah carries no more, or no less value then quoting Paine. Religion should not be feared as long as it is kept in its proper place. When ever religion says you must believe or you will be burned at the stake, or your head will be chopped off, it must be viewed for the tyrant the it has become, and IT MUST BE STOPPED. I cannot stress this enough. Religion is beautiful, if the beauty of it is put into practice. If it is perverted into evilness, there is nothing more dangerous, or ugly. It must be stopped with the urgence of a house fire. 1 Reply Ken, Milford Pa 8/12/08 re: Thomas Paine quote Reason is the only answer. It is what makes us human, and separates us from the animals that rip and tear at each other. The only time that reason doesn't work. is when the other person only wants to win, and has no desire to be reasonable. Lincoln said to always appeal to the better angels of men, and to seize the moral high ground, and never, ever relinquish it. He understood that most people do not know the value, and reason for doing the honorable thing. So show them, and most will fallow. 3 Reply Ken, Milford Pa 8/12/08 re: Thomas Paine quote I have the up most respect for Paine. He has to be one of the wisest modern men that ever lived. As to his addition of God, well it just shows how important God was to our founders. But the important thing is that they believed that God was a personal choice, to be honored in your place of worship, and your conduct, but never to be impelled upon others, and never to be involved in government. As long as This mindset is always followed, God poses no threat to anyone's mind, body, or soul. Reply Ken, Milford Pa 8/12/08 re: John Gilmore quote PS. I have a reply to the Solzhenitsyn Quote 73B6. Please observe. 1 Reply Ken, Milford Pa 8/12/08 re: John Gilmore quote The wisest thing that there is, is time. Because it eventually reveales all truths, no matter how well concealed they are beleived to be. If, therefor, government never wants to suffer the embarrassment of being exposed in time, just be truthful. Then they will have the respect, love and adoration of the people. 2 Reply Ken, Milford Pa 8/11/08 re: Alexander Solzhenitsyn quote I understand that we can't all just do whatever we want to do. We have responsibility to ourselves as well as to each other. My point was just an analogy to advise that we have liberties and not freedoms. Our constitution gave the people freedoms and the government liberties, but because most people do not understand the fact, and the difference, we are loosing those freedoms and they are being replaced with liberties. Why does the government require me to use a seat belt in my car, but school children on a school bus are not ever provided with one? Could it be that it would cost the government money to install? Then how do they order me to have and use one at risk of punishment at the hands of that government that doesn't think it is important enough to provide to our children? When will the bathtub police be checking your home for a non slip mat? Where do the intrusions to our freedoms end? It is happening in stages now so that we can be conditioned for the big ones later down the road. More freedoms have been lost by gradual usurpations then have ever been lost by force of arms. 4 Reply Ken, Milford Pa 8/7/08 re: David Edwards quote Yes Archer. very well stated. So well in fact that I will now include this in my collection of quotables. Thank you. Reply Ken, Milford Pa 8/7/08 re: A. E. Housman quote Anyone that is able to think for themselves, has their eyes wide open, and sees how it is, but knows how it should, and could be, is deluded. He sees that it is all an illusion. The horse with blinders on only sees the carrot on the stick, and is content to pursue that which it will never get. You press foward, but it is always the same distance away. 3 Reply Ken, Milford Pa 8/7/08 re: Alexander Solzhenitsyn quote I like to think that I am free, my heart feels free but my brain knows that we really are not free at all. If I am (truly free) why do I need a permit to make an improvement on my home, permission to take my own tree down, on my own proprety, a licence to drive, hunt, and fish etc? Why is a free man told when, and where, he can do these things, and how many you can catch or shoot? Why do I need to register everything from my car to my gun even myself while illegal invaders are allowed to run amuck. Freedoms are something you have that cannot be taken away. Liberties are granted and can be revoked at whim. By definition we are people that have been granted some liberties by our big brother, and he will remove them at will if the mood so strikes him. I want to be free, I wish that I was free, but I know that today, the goons can come and round up anyone that they want, when ever they want. They no longer need a search warant. They now can get one after the search is made. Wake up America, or you will die in your sleep. 1 Reply Ken, Milford Pa 8/6/08 re: Alexander Pope quote The wise man will doubt himself and change his mind often, for he is wise enough to know his own limitations. The fool will not doubt himself and will never change his mind. Because in his mind, he believes he knows all things. The only thing that he dosn't know, is his own ignorance. Ancient book of wisdom, Unto Thee I Grant Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print