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Posts from Mike, Norwalk

Mike, NorwalkMike, Norwalk
Mike, Norwalk

Sillik, WHAT?  What pure state, is the quest? Can you describe that "pure state" through scientific methodology  complete with examples, ab initio through fruition? Are humanity's differing desires a sin, or at least a flaw in socialism. Which god has determined this "pure state"? Your theocratic "pure state" as illuminated by you, is a mental illness. "Developmental circumstances"? (your empty / circular word salad is showing again). On what scale are you determining "right and wrong"? Depending on the outcome sought, "right and wrong" is more a religious perspective. Existence, as a faculty of birth, complete with a "priority of needs" (food, shelter, etc.) is an inherent property  needing no theocratic instillation.

Mike, Norwalk

Not quite sure how to rate this. One man's opinion about his nation is not necessarily a corollary to his religion. As there are many affiliate associations / denominations in any major religion, so it is in socialism. Depending on any given of socialism's many denominations (communism, fascism, progressivism, wokeism, etc.), the missionary efforts are also varied (violence, scholastically, government intervention, etc.).

Mike, Norwalk

“Communism is quite concrete in its ethical and moral foundation. If communism isn’t the most unethical, immoral and devastating to the human experience, it is a close second. Communism “is religion” that is not relative to ethics and morals. Communism is religion, NOT science ! Sillik, please prove communism is science (through scientific method - complete with examples) - you CAN’T !!

Socialism is: any of various economic, religious and political theories, philosophies or movements outside nature’s law advocating collective or governmental / religious ownership and administration of property (real / chattel / sensorial beings, etc.) along with the means of production and distribution of goods. Religions and political theories / philosophies / abstract analogies do not qualify as a science. How does communism scientifically define murder and all other violences? Sillik, you are a theocratic / compulsive liar.

Mike, Norwalk

Dick, a caveat to your observation. The real threat of government is adopting and become any/all forms and illustrations of socialism  besides fascism - communism, progressivism, wokeism, etc. are all riding herd on the mass of individuals.

Mike, Norwalk

oops, Socialism is a diseased religion that denigrates all elements of the human experience.

Mike, Norwalk

Marx learned well from his father. He fashioned his new religion after his interpretation of Christianity. “⋯ Socialism is a religion. All we lack is a religious genius capable of uprooting outmoded religious practices and putting new ones in their place. We lack traditions and ritual. ⋯ My Party is my church, and I believe I serve the Lord best if I do his will, and liberate my oppressed people from the fetters of slavery. That is my gospel.” (Joseph Goebbels, October 16, 1928 Diary entry) Socialism is a soulless, heartless and oppressing religion with the inorganic phantasm (government) replacing other gods. No matter socialism’s religious ordering (communism, fascism, progressivism, wokeism, etc.), it is a diseased religion that degradation all elements of the human experience.

Mike, Norwalk

Robert, WHAT ? ? ? Under communism, the church, the press and universities only exist to serve the state. That is as true today as it ever was. The occupying statist theocracy now infesting this land is the church, the press, the universities and the state (complete with corporations = i.e., extensions of the state).

Mike, Norwalk

The "state" is an inorganic phantasm that is kept in power by carnal gods through profiteering by force. Despots, acting under the banner "government", commit many tyrannical / illicit / larcenous acts under their vain claimed morality. Socialism (Marxism, communism, fascism, progressivism, wokeism, etc.) is a demonic religion of enslavement AND, absolutely contrary to nature's law, science, logic, individual sovereignty, inalienable rights, liberty and the nobility that is man (heirs to Eternity's King). No matter the religious, moral or thieving dogma asserted under the umbrella of socialism  it is WRONG ! ! !

Mike, Norwalk

Sillik, your stupid word salad would almost be funny if it wasn't so sad. It is very sad when you pass your own attributes (socialism) off on to innocent others and them condemn them for what you do (socialism kills, crushes and destroys freedom, is life degenerating, is anti-economy, is detrimental to positive development and is contrary to all that is noble within the genus man). You once lied about never saying anything you can't prove. Please prove how I kill, crush and destroy freedom.

Mike, Norwalk

Sillik, WHAT ? ? ?  I'm not quite sure what you are trying to make up now ? ? ? Your false interpretation or outright fabrication (lie) makes no sense at all. How many times have I ask you: "do you want some weed, or do you have a cigarette? What was your numeric threshold to boredom?  In your outpatient state, can you differentiate your state of consciousnesses or, distinguish between dream states? WOW, I'm impressed, you took time to look up the meaning of a word. Normally, you make up meanings as you go.

Mike, Norwalk

Logic is: “The science of reasoning ⋯ subservient to the estimation of evidence.” (Black’s Law Dictionary) Again, science (the systematic study of the nature and behavior of the material and physical universe, based on observation, experiment, and measurement and the formulation of laws to describe these facts”) is but a subcategory of nature’s law. Nature’s law is the absolute / measured  regular manifestation of matter (as evidenced). Socialism is: any of various economic, religious and political theories, philosophies or movements outside nature’s law advocating collective or governmental / religious ownership and administration of property (real / chattel / sensorial beings, etc.) along with the means of production and distribution of goods. Socialism by any definition is NOT logical with NO evidence suggesting otherwise.

Mike, Norwalk

Sillik hahahaha  lolololol; the "mentally healthy Socialist" is an oxymoron that doesn't / can't exist. Also, any significant behavioral practice of a Socialist is as an authoritarian not allowing any questions from its/their theocratic slaves.

Mike, Norwalk

Editor, THANK YOU ! ! ! for all your endless and hard work ! ! !

Mike, Norwalk

Sillik, Being mentally healthy, free and knowing nature's law is antithetical to man's enslaving force, you are correct, I don't accept socialism's force. And by the way, communism is only logical and simple if you are a mentally ill slave.

Mike, Norwalk

Sillik, it is well understood by the most positive, productive and promising humans that your statement is but just one of the lyes to enslave a majority of the noble specie.

Mike, Norwalk

Sillik, spoken like a truly converted devotee of Herr Goebbels.

Mike, Norwalk

Sellik, communism is NOT scientific (no matter how much you proselyte the lie) but rather, communism is a perverse religion of the mental ill. Communism, at its core with all associated dogmas and applications is antithetical to law, as well as each subcategory thereof (science, economics, nature, etc.). All forms of socialism (communism, fascism, progressivism, wokeism, etc.) can only be implemented or arranged within the family of man's whole through force, fear, intimidation, lies and otherwise unlawful means.

Mike, Norwalk

Robert, it is the theocratic socialists (communists, fascists, progressive, woke, etc.) in Amerika that creates the wars, occupies nations and promotes pain / poverty a long with such other dogma policies.

Mike, Norwalk

Sillik, you make me smile. There is on rare occasion where I have to positively nod my head in agreement with a partial of what you've said.

Mike, Norwalk

Ok, What law, human consequences and what lawbreaking is specifically being referenced. Not really enough here to rate. There seems to be a general contempt for nature's law (with its individual sovereignty, inalienable rights and liberty). Such contempt is from the bottom up WHILE, it is taught, encouraged and enforced from the top down.

Mike, Norwalk

Oops, I don't know why the "S" did not print? It should read Sillik.

Mike, Norwalk

illik, your theocratic socialism is a mental delusion of epic proportions. First, the use of the term "need", is a misdirection / off topic diversion from individual sovereignty, inalienable rights and liberty at nature’s / Constitutional law. Your theocratic delusions are antithetical to the specie man’s nobility, human nature and reality. History has proven the quotes accuracy over, and over, and over again. Crime and violence explodes when there is no counter balance to the malefactor recidivist. How do you define “knowledge”, “understanding” and “well adjusted”. Using those terms in a cause / effect or any relationship as concerns a socialist is oxymoronic.

Mike, Norwalk

The mentally healthy provision (-; I think that is page 2, paragraph 3 ;-) tells us that the mentally ill individuals (socialists) cannot control themselves.

Mike, Norwalk

Only the religiously mentally ill will believe the government (god) can create anything;  ESPECIALLY, a law-abiding adult citizen (slave).

Mike, Norwalk

“A man is none the less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years.” (Lysander Spooner)

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