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Posts from Mike, Pleasant Hill

Mike, Pleasant HillMike, Pleasant Hill
Mike, Pleasant Hill

Take it to him Logan! "The people have been brainwashed, educated, misinformed and manipulated into accepting a life absent freedom and liberty. That's the ultimate manifestation of your Democracy, Waffler..."

I know you were referring to China but I think the same thing could be said about the United States these days which would explain the youthful and useful idiocrasy of the students at the University of Missouri (Ferguson effect) and the people that support the socialist left and their candidates. OUR PEOPLE HAVE BEEN BRAINWASHED TO BELIEVE A LIE!

Mike, Pleasant Hill

I hear you Jack, but when considering free-speech rights what do we do with people like Al Sharpton who do more than yell "fire" in the theater that causes harm to people? Al Sharpton and his ilk do much worse through their lying assertions they caused great harm to come to many in places like Ferguson Missouri but yet no consequences befall this man because he is protected by a cloak of invincibility of victim status for himself and his race.
But who are the real victims anymore it seems to me that these self-proclaimed victims have themselves become victimizers on a spree of thievery and property destruction!

IMO they have become what they accuse others of being but they remain untouchable because of Cultural Marxism and the phony politics of race baiting.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

@ Anonymous, never cared for Bush but to come out and say that Obama did good for the country is delusional! Anyone who has researched Obama's history would laugh at your assertion, since Obama was a boy he has been immersed and indoctrinated into communist philosophy all you need to know to see that is true is to know the background of the people he has associated himself with.
Obama will go down in history as America's worst president, Jimmy Carter can now die in peace having passed that mantle to him.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Mr. Archer, a bill that is voted on by the majority and signed by the executive if it be unconstitutional according to my readings of the founding fathers is NO LAW at all that we as sovereign citizens are bound by.
You also spoke of fighting for your rights all the way to the Supreme Court but the way it is now with the judiciary branch having become despotic and in collusion of usurpation with the other two branches cannot adequately produce a constitutional remedy for we the people. We currently have radicals in black robes sitting on the High Court.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Well, it was supposed to check it, like the Second Amendment was to protect our right to keep and bear arms from being infringed, and now we have the specter of "free speech zones" or that the failed war on drugs has all but destroyed the fourth amendment and expanded police powers or the imposition of the income tax destroyed our Fifth Amendment right.

"Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy; such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man's life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mould itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit, and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable cruelty of one or a very few." -- John Adams, An Essay on Man's Lust for Power (1763)

Mike, Pleasant Hill

To answer your question Anonymous, no I am not tired of the terms we use here and I would wager most of the others who frequent this website would agree with me.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Waffler says: "The American people have it within their power to reduce the size of bureaucracy, police etcetera. All they have to do is to start obeying the laws and regulations that they have established for themselves to follow. It is a wayward people that do not follow their own laws."

I would imagine that some people said the same thing in Germany in the late 1930s? Was it the American people who wanted the Obamacare laws passed? NO! They burned up the phone lines calling to say no but it was still shoved down their throats just like many other laws so Waffler don't pee down our backs and tell us it's raining, unfavorable bills are passed all the time and that doesn't even touch the unaccountable appointed bureaucrats and there regulations issued by unconstitutional bureaucratic
agencies. Our founding fathers tried very hard to give us a Republic because the last thing they wanted was a democracy but over time and the workings of shiftless bureaucrats that have made our Constitution practically a dead letter as they swear an oath to it then turn around and ignore the plainly written limitations to their power.

"Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy; such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man's life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mould itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit, and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable cruelty of one or a very few."
-- John Adams, An Essay on Man's Lust for Power (1763)

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Right on Dick, prime example of that kind of radical is Obama, I'm guessing he would consider our founding fathers radicals?

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Reston says: "The path that the radical right and GOP use so effectively today."
If that's his truth how does he explain that it's the RADICAL LEFTISTS whose agenda is advancing with the help of their lapdog news media while the right is holding on by their fingernails endeavoring to safeguard our RIGHTS and turn back the blatant political corruption, cultural and moral decline of America but the truth is irrelevant to the Alinsky left, it is a detriment to their socialist agenda.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Personally I don't see the connection between this C.S. Lewis quote and socialism. I think some people are not taking into account the fallen sin nature of mankind, I think that's the bottom-line we are dealing with. Some people railing against corruption should look in the mirror. Why did our founding fathers try so hard to give us a Republic instead of a democracy?

"Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy; such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man's life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mould itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit, and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable cruelty of one or a very few." -- John Adams, An Essay on Man's Lust for Power (1763)

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Very good Mr. Archer but I would say willingly ignorant for the most part.
The question we ask ourselves concerning political corruption that being (will these people be held accountable?") Not like you and I would that's for sure, as it becomes abundantly clear from Hillary Clinton's testimony before the committee that she and Obama are going to get away with covertly arming terrorists! I think this is made possible because the political corruption we are witnessing is but a mirror reflection of the corruption and moral decline within our own people and if this were not true the people would rise up and put a stop to it but that is not happening in fact by her poll numbers she's even being allowed to run for president.

On the question about marijuana laws it's interesting that just a couple of weeks ago I watched a program concerning America's utterly failed experiment with alcohol prohibition and in the program it was revealed that the government actually poisoned alcohol to make people sick and even kill them to stop them from drinking, fast-forward to today with the war on drugs and our government sprays paraquat on marijuana just to make people sick end kill people to stop them from using it, same old tactic from the same government.
The generation of alcohol prohibition was smart enough to see that the cure was worse than the disease and abolished it but unfortunately the unintended negative consequences stayed with us. In today's power-hungry statist big government the war on drugs is used to expand government power, God save us from those who will poison, imprison and kill us for OUR OWN GOOD?

Isn't that concept the essence of gun-control laws?

Mike, Pleasant Hill

There's no doubt that America is in a moral and cultural decline of the founding fathers were concerned that we maintain because the system they gave us depended on it. As a jurist we have the power to judge the facts and the law but today the definition of justice seems to elude those responsible for administering it.

"Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt." -- Samuel Adams Essay in the Public Advertiser, 1749

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Thanks Bryan, all true! The Fed is a millstone around our necks.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

You got that right Norwalk Mike, Hamilton in my opinion was the poorest example of a founding father he favored a large centralized government and I believe even wanted a permanent president.

I think he got what was coming to him, thank you Mr. Burr.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

A lot of knowledgeable people leaving comments here.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

I agree with Frank but there's more to it, our people have been dumbed down and have been made slaves to dependency by the political class who bought them off with their own money in so-called benefits to the point where their oppression rests easy on them but the pressure is increasing and like the proverbial frog in the pot will we shake ourselves and jump out in time or be cooked?
With all due respect to Archer I don't believe the way of Gandhi will work for us in our time. Our founders believed that liberty was possible but were concerned that a high enough level of virtue must be maintained in order to keep it, but as we look around today virtue is getting to be a harder commodity defined as America is in a moral and cultural decline nothing points this out clearer than the rise of political power of the sodomites now having the ability to oppress the First Amendment rights of people and threaten freedom of religion.
When so many embrace wickedness and sin is it any wonder our country suffers under national judgment we are losing our liberty as just weights and measures are corrupted?

"Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt."
-- Samuel Adams Essay in the Public Advertiser, 1749

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Hidden, you are wrong about Lincoln. He was a tyrant and launched the war of Northern aggression and kicked open the door for a large unconstitutional centralized government.
Jackson did what he could in the time that he had; it was a victory for him, but the international bankers had time on their hands and inevitably got control like they have now.

Here's a link to an animated video that tells the story pretty well of how the banking system got started and how it works today.


Mike, Pleasant Hill

Dick from Fort Worth, you speak of cognitive dissonance. It takes the virtue of being honest with yourself to overcome it.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

James Madison, the Father of the Constitution, elaborated upon this limitation in a letter to James Robertson:

"With respect to the two words "general welfare," I have always regarded them as qualified by the detail of powers connected with them. To take them in a literal and unlimited sense would be a metamorphosis of the Constitution into a character which there is a host of proofs was not contemplated by its creators. If the words obtained so readily a place in the "Articles of Confederation," and received so little notice in their admission into the present Constitution, and retained for so long a time a silent place in both, the fairest explanation is, that the words, in the alternative of meaning nothing or meaning everything, had the former meaning taken for granted."

(Up until the time that the politicians discovered they could bribe the people with their own money and enslave them with dependency, enter Social Security.)

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Thank you Archer, yes the dishonest money system is at the heart of our enslavement a system based on debt can never be free of debt, the rest is fallout and windowdressing from that fact as the international purveyors of the system dupe the ignorant and use them as pawns to maintain the status quo, squabbling for scraps off of their table with the illusionary promise of the Utopian paradise of socialism gleaming in their eyes, at that time all will be fair, that's what the peasants in Russia thought after the revolution and before the terrible reality became obvious.

I wonder why is that, are they reading too much Howard Zinn and Saul Alinsky? Many of them talk about the founding fathers but have they read the books that the founding fathers read that enlightened them to this wisdom they attribute to them?
I think not, else why would they hold opinions so diametrically opposite to that of the founding fathers understanding of human nature and natural law.

Someone suggested that they read the book by Cleon Skelton "The 5000 Year Leap" I think that is a good starting place along with his other book "The Making of America" but as they say you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

It's hard to pay for anything when all you have is debt instruments.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Waffler, sometimes I wonder if you are just some kind of plant a provocateur whose job it is to come in here and say ignorant stuff to stimulate conversation among those who have actually studied extensively and understand what's going on, your display of pure ignorance regarding our dishonest money system is a prime example the things you mentioned "oil, coffee and corn" are commodities which must be processed or grown they don't just sprout up out of the ground on their own ready to use unlike gold who when found is worth something right out of the ground, it's been the standard of wealth for thousands of years.

A lot of people respond to you but I get the impression that you hardly even read what they say and that's sad because it is truly your loss however I will try to point you in the right direction so you can educate yourself on the subject, you probably won't watch it all but I offer it anyway because it is accurate even though it is animated it puts a fun spin on a very serious subject!


Mike, Pleasant Hill

America's founders sought to bring freedom and liberty to the world by example only, but in the course of time it has become impossible to do that because we have allowed ourselves to be corrupted, without sufficient virtue human nature and natural law takes its inevitable course.

"Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt." -- Samuel Adams Essay in the Public Advertiser, 1749

Mike, Pleasant Hill

"People who are hardy, resilient, and self reliant..."

Waffler would have us believe that reliance on an all powerful centralized government that would take care of us from cradle to grave is the answer. But reliance on that breeds dependency and that my friends is just one step behind slavery.
Waff lives in the world like the Matrix where a lie has been pulled down over his eyes to blind him from the truth, if Waff played a character in that movie you would be the character of "Cypher" the character that thought that ignorance was bliss and wanted to be put back into the Matrix choosing the comfort of the illusion instead of the challenge of the truth!

We have always had Waffler types throughout history, they have been the willing pawns of the power elite, but like the peasants of the post-revolution Russia lived to regret their earlier support of it when the illusion of the dream became a nightmare.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Excellent comments here today from fellow patriots, I think the problem that Waff is having is that he's reading too much Howard Zinn and not enough of the founding fathers writings as well as the books in their personal libraries so he understands where they got their ideas of liberty and natural law. I would be surprised if the folks here have not tried to point Waff in the direction of some good literature to educate himself with the writings from John Locke, Cicero the history of the Peloponnesian war (for understanding human nature) or The Complete Works of Plutarch, people may think that the problems we face now are new but they are anything but in fact they are very old some thousands of years and we can learn from that history, even Waffler if he takes the time to it and puts away his left-wing socialist screed papers that have convinced him that heaven (Utopia) could be made on earth if only the right people were in charge.
Here's a particular favorite quote of mine that I think explains the situation we find ourselves in now.

"Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy; such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man's life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mould itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit, and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable cruelty of one or a very few." -- John Adams, An Essay on Man's Lust for Power (1763)

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