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Posts from Mike,, Norwalk

Mike,, NorwalkMike,, Norwalk
Mike,, Norwalk

I like it a lot  extremely more accurate than not !

Mike,, Norwalk

Archer, my wife was also a super lady and stay at home mom (has since past). She did not even work when we were so poor we didn't have as much as a car to sleep in. We did not take as much as a morsel from any government related anything. Through my labors outside the home, the situation improved. My wife also homeschooled our kids. The stark differences between nature's law's historical examples (personal sovereignty, inalienable rights, and liberty vs. all else) is more than illustratively abundant. Socialism is a religion that is antithetical to women, the family, morality, economics and all that which is the nobility of humanity.

Mike,, Norwalk

I like it a lot. I have first hand experience of the accuracy of the quote.

Mike,, Norwalk

That has been my experience ! ! !  and, I've roamed considerably 😁

Mike,, Norwalk

Sillik, your extremely empty word salad once again demonstrates your promulgation and support for an absolute enslaving ignorance. If your word salad uniquely addressed the definition, theology (religion) and practice of socialism, you would be absolutely right. From your personal “god” complex position, continuing to redefine words and concepts doesn’t fair well for your attempts at furthering your religious propaganda. By example: religion is; “real piety in practice, consisting in the performance of all known duties to ⋯ our fellow men.” (Bouviers Law Dictionary). “⋯ Socialism is a religion.” (Joseph Goebbels, Diary entry, October 16, 1928)

Another religion’s author stated: “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven.” Your here stated single doctrine is in toto, antithetical to Christianity and harmonious with your stated attributes of socialist gods (like yourself) and the religion thereof that promulgates and supports nothing but cold hearted violent cruelness.

Mike,, Norwalk

I like it a lot  far more accurate than not!

Mike,, Norwalk

Said exceptionally well;  except  for man creating liberty or freedom. Liberty and freedom are not created by man, as they are eternal definitions at nature's law. Compelled compliance, victimless crimes, government licenses, larceny with impunity (2nd plank of the communist manifesto, funny money, etc.), non-recognition of individual sovereignty, perfected allodium, inalienable rights and LIBERTY at nature's law are each enslaving elements antithetical to liberty ! ! !

Mike,, Norwalk

Sillik, for myself, I am free and truly happy. There, you've met at least two? 😁

Mike,, Norwalk

I believe an aspiration toward freedom is "a" most noble human manifestation BUT, I don't believe it is the most essential. Elements, such as love and faith are a base of humanity that secondarily affords the seeking of freedom. An example on the other side concerns people like socialists;  they identify and change love for certain emotions, faith for enslaving theocratic beliefs while calling evil good, and good evil; they put darkness for light, and light for darkness; and they put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Mike,, Norwalk

     Mick, family today is defined by dysfunctional malefactors, cherry picking events in an attempt to change the wholistic / historical meaning of family. The current norm is to place woke / anti-family parties in a descriptive view, from a 30,000 ft. high vantage (identifying a structured family) which only distracts from the core. Homosexuality in large part is a taught mental disorder within a familial setting. By "God Ordained”; what carnal created god or false facade is doing the ordaining?

     The here subject matter family focused on is a man and a woman covenanting (beyond merely contracting) to unite in a very narrow relationship at nature's law. That family unit that is blessed with children then instills the values of nature's laws (Nature’s law is the absolute explicate / expositor of quantum matter’s most base composition (definition of the be’s do). Nature’s law is an inherent conduct, primitive effect and definable action. “The law of nature is that which God, the sovereign of the universe, has prescribed to all men, ⋯” (Bouvier’s Law Dictionary). Law is a tangible’s applied static measurement within a domain of absolutes (biology, chemistry, physics / science, fiscal / economics, gravity, math, magnetics, life, liberty, and rights that then emit morals, ethics, work habits, personal responsibility, honesty, integrity, etc.).

     Marx and Lenin both understood well the family’s importance and effected such demonic philosophies as socialism (communism, fascism, etc.) to destroy such.

Mike,, Norwalk

Another direct family member that describes my life's observations.

Mike,, Norwalk

been there, done that  got the T shirt; I like it a lot.

Mike,, Norwalk

In the limited scope perceived, I like it a lot.

Mike,, Norwalk

We hold this truth to be self evident.

Mike,, Norwalk

😁 I'm sure I meant illuminated obvious. 

Mike,, Norwalk

Archer, Very well said, very accurate !

Mike,, Norwalk

In the scope that it was given, I agree. I also believe in most cases, forgetting is a large part of forgiving. History and science here answers the non-forgetting portion of the quote. By example; forgiving socialists for their atrocities enhances the individual's humanity - BUT NEVER, forget the horrors of applied socialism.

Mike,, Norwalk

Sillik, FYI one element of schizophrenia is when individuals think they are people 🤪🤣

Mike,, Norwalk

ABSOLUTELY ! We hold this truth to be self evident ! ! !

Mike,, Norwalk

🤣 Sillik, hahaha / lolololol ! ! !, You proved my above point absolute by extreme degree. Your empty world salad is theocratic dribble  NOT science.

Mike,, Norwalk

🤪 Sillik, lolol, hahaha! ! ! First, you have no clue what science is. You've been ask to give a science based (through a science methodology) how or why socialism works. YOU CAN'T. Science has NEVER ruled of the possibility of any god. OR, on the other hand, please illuminate your stated science. Scientifically, please let us know how creation occurred without an intelligent design, or how / why matter relates to matter (how/why) a neutron or electron consistently associates with each other, etc., etc., etc. Under a definition of "god", your claiming to be the sole socialist with humanity's only methodology to advancement (a god syndrome) contradicts your own statement. 

Mike,, Norwalk

Accurate when considering a definition of liberal from 1776. Today's liberal mandates censorship, totalitarianism and considers everything outside their theocratical dogma an immoral error and not permitted. Today's liberal is offended and upset when confronted with individual sovereignty, inalienable rights and liberty at nature's law.

Mike,, Norwalk

To know the man's heart gives rise to the greatness where his sense of duty out weighed the simpler calls of life.

Mike,, Norwalk

A huge string of accuracy weaves its way through the tapestry's meaning in the quote.

Mike,, Norwalk

Way more accuracy than not. I remember my first college economics class where the professor explained all economics is based on the family unit. If one person per household works, the cost of items (house, car, food, etc.) will follow suit. If 2 parties per household work, the cost of items follows. What ever the parents (mother and father  nuclear family) teach (work ethic, morals, personal responsibility, independence, education, relationships, etc.) the household will follow. There is always an exception but, that is the rule.

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