Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [51-68] of 68Posts from Mike,, NorwalkMike,, Norwalk Previous 25 3 Reply Mike,, Norwalk Mike,, Norwalk (11/18/24) Attributed to George Washington, as a loose reiteration of Emperor Constantine's defense of Christianity, "The great thing about the American Christian is he would rather die on his feet than live on his knees." 3 Reply Mike,, Norwalk 11/18/24 re: St. Paul quote I here give 1st hand spiritual, physical, mental and otherwise testimony to the extreme accuracy of the above statement. We hold this truth to be self evident. The occupying statist theocracy now infesting this land (with its socialism and otherwise anti-nature's law totalitarianism) is extremely antithetical / hostile to individual sovereignty, personal responsibility, inalienable rights, and freedom / liberty. 1 Reply Mike,, Norwalk Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown (11/18/24) Sillik, if a new socialist god greater than you were to give you and each person on the planet a material resource, such as a tree, what would you personally do with it to be fair to the rest of humanity? 1 Reply Mike,, Norwalk Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown (11/18/24) Sillik, if your sanity is based on your circular word salad, you are of no substance, living in a hallucination of insanity. You didn't define "fairness", "distributing", "resources", "material advantage", or who (some god greater than you) owns what of that which is to be doled out. Your word salad alludes to an elimination of individual sovereignty, personal responsibility, inalienable rights, liberty and nature's law. If you, the sole socialist god on the planet, were given a mound of rare earths in their natural state (material resource), what would you do with it differently than Elon Musk; AND, how is that fair. Reply Mike,, Norwalk Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown (11/17/24) Sillik, idea of fairness ? ? ? I have no question that your's and my definitions of fairness are wildly different. Also, please define "distribution of resources" . Do things such as work ethic, desires, abilities or character (see Dr. Martin Luther King) play into your resource distribution equation? How about equality before the law or of opportunity? Reply Mike,, Norwalk Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown (11/15/24) Sillik, 🤪 lololol / hahaha, Your off topic / misdirection word salad does not in any way address the here subject matter. Please describe the "it" as you understand it. Is a mirror, mirror different than just a mirror? You have described yourself as being the most fair of all. If I look into a mirror, mirror, are you saying I will see you? 1 Reply Mike,, Norwalk 11/15/24 re: Jean-Jacques Rousseau quote I like it a lot — We hold this truth to be self evident ! ! ! Reply Mike,, Norwalk Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown (11/15/24) Sillik, your incoherent word salad does not touch on any sense of palpable reality — at law (science, math, etc.) or otherwise. Truth, peace, liberty, inalienable rights at nature's law are eternally unchanged (the same yesterday, today and forever). Ill behavior includes such enslaving decorum as socialism. Not only has socialism proven to be illogical, tyrannical, destructive and antithetical to humanity, in its many denominational expressions — over, and over, and over again, socialism, as a theocratic mental / physical / religious abnormality defines a form of insanity. Reply Mike,, Norwalk Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown (11/13/24) Sillik, 🤪 hahaha, lololol, can you be more specific without using circular word salad to take the place something scientifically provable — outside your religion. 2 Reply Mike,, Norwalk 11/13/24 re: Harry H. Hoiles quote RIGHT(S): A “right”; is an eternally actionable warrant that, intrinsically facilitates a most base particle’s just mechanics and/or performance. Right(s) is an inherent, inviolate, just and omnipresent component / factor / attribute, composing matter’s structure of expression - bonding / sealing the “be” to the “be” and to the “do” (law existing as the ultimate and final definition: “do”). Right(s) is/are an intricate constituent in/at matter’s ability to self express (without right(s), matter of any size or configuration could not express itself). “You have Rights antecedent to all earthly governments: Rights, that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws; Rights, derived from the Great Legislator of the universe.” (John Adams) Rights, exuding from a material source -from the inside out - are first recognized as unalienable / inalienable (“⋯ which cannot be lawfully transferred from one person to another.” (Bouvier’s Law Dictionary)). Unseen rights, as are interacted with from the outside-in are distinguished as a principle(s). “Human rights are not a privilege conferred by government. They are every human being's entitlement by virtue of his humanity.” (Mother Teresa) In ANY scenario that entails a third party, the action is outside a domain of "right". There is NO! majority right, State's right(s), right to vote, etc. Reply Mike,, Norwalk 11/11/24 re: Hiram Mann quote Sillik, from your god complex status (uniquely being the sole practitioner and divine creator of socialism) what have you created? Reply Mike,, Norwalk 11/11/24 re: Alfred North Whitehead quote Ummm OK. Can someone please elaborate ONE really new idea? Reply Mike,, Norwalk 11/11/24 re: Frank Gelett Burgess quote 🤪 I like it a lot Reply Mike,, Norwalk Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown (10/3/24) Sillik, (-; (-; I smile to an audible level ;-). ;-). you've written another self portrait — good on you. Reply Mike,, Norwalk 10/2/24 re: Father Robert F. Capon quote Why would Capon give trolls a bad name? Reply Mike,, Norwalk Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown (10/1/24) Sillik, if individual sovereigns spoke out for justice, Socialism would be a long time dead. Reply Mike,, Norwalk Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown (9/29/24) Sillik, in repeating a god of your's mantra ("a lie told often enough becomes the truth" (Vladimir Lenin)), does not make it so. Socialism is a destructive challenge to individual sovereignty, inalienable rights, liberty, nature's law, prosperity, humanity's nobility and man's happiness. Socialism is a religion that creates pain, suffering, poverty, mental illness, hate, anger, death and a degradation of everything it touches. ALL Socialism's denominations (communism, fascism, wokeism, etc.) have proven — over, and over, and over again that, each and every application of Socialism is a miserable failure. 1 Reply Mike,, Norwalk 9/26/24 re: Bill Clinton quote Writing a fairly radical Constitution and Bill of Rights is a comparison to the norm of tyrannical usurpations. Freedom (inclusive of and associated with personal sovereignty, inalienable rights, and liberty at nature’s law) is not radical but rather, the antithesis thereto is. Who here is defining responsibility / irresponsibility? Those that are claiming there is too much freedom are misdefining the word, concept and action. There can never be too much freedom while, freedom can only be abused by moving to limit it. Previous 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print