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Posts from Motorhead Mike, Des Moines

Motorhead Mike, Des MoinesMotorhead Mike, Des Moines
Motorhead Mike, Des Moines

Mike, Norwalk, a study of our world banking system will reveal that big brother does not own the banks the international bankers own them. Read pamphlet entitled Economic Solutions by Peter Kershaw, there is one of his quotes available here. If you are adventurous read "The Creature from Jekyll Island." It's like we are trapped in a box with no windows or doors or even the desire to look outside let alone resolved to get out! This can only end one way if this doesn't change very soon. The beginning of the destruction of our Republic began with Woodrow Wilson, and Americans worked and slept while the philosophies that produced men like Obama grew like a cancer and metastasized. The American people allowed this to happen be it ignorance or apathy of the masses that has brought us to the doorstep of national death and after a point there is no stopping the cancer short of hacking it out (founders type revolution) but the sad fact is that many Americans have been brainwashed to believe that the cancer (socialism/communism) is good so they fall easy prey to charlatans, quacks and hustlers! The thought that went into this quote was prophetic and in line with human nature.

Motorhead Mike, Des Moines

Warren, opinions are like backsides everyone has them but maybe you should do more reading on this subject before offering yours. Just trying to save you embarrassment maybe you could start with this booklet then maybe read The Creature from Jekyll Island so you can understand this issue. "All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arises not from defects in the Constitution or Confederation, not from a want of honor or virtue so much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation." John Adams constitutional convention 1787

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