Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-3] of 3Posts from R. Pittman, FL.R. Pittman, FL. Reply R. Pittman, FL. 12/23/09 re: Samuel Adams quote samuel adams, no dought stands upon the same rock as andrew jackson. if our liberty were not a great force (virtue) then it would not be sought out by all opressed nations. the absolute truth is believed not douted.nor the source form where it comes. phi 4:8 finally, breathen, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue,and if there be any praise, think on these things. not all men have faith. thank God for faithful men, our founding fathers.phi 4:9 those things, which you have both learned and received,and heard, and seen in me,do; and the God of peace shall be with you. men saved by grace through faith, the faith of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. born of the seed of david. who shed his blood for libertys sake. liberty from what? you say. liberty from death ! whether spiritual or phisical makes no differance. for both come together in a truely free nation. strangers children do not understand nor there parents, who bring in strange gods into our country. relishing in our freedom and speaking evil of our Saviour Jesus Christ. useing our laws to opress us. is our president a true christian. or is he ashamed of the gospel of Christ which gives us freedom from the law of sin and opression. double minded is no mind at all ! God does not compromise ! Reply R. Pittman, FL. 12/20/09 re: Andrew Jackson quote the weightier matters of the law are always over looked.mercy, faith, judgement. to look back to our foundation of law. we look to the God of our founding fathers whom they brought forth with, in the form of a book, containing laws and comandments which we belive to be self evadent. proclaiming leberty for the opressed. separation of church and state is to protect the church not the state, Reply R. Pittman, FL. 12/20/09 re: Andrew Jackson quote remember the rock upon which the republic rest. cream will rise to the top. people will return to find the foundation of liberty. thats been covered by the sands of time. they will find men there watching to greet them back home no matter how small it might seem. hopeful in our rock. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print