Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [401-425] of 1148Posts from RBESRQRBESRQ Previous 25 Next 25 2 Reply RBESRQ 5/19/10 re: Aristotle quote As is evident in WMD and nearly all US foreign policy 2 Reply RBESRQ 5/19/10 re: Ronald Reagan quote I believe he was a good man unfortunately he was surrounded by wagons of corruptions and there was no Cavalry to come to his aid. Reply RBESRQ 5/18/10 re: L. Neil Smith quote Justin, I'm afraid you will have to do your homework your self - the list is very long. 11Reply RBESRQ 5/18/10 re: Ronald Reagan quote He's the one that got us into this mess in the first place - another pawn of the elite like Obama. There are to many lies and blunders to list and suffice to say he was the most unpopular president even coming in under Jimmy Carter. Just to name a few of his real big gaffs: Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do; St Helens produce more sulpher dioxide than cars did over a 10 year period; and, then praised P.W. Botha’s apartheid regime for eliminating segregation - the list goes on, and on. Most of his quotes were for the press and were written mostly by speech writers. He will probably go down in history as the worst President, but Bush and Obama may just pip him to the post. Reply RBESRQ 5/18/10 re: Oscar Wilde quote Yes, and they use their guns to make the point. 1Reply RBESRQ 5/18/10 re: L. Neil Smith quote P.s. Oops I forgot, because you have all these guns protecting you you still have the worse crime rate in the western industrial world (sorry America is no longer industrial) that turned the criminals into big business for the corporations. 1Reply RBESRQ 5/18/10 re: L. Neil Smith quote I'm not going to abuse my intelligence by answering these ridiculous affirmations of violence. Cado and Broadhurst please don't be intimidated by this rhetoric - you think a trillion dollar army plus all the mercenaries on their payroll will allow an army of Hillbillies to overthrow the government and the their corporate masters. Even if the government was to fall and there is total anarchy they would start off by killing each other first and then take over what little left there will be. Absolutely laughable. By the way you history buffs, America only came into WWll because they were forced in to it and even then it was two years late in doing so. Now their wars are for resources - don't be so blind. US has has bases in 120 country's and over 700 overseas bases - who the hell are you kidding - do your homework before commenting. By all means have your guns but please don't insult our intelligence by pretending they are to protect you against the government. Europe has the best standard of living in the world and the best health care. 1 Reply RBESRQ 5/17/10 re: Herbert Spencer quote This could be said of any political affiliation - it depends what side on the bench you are sitting. "...the highest type of human nature..." is ambiguous, so ambiguous that it is obviously impossible to find. Republicanism in the last part of the 20th century was very different to today's version of Republicanism - they practically verge on opposite sides. Basically, it comes from the meaning, things that are public – quite funny when you think that most on this blog are against things that are public. From Plato’s Republic to the French and American Revolution versions, they have gone through so much change that it would be impossible to find a definitive version …. “a type nowhere at present existing”. Reply RBESRQ 5/17/10 re: Gilbert Keith Chesterton quote I'm intolerant of the intolerant. Justin, what about proselytizing - being apathetic towards those things you are intolerant and find annoying obviously means they have no importantance in your life. 1Reply RBESRQ 5/15/10 re: Norman Mailer quote Henry, everytown, yes, please keep it that way. Most on this blog have no idea what they are talking about which is usual for right-wing fascists (and why you call yourself Libertarians is beyond me as Libertarians and Liberals use to be bedfellows until capitalism divided them). Ken, please learn your history Socialism and elitist intellectuals is an oxymoron. Obviously you watch to much Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. Reply RBESRQ 5/15/10 re: Eric Hoffer quote I'm defending Socialism because of twisted interpretation it has on this blog not because I necessarily agree with it. Reply RBESRQ 5/15/10 re: Eric Hoffer quote Ken, obviously you are beyond education when it comes to social issues, therefore I suggest you leave that subject alone. Ken, why do you always think black and white - there are many shades of welfare other than what you express which is in line with most nationalists. I feel sorry for you - it will be progressive and liberals that will pick you up from the curb when the need arises. Abigail would leave you there. You have not the slightest knowledge how socialism came about, I suggest you google it. 1Reply RBESRQ 5/15/10 re: Aristotle quote Abigail, If everyone was like you it would be OK but they are not. Most are selfish, and intolerant of difference. 11Reply RBESRQ 5/14/10 re: Norman Mailer quote Yes, I must give it to NM, he is perfectly correct if he added at the end of this quote "...for the rich." Jim, I'm not going to pull the appropriate references - there are thousands some are extreme right wing and most are compassionate and have good reason. You make me laugh - you don't say a thing about socializing the wealthy families, the banks, AIG and so on and so on. But, you dare give the poor or those who cannot afford medical insurance Universal health care and all your guns come out blazing - what hypocrisy - its show us you are on the side of the LOOTER class. Reply RBESRQ 5/14/10 re: Eric Hoffer quote Good Waffler, though I would change the your word 'superior" for "compassionate". Jim - get a life. Winning a race and starving to death are two different things - in your world its winner take all and don't share with those who are not as strong or brainy? Wow! what a world... Socialism came about because of this very reason. Tell me whats wrong with wanting equal rights? what's wrong with helping those less fortunate? what's wrong with sharing your good fortune (which has been made probably on the backs of those who labor and are not either clever enough to become boss's and must remain underlings. Waffler get ready for the onslaught... Reply RBESRQ 5/14/10 re: Aristotle quote Anon, makes a good point. A perfect quote for this blog, though I must question the context in which this quote was delivered (probably out of "Politics") Editor, do you have the source? Perhaps someone can pull the actual page reference. Aristotle's dream of the Athens Academy was thwarted when Plato decided to hand over his 40 year academy to a younger student hence his trip to Macedonia on the behest of King Philip whose infamous son was Alexander the Great. His writing was, for the most part, compassionate of those who were unequal, hence his other quotes: "The only stable state is the one in which all men are equal before the law". And, "If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in the government to the utmost" and "It is clearly better that property should be private, but the use of it common; and the special business of the legislator is to create in men this benevolent disposition". So, the above quote is some what of a change to his core philosophy. Reply RBESRQ 5/13/10 re: Edmund Burke quote Justin you are correct - the Brits have used Berke as in my first definition above. Don't worry the Brits only use it in conversation like the word "Brick" meaning the opposite to Burke. Reply RBESRQ 5/13/10 re: Edmund Burke quote Yes, the two are bedfellows. There are several meanings behind the noun Burke, and this is one of them: A conniving person consumed with self-interest and completely lacking in morality or any other redeeming qualities, exemplified by an abuse of power or act of subversion. I only say this because in the UK it's used at least once a day in conversation - the other definitions you don't want to know. Reply RBESRQ 5/13/10 re: Alan Jay Lerner quote Love it! I love this one too - I think it was also a LibertyTree quote: We know what happens to people who stay in the middle of the road. They get run down. Aneurin Bevan, Welsh politician. Retort from your living room is like shouting in a crowd, only you hear your words. RBE Reply RBESRQ 5/13/10 re: Abraham Lincoln quote Lincoln, It seems America is an anomaly - the Spartans yet again show us the way and Ireland is close on its heals. It's time to break up America into four states, then we may stand a chance to survive - if not then it's "The Wild West part ll". The Euro needs to be abolished as this is part of the NWO strategy, hence the bailout of its members. 1 Reply RBESRQ 5/12/10 re: Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoi quote While the wealth is being amassed by a few (especially this year while there is no death tax), the poor are growing in number and no amount of police or military will stop the inevitable. 1 Reply RBESRQ 5/12/10 re: Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoi quote Mike, I couldn't have said it better - and Arizona is leading the charge. Reply RBESRQ 5/12/10 re: H. L. Mencken quote Perfect! Reston, we already have those days. 3 Reply RBESRQ 5/12/10 re: Jim Morrison quote Yes, they control - our intolerance, indifference, apathy, and greed, is just proof. The only change they create is more greed and more intolerance. Unfortunately they control 95% - obviously we have a lot of weak minds. Reply RBESRQ 5/11/10 re: M. Stanton Evans quote Yes, Jim, just like Bush did on the Ranch. Satire, but worth three stars. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print