[1026-1050] of 1148

Posts from RBESRQ


The point is "If" Please, someone, explain: 'Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for,..' Generally the comments are good - but we seem to forget all to easily that we are currently practicing socialism like never before but this time for the wealthy and not the welfare of the people. The "general welfare" of the people is an admirable sentiment, and Terry you were right in the first place, don't apologize (good to see you back). Gobbledygook and Codswallop (thanks E for that one), is their no compassion on this blog; are we all so selfish that everyone else can go to hell - lets all retreat into our caves...


Yes, if only we could procure knowledge instead of arms perhaps we could learn to prevent wars - when will we learn that intelligence is better than brawn...


Our elections have been that of the third world - Mike they programmed these machines with a back door - I wonder why...


Another stupid statement!


Stupid statement!


We do have about 70 Celtic words we still use today and the word 'Red' is one of them - much of the Celtic language has its roots in Indo-European (Sanskrit) also much of our language today is from Old-English, German and Dutch. Latin I believe was brought into Italian peninsular by the Etruscans - please correct me if I'm wrong. Another great contributor is obviously Greek


Jim, so is he saying that if education subsidies were for the poor that advocates for government involvement would support it? If that's the case, yes, he is probably right. But, why, have a subsidy if there is a free state system - would the subsidies be used by those who can already afford to send their children to private schools and therefore defeat the purpose of the subsidy. Those who are poor cannot afford to send their children to private schools regardless of any subsidy. Basically, what you are doing is subsidizing the the rich- for my edification are parents given any tax relief on the money they spend on private education, if not perhaps this is something we should look at..


Government doesn't want educated people they wants morons - the ide behind this statement is incorrectly expressed there should be a word between employ and education like "little" or "mediocre". This is why educational reform is imperative.


O yes, so our educational system is to rely on the compassion of the human race - give me a break. Isn't that the same re tax dollars - who will decide where those tuition dollars go. Its an idea without too much thought. The idea is good but not its reality. We will revert back to the old school of thinking and wars will ensue. We come out with these grandiose statements without any thought of their consequences.


Its the intention that matters. - the only true education is Liberal Arts. Liberal Arts education provides the basis for survival it fosters critical thinking and individualism, both essential ingredients in a world where purely academic education is only represented by a small majority of available jobs. It allows an understanding of the different disciplines from a variety of life’s rich knowledge. It provides understanding through communication and experience that is wide and inclusive. Teach your child these qualities and all else with fall into place – you will have a child that questions authority and whose vocabulary does not include mediocrity.


If you can afford the best FANTASTIC! well done


Archer, actually, I went to a private school but my heart is with the kids from state schools. I was deputy head boy, captain of a number of teams, 2xBA's, writer/producer of advertising commercials, had my own film company - there you are, now you know a little more about me.


Archer, spin, spin, spin, you must be giddy with all this talk of nationalism. Again you pose the question to fit your argument an old trick used but those who are familiar with propaganda - you would make a good recruit. I don't know if you have been to Europe or know the educational system (though I disagree with much of the UK system), they do teach the age of enlightenment, Buddha and other beliefs and philosophies. Through the ages many great minds were taught by other great minds, in particular; Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. These great minds influenced western culture and noe were taught at home. Ther are very few great minds that had their schooling by their parents - perhaps for the record you could name me a few. Learning is not not about passing tests or about being clever it's about being able to give back to society. You can of course sit atop a mountain and mediate the cosmos and commune with nature. I chose to get messy - life is about inquiry. If you let them children have these qualities of excellence, they are a factory for inventions. I will always remember the day a seven year old beat me at chess (I was 22). It was then that I realized that all you need to do is listen and when asked open the doors. Good luck Archer with your kids I'm sure they will grow up to be wonderful people - see "Slumdog Millionaire" its a great film by a Brit. Don't let the film put you off going to India - it is truly beautiful and is the home of the oldest great minds. To help understand Indian culture see the "Chess Player" I think you can get it on DVD. The to all this is to teach your children to have an open mind and as Russell would say "Always question authority"


Why not Archer? you can be President with a 'C' and proud of it! It's not what you know in life its how you handle what you know that counts.


Being a NY State teacher I can understand that statement - being a compassionate human being I can't.


Editor, it's about time you had some positive quotes


I love Russell, but that's him trying to be Oscar


J. Carlton, look in a mirror


OK guys lets just go back to having tribes and dukedoms and then we will be able to have wars - great! just what the world needs. There are many wonderful state educational systems and there are many awful state educational systems - there are many great home schoolers and there are many awful home schoolers. This is not the point don't you get this into your silly heads. Lets have our guns by our side and our children locked away in their rooms and if anyone comes near shoot them. Freedom is only achieved through discipline - teach your child what discipline is and you are half way there. FC is an example of understating the facts to his own advantage. State schools are NOT FREE - I don't have children but I am willing to pay the tax (which I do) necessary to provide children with an education. I am will to pay into a system that allows families without means an educational system. What is desperately needed in America is educational reform (big time). I am also a Rotarian and as a collective service organization we provide millions in grants for students we also provide millions for the eradication of Polio, for clean drinking water in Africa, disaster relief programs - so tel me the difference between that and giving our money to a government to help children become educate and to help families who are unable to afford health care. Tell me you bloggers how do we provide education, health care to children and families who are unable to do it them selves? either by wealth or intellect. As for FC other statements, well, thats another page.


Waffler, Sarasota has quite a bevy of Chess players so when you are down this way we'll arrange a game.


Mike and Archer, you both make good points and your actions are probably honorable - you both sound like good chaps and are well intentioned. All I am saying is that the kind of fun I had at school could never have been experienced at home. My parents were the best in the - I would play chess with my father for hours and when I stared to have more wins than losses he said my job is done - my mother not once raised her voice to me and I mean raised - I believe them both to be Angels. We were not a religious family thought I did attend a religious school. I was a Queen Scout (the highest achievement) I was captain of the school's football and athletic team. My tutors were wonderful and taught me in between my training sessions. I have no doubt that the education I received was the best a child could wish for. Kindness comes from the heart and is my religion (like the 14th Dalai Lama). Ethics is an understanding and the platform from which you say or do is based on that understanding. Please read Understanding Ethics in Development: Rational Reasoning and Cultural Attitudes" by Nitin Sawhney. You can find it on the web. I believe a schooling based on ethics is the foundation of any good education. As a parent it is your responsibility to locate the best for your child.


I can't believe Mencken said this... He was privately educated and graduated from Baltimore Polytechnic when he was 16 - he believed in Evolution and thought religion was a tool for manipulating the masses.


Of course teachers are not substitute parents what a silly statement. Well said Will and Emily - thank god there are some people on this blog who are not in rapture over the latest cool-aid. You need money for private education and time if you choose parental choice, neither of which is in the realm of reality for most Americans. Please step down from your ivory towers into the real world. Very good Archer but I'm afraid sad to the point that children need to be with other children they need to know the heartbreaks they need to deal with bullies, they need interaction and all that goes with that (the good and the bad). Do you teach ethics - to do so you must have training. I am astonished how selfish we are. Archer, I do agree we must be responsible for our own actions and be more self reliant. I also agree its the parents responsibility to help in the education of their children but not to exclude them from the wonderful experience of learning with other children. I'm sorry, but your path is a selfish one - I just hope your children agree with your decision to home-school them.

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