John Taylor GattoJohn Taylor Gatto, (1937-2018) American school teacher of 29 years, author, New York State Teacher of the Year, 1991

John Taylor Gatto Quote

“School is the first impression children get of organized society. Like most first impressions it is the lasting one. Life is dull and stupid, only Coke provides relief. And other products, too, of course.”

John Taylor GattoJohn Taylor Gatto
~ John Taylor Gatto

The Underground History of American Education, 2001

Ratings and Comments

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

If you all are tired of this crap yet I suggest you google "positive quotes about education". You will have a refreshing experience, However I understand that many like to be miserable most of the time, it is the right wing life style to me miserable. I know no kindergarteners or 1st graders who received negative lasting impressions. I know that I did not, I remember mine fondly and the elementary kids who pass my home are happy and animated. Where actually do guys like Gotto come from.

jim k, austin

Waff , I believe that Mr. Gattos qualiifications are at least as good as yours, perhaps even better.

jim k, austin

Hey Waff, he is from New York and was teacher of the year in 1991. How does your resume look?

wheeler, andrews s.c
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wheeler, andrews s.c jim k, austin 1/24/19

Why would a teacher advocate  never facing reality.  Living   non-realistic life  never gets a problem solved? I disagree with this teacher.  We must face a problem before we can solve it.   

Anonymous, Reston, VA US

Most 5yr olds today have spent tons of time in front of the TV and w/ peers already, they already have a very good exposure to "organized society" long before school starts. And their sugar addiction too is formed long before school is begun, that too is firmly upon the backs of their parents, not school.

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RBESRQ    1/13/09

Being a NY State teacher I can understand that statement - being a compassionate human being I can't.

E Archer, NYC
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E Archer, NYC RBESRQ 1/25/19

Education is NOT social work!  Sheesh.

jim k, austin

RBESRQ, your statement is a bit confusing. What on earth does "being a compassionate human being" have to do with understanding this quote? It's pretty easy to understand. Does being a "compassionate human being" make a person stupid? As to the first sentence, are you a NY State school teacher or are you referring to Mr Gatto?

E Archer, NYC

Oh for Pete's sake, who didn't like Kindergarten! But, yes, it wasn't many years later that school became really BORING. And religious schooling became even more depressing and hypocritical. By the time I graduated, I could hardly wait to get the hell out of there! Gatto is way cool, and he got the Teacher of the Year by getting through to students by bucking the system. Good for him!

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    RBESRQ    1/13/09

    No comment!

    Mike, Norwalk

    lol, (-; I like it ;-)

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    ABBY    4/18/24

    His books are priceless....


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